P.S. we love you too and welcome! Hope you learn something.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
why won't you let me help you?
you have been deceived!!!
it's not too late.
P.S. we love you too and welcome! Hope you learn something.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
why won't you let me help you?
you have been deceived!!!
it's not too late.
What brings you here? Obviously, you must have some small twinge of doubt, otherwise you would never have even looked at this board, let alone posted. Don't you realize that you are being disloyal to the organization?
Shame on you!!!
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
references have been made recently about joining the ymca is considered apostasty by the wts.
what action could be taken against someone (inactive jw that occasionally goes to meetings, they still give me a km each month even tho i haven't been in service for a couple of years and i do not attend the thursday nite meeting) like me?
the reason i am asking is because we joined the ymca a few months ago and have a draft taken out of our bank account for the membership dues.
References have been made recently about joining the YMCA is considered apostasty by the WTS. What action could be taken against someone (inactive JW that occasionally goes to meetings, they still give me a KM each month even tho I haven't been in service for a couple of years and I do not attend the Thursday nite meeting) like me? The reason I am asking is because we joined the YMCA a few months ago and have a draft taken out of our bank account for the membership dues. This is recorded in our check book and each month we send this information to our accountant (a JW) who sees a debit for the YMCA. What do you think will happen?
I'm ready for them, though. I am just going to use the excuse that I am not really supporting them, just joined to use the facilities. Kind of like the WTS using the UN for the library card. Think it will fly?
Actually, I really don't care what they do to me at this point.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
i have come to the conclusion that the shunning practices of the jw's are in fact worse than the worst crime committed.
just imagine, your own daughter shunning you, not wanting to see me or her first son (my grandson).
whenever i walk around in the village i live and i happen to encounter jw's, they don't even acknowledge that i exist at all!!.
Don't give up on your daughters. My father disassociated 10 years before he died. At first I did not have much to do with him, being the good little dub that I was, but as time went on something deep inside of me decided that it was wrong and cruel to avoid my father.
He wrote me a very loving letter shortly after he disassociated himself and assured me of his love for me. He told me that if I ever wanted to know why he did what he did, he would be happy to explain it to me.
About 6 years before he died, he got very sick and almost died. Almost losing him made me rethink my relationship with him. Toward the end of his life I spent a lot of time with him, which I am so glad. I did not start having doubts about the organization until a couple of years after he died, so he never knew about my change of heart.
What I am trying to say is this, let your daughters know that you love them and will always be there for them. Tell them that you know that to be loyal to the organization (and stress that it is loyalty to the organization, not Jehovah) they will have to shun you. Even encourage them to ask the elders to show them from the bible the scriptural basis for shunning. You never know what may become of it.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
how do you feel about travelling by air since the events of sept 11?.
have these occurences just made you uneasy, or were they enough to put a stop to flying altogether?.
i told some of my pub buddies that i would ask this question, the news media have indicated that most americans are refusing to travel anywhere by plane at present.. englishman.. nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
I was not particularly fond of flying before Sept. 11, so I am probably not a good one to answer this. I do, however, feel that now is probably one of the safest times to fly due to all of the extra security measures in place.
While on vacation recently, (we drove) we did meet some tourists from Germany and asked them if they were afraid to visit the US. Their response was that they hesitated at first, but felt like they needed to keep living and not hide in a cave.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
on whtv upn 18 (channel 5) they aired the commercial put out by the congregation of jehovah's witnesses (12:38 am on monday night).
it is only airing in the north east us.. a brother who saw the commercial last friday said it was really nicely done.
it talks about family life and plays the kingdom songs in the background.. a telephone call to the society confirmed it was a trial, and it was a bonafide jw advertisement.. .
I mentioned this to my husband and 18 year old this morning and asked my son his thoughts on this. His reply was that it seems like JW's are trying to be like all the other religions.
I also mentioned it to my mother and she was a little taken back but then she said that Jehovah would take care of it if it was not the right thing to do. Also, that we must really be getting close to the end.
Puke, Puke!
Edited to correct grammar.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
steve's article has just been released.. i have posted the particulars and links on the big un thread and linked below.. ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=13530&page=22&site=3.
the tablet is a clergy newspaper that is read by a lot of high up people in both main churches in britian.. congratulations steve.
his article is front and centre.. .
I hear a big "OUCH" coming from Brooklyn Heights.
What a great article. It covered so much, the UN scandal, shunning, child abuse.
Thanks to Steve Bates for a well written article.
Here is a direct link to the article (I think it will work).
. http://www.thetablet.co.uk/cgi-bin/archive_db.cgi?tablet-00577
Thanks Hawkaw
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
i went out to eat last night with my neice.
we had a few drinks and started talking.
before i knew it the conversation turned to the subject of doubts about the organization and if i recall correctly (hard when you've had a couple) she is the one that brought the conversation up.
I agree that she was probably crying partly out of relief, but, also at the situation she now finds herself in. She is in her early 20's and recently separated from an abusive husband (a JW). She is living back home with her parents. She cannot handle being shunned by her family right now. Of course, I told her that I would never do that to her, but she's very close to her parents and really does not want to hurt them.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
i went out to eat last night with my neice.
we had a few drinks and started talking.
before i knew it the conversation turned to the subject of doubts about the organization and if i recall correctly (hard when you've had a couple) she is the one that brought the conversation up.
I went out to eat last night with my neice. We had a few drinks and started talking. Before I knew it the conversation turned to the subject of doubts about the organization and if I recall correctly (hard when you've had a couple) she is the one that brought the conversation up.
Well I went out on a ledge and mentioned that I too had had doubts for years now, living hell, yada, yada, yada, and after she expressed that she was torn between living her own life and hurting her parents, I told her about the UN thing. She was totally shocked.
I felt kind of bad because she went outside and after she didn't return for a while I went looking for her. She was outside crying hysterically. Her whole belief system had been crushed in those few minutes.
I don't know what will become of it, but she said she was so grateful that she now had someone to confide in.
If she decides to tell her parents about it, then I will surely be df'd as my brother-in-law is a real dick-head that firmly believes in going straight to the elders about any wrongdoing, but at this point, I don't really care.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
who brings about moral change in the organization?.
we, who are called "apostates", "opposers" and the .
>>Would Bethel still be the miserable sweatshop it was in
the '70's - unless "unfaithful" brothers created such
a crisis that change had to be made?
Can you please elaborate? I haven't heard this one.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero