It's not all over. About 20 years later. Then, I was the assistant to the bookstudy conductor when they still met midweek.
And as a custom each bookstudy group would rotate feeding or taking out the visiting speaker. Our study conductor was out of town so I was the one to handle this. Well they arrived and introduced my family and myself to them, and it turns out that this is the young girl now a woman with a very nice family that I or should I said we had this clandistine relationship was his wife.
He gave a great talk, we and the friends took them out to eat. And as always the questions are "how long have you been in the truth?, is your family in the truth, and where are you from and or raised... To OUR SURPRISE we were from the same little town, only I was in the spanish and she was in the english. Actually the evening went well, just the subtile inquesitiveness in our eyes of seeing each other again. All I can remember is she moved to the nearby city and I moved on... We never said bye in the formal way and no feelings were touched as it was a relationship build on clandistine lust with the secrecy of it even more exciting. We were first timers.
We hit it off very well, that her husband gave us there address and invited us to visit. My wife liked them especially her very much.
Gave it some thoughts and didn't think (YOU THINK) that a visit would be comfortable for either of us...