Hey Ricky G, glad to have you aboard on this site.
"E" in Arlington wants to get together this weekend.
"J" said he'd join us. Hope you can be there too.
just wanted to say hello since i am new to this forum.
allow myself to introduce myself.
Hey Ricky G, glad to have you aboard on this site.
"E" in Arlington wants to get together this weekend.
"J" said he'd join us. Hope you can be there too.
well, once again my "friend" has shared their notes with me from the latest co visit.
besides the usual 1914 assertions/ world getting worse all the time/ our day is the worst of all time nonsense, the co mentioned some interesting things.
number one won't surprise you.
Progressive stacking of bricks:
Step 1: Lay down a brick very firmly on your foundation atop wet cement and press hard.
Step 2: Place the next brick down atop the first brick--NO WAIT! . . . REMOVE the first brick and place
the second brick on the foundation instead.
Step 3: Choose a third brick and lay it right on top of. . . Um uh. . .remove that 2nd brick and THEN place brick number three on the foundation.
Repeat above with 5th, 6th, 7th, etc. bricks.
soliciting any and all opinions.
as some of you may know, wife is full in pioneer.
my fade has gone from us fighting.
Clarify your thinking by arranging your life in terms of what you value most. . . and why.
Living a good life is not an automatic happening.
Even very lucky people have to struggle.
You can justify your struggles if you're clear on which things come first.
A good exercise for getting a firm grip on what's most important is to try this THOUGHT EXPERIMENT.
You, your wife, and a GB member are stranded on an island with no way off.
You see off in the distance a storm approaching. You don't have shelter, fire, or fresh drinking water.
Your wife is frightened and confused. The GB member tells you that you should all start praying aloud to Jehovah until the storm passes.
You, on the other hand, say: "We need to build some kind of shelter to protect us from the rain. We need to start a fire and boil water for drinking. If any time is left, we should gather coconuts."
Whom should your wife listen to and join in with--you, her husband--or the GB member, her spiritual guide?
Why this isn't a stupid experiment.
Your concern is a practical one: life in the here and now. Protecting your family and preserving your options for the immediate future are pragmatic considerations. You don't toss a drowning man a Bible--you use a life preserver. The GB member is suddenly seen to be a mere figurehead without any real world advice which will impact what is happening right now.
All the families for the past 100+ years who listened to GB advice were often bitterly disappointed because the immediate practical implication were falsifying lessons as to practicality.
Young people who didn't get higher education paid the price of low-wage jobs and financial struggles.
Older people who sold their possessions to preach the 1975 message were left stranded and vulnerable.
Married couples who let the GB tell them what sexual practices were 'approved' found themselves feeling pretty stupid and frustrated when the ban was later lifted and made a 'matter of conscience.'
Talented and Creative JW's who abandoned careers become bewildered when they see the success of famous people like Michael Jackson, Prince, Serena Williams who appear to get away with living a full life of celebrity. The clear Double-Standard is confusing and irritating.
Devout parents who've watched their sick children die because of strict blood policies have stood bereaved observing how the GB have steadily eroded their taboo details one by one by one.
Nobody is better equipped to make fine family choices than you because you're dealing with REALITY while the GB deals with the latest whimsical opinion (New Light) which comes and goes like fashion trends.
If you can get your wife to the point she can weigh PRACTICAL security against ever changing GB security promises she'll become more pragmatic and allow you the room necessary to do what is immediately your conscientious best.
She and you must either become individuals with real choices, or fall into a herd mentality and become shorn sheep locked in a pen with the capricious GB shepherd who just can't make up his mind whether you need to munch grass or old Spam cans.
..specifically, the suffering of animals.
you can talk about free will/sin/people choosing to not listen to god etc to explain human suffering being allowed.. but how can you love a god that allows animals, that haven't sinned or chosen to not have anything to do with god, to have their short lives ended in often long, drawn out, painful ways.
i could list stories i've read that would probably make you feel ill, but i'm not looking to shock anyone or start an emotional debate.
If this world were created. . .
and the Creator was benevolent . . .
then this is the best world that Creator could produce.
The fact that it is not the best of all possible worlds can only mean one thing.
The Creator we have is deficient.
If this world was not created. . .
violence between life forms is merely a reflection of a struggle for survival by
whatever means are necessary and possible.
