This was an idea I had a year or two back. Glad to see it take shape.
this is very easy to watch and completely informative.. does anybody have the talent to put one together regarding watchtowerism?.
This was an idea I had a year or two back. Glad to see it take shape.
this is very easy to watch and completely informative.. does anybody have the talent to put one together regarding watchtowerism?.
this is very easy to watch and completely informative.. does anybody have the talent to put one together regarding watchtowerism?.
As an analogy . . .
Right-wing Conservatives see gun violence as isolated incidents by mentally unstable persons, RATHER THAN an indictment of all gun-owners. In fact, they get very pissed off when Liberals make that connection.
This assigning of total culpability to an entire group is just another manifestation of the Muslim/terrorist issue, according to Aslan.
this is very easy to watch and completely informative.. does anybody have the talent to put one together regarding watchtowerism?.
It's easy to see 'crazy' in the "other" folks religion, but so difficult to see it in our own.
I wonder why that is?
It must be the emotional investment.
this is very easy to watch and completely informative.. does anybody have the talent to put one together regarding watchtowerism?.
This is very easy to watch and completely informative.
Does anybody have the talent to put one together regarding Watchtowerism?
Cofty, you and I didn't listen to the same video--did we?
Did you listen all the way through to the end?
I think Aslan understands Harris better than Harris understands Islam.
Reza is one of the most articulate scholars I've encountered. He's even more adept than say, Bart Ehrman. He convinced me in this interview that Sam Harris, as just one example, is a fundamentalist to atheism. (What you hate, you become).
I realize too, the narrowness of my own view needs broadening as well.
I say, well done.
you have your bethel watchtower study on a monday evening, as i understand it.therefore, prepare your hearts and your bible trained consciences to "test the inspired expressions" being presented as bible truth in the next study article - especially this one;w14 11/15 p. 26 par.
"acts 1:8 - "you will be witnesses of me...." [jesus]john 1:15 - "john bore witness about him..." [jesus]john 5:37 - "the father who sent me has himself borne witness about me.
"revelation 12:17 - ".......and have the work of bearing witness to jesus.
I've tried this line of reasoning before.
Heres the stock answer: "But Jesus perfectly reflects his father's qualities, so being Jesus Witnesses is the same as being Jehovah's Witnesses."
Were the above true, then it is equally correct to say Jesus' Witnesses. It can't be 'wrong.' That being said, why are JW's thinking of themselves as Christians, instead of Jehovahs?
Riddle me that, Batman.