JoinedPosts by TerryWalstrom
No Mans Land.........The Void..........Whatever........
by Night Owl inhaving a believing spouse, but no longer having any desire to go to the meetings, or service, this is what i've come to call this space i'm in, and i'm sure a few others are in this same space.. nightowl .
HOW TO TURN A HOME BIBLE STUDY into an underground railway
by TerryWalstrom inare you crazy?.
you find yourself 'awake' to the truth about the 'truth' and all you do about it.
is sulk?
Are you crazy?
You find yourself 'awake' to the truth about the 'Truth' and all you do about it
is sulk? That's crazy and worse: it is self-defeating.
IF you are a male in a Jehovah's Witness household you have incredible POWER.
For one thing, if you are smart and not lazy, you can use the Family Bible Study to get your wife and children on a kind of latter-day 'underground railway' to freedom.
The question is, HOW DO YOU DO IT?
Begin at the beginning by visualizing the OUTCOME you most desire!
1. Awakening your family to the truth about the Truth: that's your goal.
2. Equipping each of you to handle the delicate transition from absolute thinking into freedom TO think.
3. Planning your gradual escape by avoiding confrontation and detection.
Okay--how do you begin?
You start by accurately assessing status quo.
It's like map reading: determine exactly where you are; where EACH of your family members stands (in regard to belief, conviction, and rational thinking.)
How do you do this?
What better and safer context is there for asking questions but the home family Bible study?
As the head of the family, it is your duty to determine the status of each member's 'spiritual health.' Right?
Carefully craft some easy questions in the context of getting each person to reveal where they (think) they stand in regard to the 'Truth.'
1. Demonstrate the need for self-awareness.
2. Point out the difference between thinking and knee-jerk indoctrinated answers.
3. Ask 'why?' questions to create a step-by-step kind of pathway rather than lock-step herd mentality.
4. Give practical examples of other religious groups' brain-washed thinking (which is easy for them to see) and break it down for what it is: LOYALTY to men.
5. Explain the difference between making CLAIMS and trusting contrasted with TESTING CLAIMS and holding the results accountable!
1. Who is the Mediator between us and Jehovah?
(They will automatically say: "Jesus" because that is what the Bible says.
Read the scripture.
"… one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all."
1 Timothy 2:5,6Now, read what the Watchtower says which CONTRADICTS the scripture:
"So in this strict Biblical sense Jesus is the"mediator" only for anointed Christians."
Watchtower 1979 Apr 1 p.31ASK THEM TO TELL YOU WHAT THEY THINK about this.
Having already discussed how OTHER religions trick their members into believing false teachings by getting them to TRUST men and show LOYALTY to leaders who are men, you have laid a contrast-and-compare TEMPLATE before them.
NOTE: Do not TELL them what to think. Lead them into using evidence to conclude for themselves!
Ask them what the word 'WORSHIP' means.
Discuss the spontaneous nature of admiration and how emotional it is.
Discuss how natural that reaction is: seeing and meeting somebody who is so incredibly talented, wonderful, and admirable.
Ask them what their reaction would be if they suddenly met Jesus face to face.
Read this excerpt from the Watchtower:
"Jehovah God commands all to worship Christ Jesus because Christ Jesus is the express image of his Father, Jehovah, and because he is the Executive Officer of Jehovah always carrying out Jehovah's purpose (Heb.:3-6)." Watchtower 1939 Nov 15 p.339
Point out this was under the President J.F. Rutherford.
Now go to the time of Brother Knorr's leadership.
"Now, at Christ's coming to reign as king in Jehovah's capital organization Zion, to bring in a righteous new world, Jehovah makes him infinitely higher than the godly angels or messengers and accordingly commands them to worship him. Since Jehovah God now reigns as King by means of his capital organization Zion, then whosoever would worship Him must also worship and bow down to Jehovah's Chief One in that capital organization, namely, Christ Jesus, his Co-regent on the throne of The Theocracy." Watchtower 1945 Oct 15 p.313
Have them read the Watchtower's original Charter out loud:
(1945 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses)
Ask your family how they feel about worship personally--what does it REALLY mean to them?
Discuss this quote in the Watchtower (Pastor Russell's view):
Consider this scripture:
"Hence let no one be boasting in men; for all things belong to YOU, whether Paul or Apol'los or Ce'phas or the world or life or death or things now here or things to come, all things belong to YOU; in turn YOU belong to Christ; Christ, in turn, belongs to God." 1 Corinthians 3:21
What does it mean--'boasting in men'?
What does an 'organization' consist of but men?
Have them read this excerpt from the Watchtower:
"Ask yourself now, Did Christ Jesus, who set our example and told us to follow his example to gain life, join any church organization in his day? No, God does not require us to do that, but he requires us to worship him... We have the Bible to show us the right way. Certainly it is not necessary for a person to become a member of a church to gain everlasting life." Watchtower 1953 Mar 1 p.143
The next lesson should begin with the HUGE CHANGE which took place
between 1953 and 1954.
Suddenly Jesus was removed from 'Jehovah's Organization,' and to worship him was forbidden. In fact, the Society called it 'idolatry.' Idolatry is worship of a 'false god.'