It also means ethics and morality are idealistic constructs rather than sacraments.
Mankind does good when it can because it can imagine the advantages, rather than doing good because it is commanded from an invisible, inaccessible realm from beyond.
Goodness is a luxury barely afforded to those with advantage bestowed by being at the top of the local food chain.
Where there is Peace by agreement it is only possible when predators are kept at bay.
The history of our planet informs us, such possibilities or advantages never last for very long. Nature is too invested in competition among species to expect goodness or peace to prevail.
All societies which have experimented with equality, fairness, and altruism have been surprised at their downfall when inevitably it arrives.
Neither fairness nor justice is a part of the fabric of our universe.
We ignore this at our own peril.
paragraph 14.
"the majority if unmarried youths who lose their virginity say that they regret what they did.".
where do they get this stuff?.
These quotes undoubtedly come from squirming, trapped, nervous young JW's sitting in the Kingdom Hall library surrounded by a Judicial Committee.
Facing a choice between pleas of repentance or DF-ing, I'm sure the regrets pour out of them like beer at a keg party.
Is there anything more unsatisfying than furtive, guilt-ridden humping for these Puritanical pediatric, pussyfooters? They must either marry at 18 or suffer the cold turkey treatment advised by the beloved G.B.
Great set of choices, eh?
it was a simple question: isn't jesus my "mediator" if i put faith in him like the scriptures say?
the research to that answer, from the w79 4/1 p. 31, was mind blowing.
how dare they deny me a belief firmly stated in the scriptures?
elder: "i'm not sure i know what you mean by 'diversity.'.
elder: "well, it's not quite like that.
elder: "um.
I think all I accomplished (if anything) was to be an agent provocateur to the extent I might goad him into saying something incriminating.
Now, why would I?
Cognitive Dissonance allows a person to hold dissonant views simultaneously without fully reckoning with the implications. In other words, depending on which mindset the person is presently adopting, they might argue one way and subsequently argue the opposite without seeing self-contradiction as an issue!
The hard part is getting somebody to suddenly see they are on both sides and then have to grapple with what's going on.
In talking to an old JW friend of mine, I got him to state in absolute terms what he thought DF-ing policy was in the Kingdom Hall. He stated, "Nobody will be disfellowshipped if they demonstrate repentance."
Five minutes later, I brought up a case where a Brother was DF'd just for spending the night under the same roof with an unmarried girl. The Brother claimed he slept on the couch and nothing happened. The judicial committee told him it was EQUALLY BAD because it brought reproach. So, the brother begged forgiveness and cried. He was DF'd anyway!
I asked point blank--"What about that rule you stated about nobody being disfellowshipped if they are repentant?"
He sort of blinked like I'd slapped him with a dead fish.
He lamely responded, "Well, that's different."
But I could see he was rattled.
elder: "i'm not sure i know what you mean by 'diversity.'.
elder: "well, it's not quite like that.
elder: "um.
Thinking back over my encounter, I just realized something which should have stood out right away. He was carrying the NWT but NEVER OPENED IT to read a scripture!
Has the method of their madness changed?
JW's never stop flipping the onion skin pages--except this time. I'm sure my choice of topic had a little bit to do with it.
I definitely wanted to steer clear of doctrines and stay with practical everyday issues if I could. Maybe that's what it was.
It still strikes me as unusual.
elder: "i'm not sure i know what you mean by 'diversity.'.
elder: "well, it's not quite like that.
elder: "um.
I posted this yesterday on Facebook right after it happened.
Every day, I go to the local Starbucks and sit in a hall vestibule just outside the store so I can write and work on the book I'm trying to finish.
Everybody who goes to Starbucks knows me and that I'm a writer. So, today a fellow in a suit overhears two other people talking to me about my writing and I say out loud that I'm writing about religion and how people have different ideas about truth.
The man in the suit strolls over to me and we end up chatting about some awfully familiar territory! Suddenly, I noticed he's carrying the SILVER SWORD under his arm! He's a J-Dub! Ha!! He's wanting to count time out in service using me!
I went into stealth mode.
I asked him about his religious ideas and he gave me the usual response. Then, I suggested he sit down for a brief interview! I said it might be included in my book. It finally came out that he is an Elder in the local congregation. He asked that I not put his name in the book and I said I wouldn't. (I suppose he was covering his ass in case he said anything which could be construed as damaging.)
