The financial transactions of early WatchTower days are quite interesting and often flabbergasting. You can hunt down these documents online with a little persistence. They make for interesting reading.
For example:
link to hard copy.
The financial transactions of early WatchTower days are quite interesting and often flabbergasting. You can hunt down these documents online with a little persistence. They make for interesting reading.
For example:
link to hard copy.
pastor russell's life fascinates me.
because he seems like a person who never had any fun.
such a serious face without a smile to be found!
Rose Ball.
She was a bit older than most people realize. However, Maria felt betrayed by her husband's conduct toward Rose. When the judicial hearing was convened to decide the matter of mental cruelty in the estrangement of the Russell's, Pastor C.T. Russell sent Rose Ball to Australia! Pretty hard to get a process server down under to summon her to testify, eh wot?
the mind police.
____________basic principle: [a man’s decisions end up as either successful or suicidal.].
Heartfelt thanks!
Just when I started to think the goon squad might appear with torches and pitchforks, too :)
top ten reasons.
(why) jehovah's witnesses can't cope with the real world____________________.
the watchtower organization denies access to reality, substituting its own version instead.
If you stop and think about it, a small child is afraid to go to sleep with the light off and the closet door open because it is IMAGINATION he can't cope with. It is FANTASY he can't cope with. It is FICTION he can't cope with because he's been exposed to entertainment horror genres.
Grown up Jehovah's Witnesses are just the opposite. The are actually taught that the WatchTower's fantasy horror version of the Great Tribulation and Armageddon are REALITY.
The videos about THE BUNKER try to make "real" what is pure speculative fantastical religious zealotry.
Consequently . . .
Both little kids and grown up JW's need to sleep with the light on and the closet door closed. (Watch out for demons!)
top ten reasons.
(why) jehovah's witnesses can't cope with the real world____________________.
the watchtower organization denies access to reality, substituting its own version instead.
the mind police.
____________basic principle: [a man’s decisions end up as either successful or suicidal.].
When am I ever going to learn that people don't like philosophical threads?
sit a spell and listen to my story.. i once met a fella unlike any other.
let me tell you about the man--a strange and wonderful guy--one of a kind--but housing two personalities at the same’s a quick list to capture your interest.. .
I know what you mean. I was in high school with Candy Clark. She went to Hollywood and ended up in two iconic movies, The Man Who Fell to Earth (with David Bowie) and George Lucas' breakout hit American Graffiti.
I spoke with her casually about 3 or 4 years ago. She is back living in Ft.Worth again. She's my age. She looks back on that period of her life as more of something she hallucinated than lived. I see my life the same way :)
sit a spell and listen to my story.. i once met a fella unlike any other.
let me tell you about the man--a strange and wonderful guy--one of a kind--but housing two personalities at the same’s a quick list to capture your interest.. .
When I try to talk to somebody about a point in time in my past I inevitably moor the event to a popular film at the time. This works if the actor or movie was famous enough to carry forward into the present. Often it is not.
Tom Laughlin is not on anybody's radar screen in 2016. I'm finding that out.
People over the age of 55 may still have an after image of Billy Jack.
Sigh. Pretty soon, everything about my life that I don't write down will have blown away with the sands of time.