Yet, in John 1: 1 the New World Translation reads ". . . and the Word was a god."
Ask how worship of Jesus could possibly be idolatry and yet it is called "CHRISTianity?"
The above is just my own peculiar examples of how this Family Bible Study
could be used.
The object is to use headship authority under the pretext of family study to
achieve a common ground in which one might EXPOSE the irrationality of Watchtower
Only by actuating the thinking process can your family board the underground railway to freedom.
No Mans Land.........The Void..........Whatever........
by Night Owl inhaving a believing spouse, but no longer having any desire to go to the meetings, or service, this is what i've come to call this space i'm in, and i'm sure a few others are in this same space.. nightowl .
You have no idea how much POWER a husband has in a JW household obviously :)
You are the HEAD.
The wife is SUBMISSIVE.
Do you not imagine how a long-term family Bible study (a REAL study) controlled by you could work to your family's advantage?
By disconnecting from your own POWER you are indeed powerless as you watch your wife and marriage go off the rails!
Remember the so-called 'Theocratic Strategy?'
Reverse that.
Get smart. Plan out what you are going to do step-by-step.
Take the steering wheel and drive from captivity into freedom with everybody under your roof on board. You'll all be much happier in the long run.
How to Hear God's Voice Easily and Effectively: A Book Review
by Hortensia inhttp://smile.amazon.com/hear-gods-voice-easily-effectively-ebook/dp/b00nplbit8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=utf8&qid=1420441456&sr=8-2&keywords=how+to+hear+god%27s+voice.
i think perhaps this book doesn't really examine the issue in depth.
for instance, my niece suggests that the first necessary step to hearing god's voice is to skip your meds.. i'm sure we could all come up with better ways than the namby-pamby stuff recommended in this book that would enable anyone to hear god's voice.. a very tight necktie, for instance.. playing modern christian music backwards, while drinking mogen david.. instead of skipping your meds, in some cases it works better to double your meds.. wear a tin-foil pyramid hat.
My definition of prayer is: Pretending to be really busy getting God
to answer your requests while you are, in fact, doing absolutely nothing.
'Listening to God' is like playing with an Ouija board. Sure, the planchette is 'moving' but are you 'really' in contact with the 'spirits'? or Jacking around fooling your own self?
The Governing Body thinks of themselves as a conduit for Divine Messages!
Which is crazier--making that claim or believing somebody else who makes it?
If God could 'make the stones cry out' would actually DO so--He could convert the entire planet in less than an hour.
I questioned some Mormons today
by joe134cd inas a result of my fading from the jw religion, i have taken an interest in the mormon religion.
personally i think mormonisim is a bigger con than the jw religion.
with all knowledge i've been acquiring, i was interested to find out what the followers of the mormon religion knew about the churches history.
Our life is the time we spend doing something.
The quality of our life is determined by how actively we improve things.
A good life, well-lived is the goal--in the long run.
It stands to reason, wasting our time amounts to wasting opportunities to make our actions count.
Religions, especially cults, remove your autonomy and replace it with what appears to be a bargain. What is the bargain? You are offered transcendence; which is to say: more than you could possibly achieve 'on your own.' Everlasting life is one such phony bargain.
You waste your time going through the rituals of a religion chasing illusory transcendence with superficial 'friends' and you'll find yourself an old man one day, out of time, who really accomplished NOTHING. Why?
Because you've traded all the genuinely good things for the phony castles-in-the-air.
The 'brotherhood' is an empty thing, indeed. Your brothers and your sisters will ONLY love you as long as you do exactly what they tell you to do. If you have any ideas of your own--what happens to you?
So, it all comes down to this:
Live a real life doing good by serving your fellow man in a practical and pragmatic way. . .
Live a fantasy life which looks lovely and is, in fact meaningless.
Mormons are highly indoctrinated paper dolls.
If you thought believing the Bible was difficult, just wait until you get into the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price!
Feb Kingdom Ministry 2015: Irate Householders - why so angry?
by Trailer Park Pioneer infeb kingdom ministry 2015, irate householders, "we don't apologize for our work", "did they hear rumors about jws"?
why so angry?
blood or disfellowshipping?.
The Theocratic Ministry School, back in the old days (i.e. 50's and 60's until the rush toward 1975) was built around this self-same strategy.
What this amounts to is CUSTOMER SERVICE; absorbing and softening the brunt of the objections by allowing the complainant to be "heard." Except, in this instance, no provision is made for any such complaint to be viewed as VALID!
Notice how it is assumed in advance the foundation of any such objection will not have any basis in fact.
What all this amounts to is INDOCTRINATION.
By training the Brothers and Sisters to view objections as a PROCESS instead of a two-way communication or a seeking-after-fact, conditioning takes place insidiously!
Intellectual Honesty: The willingness to be wrong when the evidence goes against your deeply-held beliefs.
The Kingdom Ministry methodology is shadow-boxing by feinting when the punch is thrown and counter-punching with a pre-determined conditioned reflex.
AUTOMATICALLY assuming error on the part of a householder short-circuits the intellectual assessments of the JW in advance.
