I never thought of that and yet it is so obvious. I will have to tell my husband that Art is the proper name.
JoinedPosts by ingimar
AAWA ... It's not too late to change the name.... any suggestions?
by Calebs Airplane infirst, i'd like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to cedars, barbara and the rest of the staff who put this together... it's something we all hope will have great success in exposing the watchtower's continuous deception and manipulation.. however, i don't think it's too late to change the name to something less militant or less confrontational.... my humble suggestion is ... pafjw (pacifist association of former jehovah witnesses).
AAWA ... It's not too late to change the name.... any suggestions?
by Calebs Airplane infirst, i'd like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to cedars, barbara and the rest of the staff who put this together... it's something we all hope will have great success in exposing the watchtower's continuous deception and manipulation.. however, i don't think it's too late to change the name to something less militant or less confrontational.... my humble suggestion is ... pafjw (pacifist association of former jehovah witnesses).
Perhaps those of us who have never been a JW, don't put as much emphasis on this name thing. I am so tired of bickering over God's name! If my husband quotes "Hallowed be thy name" one more time to me, I am going to bonk him! I told him that I am going to refer to his Jehovah as "Bob" because Jehovah is a created name too. Let it go, name is not that important. What they accomplish is and the organizers will not waste any more time on this trivial name thing!
So...What Are YOU Doing Tonight?
by minimus ini think i'll go to my favorite`watering hole and help "celebrate" tonight's festivities.. what are you doing this evening?.
anyone going to the "lord's evening meal"?.
Think that I will go for a long walk in the park while my husband takes on his cult personna and attends his little function. If I stay home, I will just get myself all worked up. I will stay out long enough to allow the the glassiness to be out of my husband's eyes by the time I see him. I will not any questions about how it was or who he saw. I will let him think that I had a great time without him.
Over 4 months, still no response to this letter to the elders!
by Greybeard inhi everyone, its been over 4 months and i have not heard a response from the elders.
i called one of them a few weeks back.
he said they sent it to bethel and haven't heard back yet.
What an amazing letter!
I have never been a Jehovah Witness but my husband is on the fence regarding to be active or inactive. We have been together 7 years, lived together for 3 years and married for 4 years. I realize now that he was never supposed to be living in sin with me. I am sure that he has never told the local congregation about that!
During our 7 years together, he attended the Hall twice so I never really knew much about the faith. It is only the last few months, since they literally tackled him at the door that he has shown interest in becoming active again. At this point, I started researching them and panicked when I realized what control they could have over him and what this could do to our marriage. Without being fully informed, I bombarded him with questions and threats which I know now pushed even further towards them. I have since read both of Stephen Hassan's books and I have received a lot of helpful advice on this website. I know now that I need to be supportive, caring and loving while trying to subtly plant seeds of doubt in him. It is not easy!
I have printed your letter, whited out all the web site info, and I will ask him to read it in its' entirety. I will tell him that I found this letter and that it touched me deeply and that I want to see what he thinks.
I live in Canada and I wish that you lived closer. I don't know of any ex or discouraged JW's who could speak to my husband.
I am so sorry that the Watchtower Society has probably cost you your marriage. I just hope that I can save mine.
kindness of Jw's
by d inwe got a call from a jehovah witness and they were willing to help shovel our drive way.
i find it strange how these jw's take an interest in our welfare.where as others could care less.
so i realize not all jw's are bad.if only more of them take a geuine interest in others they would not be so bad.
I live in a neighborhood where we all help each other. Two of my neighbors are always snow blowing my driveway for me. I look after their homes when they go away. I have no idea what religion they are but none of them know that my husband is a JW. I imagine if they did find out, they would really feel sorry for me!
Hubby and Wifey saying Hi
by free and happy inso where do you start?.
i've been reading peoples experiences for several months now trying to figure out what i want to say but how do you put your whole life into a few words?.
i was a born in but have been happy and free for 5 years and luckily for me my husband felt the same way and we have freed our children from being brainwashed.
I would love for my husband to read both of your posts. He is just being redoctrined into the JW's and I know that he has some doubts but feels pressured by many things. I am trying to subtley plant some seeds of doubt in his mind.
Thank goodness that you did some outside research on blood transfusions. Not only did you save your daughter's life but you were also freed from the holds of this cult.
I admire both of you.
Preaching Cult Awareness in their territories
by Emery ini have been wondering if persons here have ever worked the same territories jws work to create awareness to house holders?
for instance, producing custom pamplets or tracts discussing the culture and demands of being a jehovahs witness.
the doctrines and history explained in a fatual manner so that people can weigh the pros and the cons prior to accepting a bible study?
This is a great idea! I am one if the fortunate ones that has never been a JW but my husband has recently been lured back. Since his return, I have been studying everything that I can about the JW's and the Watchtower Society and what I have found is frightening. I am going to try everything that I can to break him free of their hold. I would love to make others aware of what the JW's truly represent. If any body wants to make a template that could be used for distribution, I would love it.
Building Effective Teams
by ABibleStudent ini am completing training for an organization that i belong to and thought that some jwn members might benefit from the following paragraph about team building.. most significant results today are achieved by teams.
teams with members that work cooperatively and with the proper skills can produce amazing results.
this lesson will show you how to transform a group of individuals into a highly effective team with proper motivation, communication, oversight, and rewards.
Birthdays & Christmas
by Rattigan350 inwhat is the deal with people criticizing jws because they don't celebrate birthdays or christmas?.
it is as if when someone is born, from a baby, to a child, teen, adult; that one has a responsiblity to celebrate christmas (and i thought it was a free country); and others have a responsiblity to celebrate others' anniversary of one's birth.. i don't get the criticisms as if celebrating either is a great thing and the not celebrating is a bad thing.. data on star trek said that he does not understand why people celebrate their birthdays - a day one can not possibly remember.. what are you actually celebrating?
the fact that you made it another year?
you celebrate wedding anniversaries because 50% end up in divorce, well then we should all celebrate birthdays because 100% end up in death!
Newbie Here! :) Physically in, mentally out.
by OneStepOut93 inhey everyone.
my name is... well.. let's call me lexi for now.
;) i found this site a long time ago and just decided to join today.. okay so i'm 19and living with my jw witness grandma.
I will be the first to welcome you. I am one of the few on here who has never been a JW but my family has still been negatively affected because my husband was recently lured back. I am still hoping that I can convince him that his religion is not the truth. He is pretty stubborn though. Your childhood experiences sound similar to those of my stepson. He was forced to attend the hall until he was 13 and hated every minute of it. He was glad when his parents separated and his mom stopped attending because he no longer had to attend. He has never stepped foot in the hall since and he is 27. The sad thing is that, to this day, he is still bitter and angry about his childhood and he is also angry at his dad for attending again.
The people on this site have been very helpful to me and they will be to you too. Please don't waste any more of your life in this organization!