Good point Farkel. After I read the book, I thought to myself, if this is a bunch of bunk, then the Society would have slapped a lawsuit on Ray quicker than flies gather on doo-doo. However, the only thing they could do was just try to discredit his character and passing the word along (not in print, but verbally) that this man was the epitome of apostasy and should be avoided like the plague.
JoinedPosts by TweetieBird
? about a part of Ray Franz' Book
by GodRules ini read part of ray franz' book and in there he tells of a proposal that schroeder and two other members of gb.
it had something to do with the coming of christ in 1957, i think.
does anyone have information on what exactly it was that they proposed and what scriptures they gave for that proposal?.
"Mists of Avalon"
by Mulan indid anyone watch this show on tnt this week?
it's another version of the arthur legend.
i finished watching it tonight.
I taped it but have not watched it as yet. I plan on spending some of the weekend watching it, as we are suppose to get rain ALL weekend.
The Infallable, Inspired Word of God
by drahcir yarrum ini have often wondered, if the bible is the infallable word of god and inspired in the minds of men by the mind of god.
then why is it you can prove or disprove just about anything with it?.
these are the sorts of questions that cause problems for organizations that claim to also be god's spokesmen.
I could never figure out how the society could equate conventions with trumpet blasts, plagues maybe for those sitting there, but not trumpet warnings.
by drahcir yarrum inmy only exposure to mormonism was a tour my family and i had of the mormon complex in salt lake city a few years back.
it was very interesting and of course they have the tours conducted by young single mormon women.
i must say, they don't look like marie osmond.
I always knew you had a mean streak!
To alamb
by TweetieBird inyou stated in another post.... "i personally am eternally grateful that someone went out on a limb to talk to me.
after the first 5 minutes, 35 years of beliefs melted away and i was able to see beyond the lies.
the puzzle finally fit.".
You stated in another post...
"I personally am eternally grateful that someone went out on a limb to talk to me. After the first 5 minutes, 35 years of beliefs melted away and I was able to see beyond the lies. The puzzle finally fit."
Just curious, what exactly was said in those 5 minutes that had such an impact on you? I ask so that someday, when talking to loved ones still in the clutches of the borg, I can possibly use some of the material that was presented to you.
Visit my Circuit Overseer page
by Carlo inhello brothers and sisters.
i'm a circuitoverseer.
you are welcome to visit my page at.
Carlo, if you really are a circuit overseer, then please share your thoughts on what Silentlambs is trying to accomplish. Do you support what he is doing? Do you personally know William Bowen? How do you feel about the organization giving pedophiles a slap on the hand?
P.S. BTW, If you truly are a circuit overseer, then you are going against the Society by posting on an "apostate" site.
Grain For Sale
by drahcir yarrum ini have come into possession of several bushels of "miracle wheat".
if you can help me find a buyer, i will pay a finders fee.
Hey Richard, I searched and searched for the post you were talking about, your first. Please find it and bring to the top.
Is it right to get people out of the org?
by sleepy ini gather that most on this forum would agree that jehovah's witneeses do not have the truth they cliam to have.. but to what degree do we inform friends and relatives who are still belivers of this.. for many (assuming they come to the same conclution) it would come as a relief , but for others could it do more harm than good?.
for instance an elder in my hall recently died from cancer which he had suffered from for about a year.. what kept him going and happy through pain and suffering was the belief that he was in the true religion favored by god and would recieve a resurection.. imagine the heart break he would had suffered if people had convinced him that the society was a sham.. imagine others say like my parents who are in their 50's and have no pension who look forward to the future paradise.. would it be right for me to covince them that thier dreams for for future are all flawed.. i am still in my 20's and i'm not the type to get depreesed and all that, but i have to admit to being gutted when the truth dawned on me that all my hopeds and beliefs were likely wrong.. but can we be certain to such an absolute degree that all that witnesses belive is false?.
do we really have the right to preach with coviction to others that they are wrong, just like we preached when we belived?.
Sleepy, I agree that for some it would be worse to find out about "the Truth." Take my mom, for instance, she is 78 years old, has dedicated more than 50 years to the org, at this point in her life, starting over is not really an option. It would put her on her death bed for sure. That is why I still pretend to be in the org, for her sake. I know she won't be around that much longer as her health is steadily decreasing, therefore, I don't want to hurt her, so I keep up the charade.
The CO's visit
by OrangeBlossom inthis past week was the visit of our circuit overseer.
i know what you are thinking so before i post some of his comments that i personally found interesting, i only went to keep peace in the family and not give rise to suspicion about my true feelings.
so with that said, here are some things that grabbed my attention.. 1) his talk thursday nite was about being successful and how the world's view of success is far different than the organizations.
Hi Joel, John's fine. I go to the same hall (when I go) but he's a quiet guy, doesn't say much.
BTW, I changed my screen name to TweetieBird.
What happened to "Jehovah's Christian Witn...
by blondie ini have noticed in using the wt-cd that the use of the terms "jehovah's christian witnesses" and "christian witnesses of jehovah" dropped dramatically after 1980. is there a reason for that?
In my area years ago, there was a listing in the phone book (yellow pages) for Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. They were by the JW's definition, apostates. Quite a little group there for a while, then they just disappeared.
Maximus is right about the convention centers. The one in West Palm Beach is called West Palm Beach Christian Convention Center of Jehovah's Witnesses, or something like that. That is the convention center that the WTS purchased for 12 million and sold half of the land back to the city for 15 million, making a hefty little profit and still owning the real estate. Maximus can fill you in on the details, as I may have the figures wrong.