Objections are emptied of 'content' as to 'fact.'
ever read this?
by sowhatnow ini got an offer in the mail for mother earth magazine.. anyone like it?
im not sure if im a liberal or not, i think its a liberal based format.
its not all political, sort of like a shortened readers digest?
A quick way to determine if you are Liberal or not. . .
Answer the following hypothetical question:
"If suddenly everybody in the world were miraculously given the same access to education, the same income, the same relative strengths and weaknesses as everybody else--BUT--kept the same personality they have now, in 10 years time DO YOU THINK society would be more or less equal than it is now?"
The reason I say this is a good test of Liberalism is because a professional poker player explained
something to me. He plays in World Series of Poker matches every year. He told me the buy in was the same
for everybody, but it didn't matter.
"Why?" I innocently asked.
"Because there are only two kinds of players: winners and losers. Winners take the trouble to learn and losers
depend on luck."
EXCERPT from the JW science fiction novel: THE MONORAILS OF MARS
by TerryWalstrom inhere is an excerpt from my jw sci-fi novel, the monorails of mars.
'holy trinity' .
jack clayton stood next to louiseboyd scanning the room the way a lighthouse beam penetrates fog.
Hey Smiddy!
I actually had a vivid dream the other night that Speilberg contacted me through his attorney to secure the rights
to make The Monorails of Mars into a film!
When I woke up I was so excited my heart was pounding in my chest.
It took me about a minute and a half to realize the delusion!
Not so happy!
I think, from now on, I'm going to release AUDIO versions of my books.
AUDIO BOOKS are very convenient.
I listen to books as I ride my bicycle. Now I can 'read' a new book every three days!
Site issues: Jan 02 Update (Sign In)
by Simon ini've deployed a fix for people affected by sign-in issues caused by having multiple accounts associated with the same email address.
here's how to activate the fix:.
you must attempt to sign in using the email address associated with your account (not a username) and must have access to that mailbox.. if there are multiple accounts associated with the email address then you will be shown a warning message with the option to have an email sent to repair your account.. the email will contain a link to a page showing all the accounts associated with the same email address and allow you to select the one you want to be active (it will disassociate all the other accounts from the email address).. once you have completed the process then you should be able to sign in as normal.
I tried logging in for days using the old e-mail and password.
When I filled everything in the page reset AS THOUGH I hadn't done anything.
So, I tried created a NEW account. After a couple of days (and tries) I was able to get in.
I would prefer to have my old account again (Terry) and not the 'new' account (TerryEdwinWalstrom).
How do I accomplish this?
Thank you!
by Trailer Park Pioneer inthis is going around the kingdom halls now, i thought it was a hoax but are not all the end time dates produced by the organization some hoax or con?
the reason why the end did not come in 1975 was the watchtower society had not put eve's creation in their equation.
i was told when we had a "meet and greet" if "we knew the date of eve's creation we would know the year jehovah was going to destroy the earth.. it's been 40 years since 1975, can you believe it's been 40 years since "stay alive till 1975!"?
Ask yourself "Exactly WHAT is this trying to tell us?"
From the most reliable investigations of Bible chronology, (...) we find that Adam was created in the autumn of the year 4026 B.C.E. Sometime in that same year Eve could well have been created, directly after which God's rest day commenced. In what year, then, would the first 6,000 years of man's existence and also the first 6,000 years of God's rest day come to an end? The year 1975. (Awake! October 8, 1966, p. 19);
Since it was also Jehovah‟s purpose for man to multiply and fill the earth, it is logical that he would create Eve soon after Adam, perhaps just a few weeks or months later in the same year, 4026 B.C.E. After her creation, God‟s rest day, the seventh period, immediately followed. (The Watchtower May 1, 1968, p. 271);
Eve‟s creation was quickly accomplished, „while Adam was sleeping.‟ (Gen. 2:21) (The Watchtower August 15, 1968, p. 500);
According to reliable Bible chronology, Adam and Eve were created in 4026 B.C.E. (Awake! October 8, 1968, p. 14). See also The Watchtower July 15, 1967, p. 446.
Is it not clear? Going IN and TOWARD 1975, Freddy Franz wanted to stack the conjectures up IN FAVOR of
his predictions.
What happened when 1975 failed?
Compare now these statements to the above.
How much time elapsed between the creation of the man and that of the woman? The Bible does not reveal this. (The Watchtower July 15, 1976, p. 436);
What, then, does this mean? Simply this: That these factors, and the possibilities for which they allow, prevent us from saying with any positiveness how much time elapsed between Adam‟s creation and that of the first woman. We do not know whether it was a brief time such as a month or a few months, a year or even more. (The Watchtower July 15, 1976, p. 437).
That is a laugh! They certainly were NOT prevented from saying with 'positiveness.' What a wacky word!
What do we learn from this?
The BASIS for making bold statements about dates--in the mind of millions of JW's is what?
The Governing Body is SUPPOSED to be CHANNELING 'Truth' by Jehovah's holy spirit. Right?
The GB seem to believe this nonsense themselves right up and until it FLOPS!
Suddenly they pretend nobody should jump to conclusion because the Bible doesn't SAY blah blah blah.