This is a great idea! I am one if the fortunate ones that has never been a JW but my husband has recently been lured back. Since his return, I have been studying everything that I can about the JW's and the Watchtower Society and what I have found is frightening. I am going to try everything that I can to break him free of their hold. I would love to make others aware of what the JW's truly represent. If any body wants to make a template that could be used for distribution, I would love it.
JoinedPosts by ingimar
Preaching Cult Awareness in their territories
by Emery ini have been wondering if persons here have ever worked the same territories jws work to create awareness to house holders?
for instance, producing custom pamplets or tracts discussing the culture and demands of being a jehovahs witness.
the doctrines and history explained in a fatual manner so that people can weigh the pros and the cons prior to accepting a bible study?
Building Effective Teams
by ABibleStudent ini am completing training for an organization that i belong to and thought that some jwn members might benefit from the following paragraph about team building.. most significant results today are achieved by teams.
teams with members that work cooperatively and with the proper skills can produce amazing results.
this lesson will show you how to transform a group of individuals into a highly effective team with proper motivation, communication, oversight, and rewards.
Birthdays & Christmas
by Rattigan350 inwhat is the deal with people criticizing jws because they don't celebrate birthdays or christmas?.
it is as if when someone is born, from a baby, to a child, teen, adult; that one has a responsiblity to celebrate christmas (and i thought it was a free country); and others have a responsiblity to celebrate others' anniversary of one's birth.. i don't get the criticisms as if celebrating either is a great thing and the not celebrating is a bad thing.. data on star trek said that he does not understand why people celebrate their birthdays - a day one can not possibly remember.. what are you actually celebrating?
the fact that you made it another year?
Newbie Here! :) Physically in, mentally out.
by OneStepOut93 inhey everyone.
my name is... well.. let's call me lexi for now.
;) i found this site a long time ago and just decided to join today.. okay so i'm 19and living with my jw witness grandma.
I will be the first to welcome you. I am one of the few on here who has never been a JW but my family has still been negatively affected because my husband was recently lured back. I am still hoping that I can convince him that his religion is not the truth. He is pretty stubborn though. Your childhood experiences sound similar to those of my stepson. He was forced to attend the hall until he was 13 and hated every minute of it. He was glad when his parents separated and his mom stopped attending because he no longer had to attend. He has never stepped foot in the hall since and he is 27. The sad thing is that, to this day, he is still bitter and angry about his childhood and he is also angry at his dad for attending again.
The people on this site have been very helpful to me and they will be to you too. Please don't waste any more of your life in this organization!
The "Pop-In"
by Mr. Falcon inso last night the wife is working, the kids are getting ready for bed and i'm watching futurama.
doorbell rings.
now it's dark, snowing and i live on a back road, so it's very odd to have a visitor.
As a never have been and never will be JW, I find these pop ins shocking and appaulling. My husband has recently been lured back into this cult, much to my chagrin, and nobody has come to the door since they "nabbed" him. He has not been going that regularly so I have been expecting and almost hoping that they will stop by. It would be ideal if they stopped by when he wasn't home, which is frequently, as he works out of town. I would love to see them walk into this house uninvited as I would love the opportunity to call the police. The only JW allowed in this house when I am home is my husband. I assume that they don't stop by because of his "worldly" wife.
I am having a hard time accepting that suddenly I am no longer the most important thing in my husband's life. He has confirmed that his faith is the most important thing. We always promised each other that our relationship and our marriage would be number one to both of us. He went to the Hall again yesterday. How is it possible to share a life with someone when your core beliefs are so opposing? I have come to the conclusion that I will not put 110% into a relationship while he puts 110% into a cult and just coasts with our marriage. These are my thoughts today anyways.
Would this work? Be honest. Brutal if necessary.
by okage ini feel i must preface this with context so as to make the intention understandable: .
to jehovah's witnesses and their apologists, that goal is destruction of truth and the downfall of jehovah's witnesses.
but that's not our goal.
I have never been a JW.....thank goodness...but my husband was one before I met him and has recently been attending the hall again, much to my chagrin.
I would like to be able to find out addresses of JW members and either mail or deliver to them some literature. I would love to hand deliver it to their teenagers as my friends recently had JW's come to their door when they were not home, but their teenage daughter was. She spoke with them, took their literature and gave them her first name. Well a couple of days later they returned and her mother answered the door. They asked for Sara (not her real name) was home and the mother informed them that Sara was her daughter and they were to stay away from her.
I would also like to have anti JW literature with me and when I come across them going door to door, I would like to follow up to homes that take any literature with my info which would have links to I know that if people have all this info, they will not be coerced into joining this cult.
This cult is affecting my family and people have to be made aware of it's doctrines and policies by any means. I am all in favour of using the media and encourage people to write letters to their newspapers sharing their experiences. Us non JW's have been too tolerent and too nice for too long and have allowed them to lure too many victims into their organization.
Thanks Robert. Good advice about the bible study without the WT influence as he insists that his beliefs stem from what the bible actually says. I would love some guidance from JWN members on what scriptures to start with and some simple questions that I can ask. My husband knows that I an very scriptually challenged, although I have told him that I have learned a lot while I have been researching his beliefs, but he will be suspect if I immediately start with a seemingly rehearsed snd indepth question. I need him to think that he is dealing with a newbie who is completely ignorant of biblical scriptures. I must keep it basic and simple....HELP!
ingimar was postponed last minute as I failed the pre op which has led to other health concerns
I have been reading Steven Hassan's " Combatting Cult Mind Control" and I am niw totally convinced that the JW's are a cult. I have had to put the book away for a week though asmy husband is home from work and it is best that he not see me reading it yet. My husband has not attended the hall since my last post because he was away at work for two Sundays but did stay home with me as I was upset about the cancelled surgery.
I apologized to him for over reacting and saying some hurtful things ti him. He apologized as well. I have let him know that I am researchinghis faith but that in order to come to a conclusion about it, I cannot and will not form a conclusion by viewing and reading only JW approved literature and websites, but that I will form my opinion by viewing all relevant info from all sides. I have also made it clear that I will form my opinion on my own and that he will be the one to answer my questions, not somebody frim the hall.
Seems to be going okay but I suspect that he will attend the Hall this Sunday.
Where Are You From?
by finallysomepride inalot of members don't have a flag or country name beside their user name, and well frequently one doesn't know where that particular person is from, tell us your country, state, county or what ever you feel like giving out.
if you are going to post please at least devulge your country.. me, i'm originally from taranaki, new zealand via auckland.
for the most of this decade i have been living & working in brisbane, queensland, australia.. .