Ditto to what Jurs just said, that completely sums it up for me as well.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
i'm just curious as to how many ex-witnesses here still believe in the god of the bible ?
and how many, due to the societies teachings have given up on god all together ?
Ditto to what Jurs just said, that completely sums it up for me as well.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
hello to anyone who cares,.
i am in the fowlest of moods.
last week i started cosmetology school ( i love it so much ), anyhow who did i see there but another sister from my kingdom hall.
Hi Jurs,
Even though you say you do not feel embarrassed or ashamed, just mad, no one deserves to be treated that way. Shunning was always a pet peeve of mine, even when I still believed it was the truth.
But try not to let that "sister" affect your life, it's just not worth it. Consider it her loss and sad misfortune that she is under the power of a cult. Maybe someday she will start to question her behavior and then come to you with questions. I think the majority of witnesses really hate the shunning part.
I look back and feel remorse for shunning those that were disfellowshipped. I thought I was doing what was right by Jehovah. She may feel the same way.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
put aside for a moment your statis of the organization, it's saturday morning and your on the other side of the ole familar knock.
"hello i'm brotherdoesnthavealife i haven't seen you in a while" how would you react?.
it happened to me after about 6 years of being inactive and it was an elder and a c.o.
Well, I get a visit at least once a month. I think my mum-in-law puts them up to it as it is her mission in life to save her children.
The last time they came by, which was a week ago, was to drop off the latest Kingdom Ministry. That in itself is mind boggling as we rarely attend meetings. We kept them standing at the door, and I think they got the hint. The time before that my husband told them that while he appreciated them stopping by, being raised in "the truth" we know what we are supposed to be doing, subtly letting them know that they are wasting their time.
As far as I am concerned, I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
when i was first having doubts about the organization, i stumbled across the following site.... .
it really opened my eyes, because i have a mother-in-law that tells me constantly that the witnesses are the only ones that bear god's name.
My point exactly!
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
date: 01 01 2005. press release from the watchtower bible and tract society.
dear brothers.
we felt it necessary, after prayerful consideration, to write this letter of apology to all congregations with regard to the societys failed predictions of armageddon.. many have raised concerns over the changes in biblical understanding that occur from time to time, and the implications this has on whether we have the truth at this current moment.. well, the truth is, brothers, we havent got a clue.
Good post.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
what are your thoughts?
have the officials of the wts read coc?
do you think or feel that they read "apostate" material regularly?
Available, you asked, "What changes in doctrine (if any) do you think have come as a direct or indirect result of Ray's and other's books?"
Ray made mention, long before the change in the generation explanation, that they (the GB) would have to come up with something, as all of the GB would be dead before long and then what. Hence, their understanding of the generation of 1914 changed, newer and younger members of the GB were added.
There are probably more, but I will leave that to some of our more enlightened ones on this board.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
i have rarely found anything written by active jws here.
it causes me to wonder if this was actually set up by an active jw and got out of hand.
especially since the site asks us not to stumble our brothers.. ooooo....i have been warned about evil boards like this!!
I feel that I am somewhat of an expert on MLM's since my husband and I were sucked into a couple of them in the past. What a waste of time and money.
What is interesting about it, though, is that the last one we were in was a lightbulb moment for us. Sitting at an MLM meeting/convention is just like sitting in the Kingdom Hall/conventions. It pretty much dawned on both of us that being a JW is just like being in a MLM.
Here are the similarities:
1) Meetings 2 to 3 times a week
2) Share the product (message) with anybody and everybody...the 3 ft. rule
3) It all sounds good from the podium but in real life it's just a dream
There were more but it's late and I can't think of them right now.
But to answer a question posed above, that is why JW's are so attracted to them, because it's familiar to them. In fact, several MLM's that I have either looked into or been sucked into, oftentimes I thought to myself that a witness must have been behind the meeting thing as there were just too many similarities.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
i know it is unusual to post a site for promoting business, but let me tell you that i'm sure bill bowen and his wife sheila would sure appreciate your business, since they don't have much coming in to help out with bill traveling and all.
they have the highest quality candles on their website.
show them you appreciate their hard work exposing the pedophiles!.
Thanks Randy for posting the address. I requested it in another thread not only for myself but also in the hopes that maybe we could generate some income for the Bowen's. If anyone deserves some financial support, it would be them.
They are performing a great service for so many, we should do our part to help out and get some great candles in the meantime.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
was thinking about poor old brother who just stopped talking whilst giving a public talk ... went all quiet, then just keeled over ... gobsmacking moment it was - flurry of activity, fire doors flung wide open to get air to him - tie loosened - ambulance called - rushed to hospital - was okay - watchtower study brought forward - over-ran would you believe (was hoping to get away earlier) - excitement enough for one day though .... c'mon - lets hear about your audacious, breathtaking, heart-stopping, gobsmacking moments ??????????????????
Oh I would love to have seen that!
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
what are your thoughts?
have the officials of the wts read coc?
do you think or feel that they read "apostate" material regularly?
Of course they have. What's more, they obviously could not find any false statements, otherwise, they would have slapped a lawsuit against Ray, the publisher and anyone else involved.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero