As a follow-up to the the text, here is the latest.
I wrote the following e-mail to Lou.
A quick 9-minute explanation of misconceptions.
Religious people get their "Evolution" information from the wrong sources (other religious people.)
Do a quick Google search on "Did man evolve from Apes?" you'll quickly see how scientists do NOT say or teach this--only religious people who misunderstand and misrepresent the facts.
Anyway, like I said to you--I've never met a Creationist interested in the facts direct from Scientists, but you might well be the intellectually honest guy who does.
This short video (above) explains those charts, too.
Today I received this reply:
Thanks for the video, which I watched entirely. I would say that the video simply points out the changing positions of evolutionists and is not at all a reflection of a creationist's viewpoint of evolution.
Creationists never came up with the evolutionary chart, but proponents of evolution have.
And if evolutionists decide to change their viewpoints, they are debating among themselves. It has nothing to do with Creationists.
I enjoyed our little chat the other day. Be blessed.