After pretending he didn't have time--I could see he was flattered and really DID want to be interviewed by a writer for a book!
What follows is my attempt to be neutral, scholarly and professional. I began with as safe and uncontroversial a topic as I could think of.
Question: "How do Jehovah's Witnesses manage diversity within their congregations?"
Elder: "I'm not sure I know what you mean by 'diversity.'
Question: "Individual opinions, tastes, dispositions are part of all societies are they not? How does your clergy or leadership manage basic human diversity?"
Elder: "There really isn't any diversity of opinion. All Jehovah's Witnesses agree with all other Jehovah's Witnesses. There is a harmony of belief and practice."
Question: "Is that because diversity is not allowed?"
Elder: "Well, it's not quite like that. We're not a totalitarian regime; it's just that Jehovah's Spirit brings about harmony which might ordinarily spring up because of human imperfection. All of which is because of the correct application of God's word, the Bible."
Question: "How is this any different from any other religious group--most of which are plagued by sectarian squabbles? There are over 40,000 Christian denominations disagreeing fundamentally enough to call their church by different names?"
Elder: "We don't have churches. We have small congregations and they are all in agreement on all policies. All Kingdom Halls around the world are in 100% agreement with all the other ones."
Question: "But how would you know that without internal opportunity for airing disagreement? Wouldn't Elders, such as yourself, step in and isolate any diverse opinion under the auspice of 'protecting the congregation' from heresy, apostasy, or divisions?"
Elder: "I see where you are headed. But--no, it's not like that at all."
Question: "I'm asking simply: 'How is it possible to know what your members are thinking, inasmuch as speaking dissidently or dissonantly is condemned outright as unspiritual and devilish?'"
Elder: "Any JW who has worries, doubts, questions is free to approach any of the older men in the congregation. That's what elders are there for."
Question: "How likely is it that a member would place themselves under suspicion of disloyalty--in effect making themselves a marked target of suspicion?"
Elder: "Well--if you say it like that--it . . . First let me say . . ."
Question: "Isn't loyalty to the Governing Body an absolute requirement in order to be considered a member in good standing?"
Elder: "I was going to say . . .well--no, I mean we don't have loyalty to weak, sinful, imperfect human beings. It is loyalty to God's perfect earthly arrangement."
Question: "Can you unpack that in plain English?"
Elder: "JW's are part of a government guided by heavenly appointed representatives. As an Elder, I have a responsibility to Jehovah. I must oversee, shepherd, and counsel. In some cases, I must preside judicially.
We can't let predatory wolves creep in under the banner of 'diversity.'"
Question: "My way or the highway? So to speak."
Elder: "Ha ha ha ha. That would be Jehovah's statement; not mine."
Question: "You're comfortable with speaking for Almighty God?"
Elder: "It's a commission Jesus made clear. We are compelled to do that very thing. It's the core of evangelizing."
Question: "Jesus hung out with a highly diverse group, totally at odds with the leaders of Judaism such as the Pharisees. If I recall correctly that would be prostitutes, thieves, tax collectors, fishermen---"
Elder: "Oh no! Not thieves! Jesus didn't--"
Question: "He chose Judas, didn't he? Judas was stealing from the collection box!."
Elder: "Huh. . . oh, um. . .. well--okay. That's a technicality, But okay."
Question: "My point being, diversity was not a problem for the founder of Christianity. Jesus didn't excommunicate anybody--did he?"
Elder: "That wasn't his mission. He was a teacher and a healer and the anointed King-to-be of his heavenly Father's kingdom."
Question: "What about the diversity question?"
Elder: "What about it?"
Question: "Do you try to be like Jesus in accepting prostitutes, thieves, and other social outcasts? Homosexuals, transgenders, etc?"
Elder: "That's kind of. . . well--it's almost a trick question. The important thing isn't human diversity--it is putting off the flesh and putting on the spirit. It is the aspect of getting people to be a New kind of person--not staying the way they are."
Question: "Well, correct me if I'm wrong on this. Aren't you really mixing up spirit-anointed Christians with the so-called 'other sheep'? You don't teach the Bible is FOR regular people--diverse people. You teach the Bible is for anointed persons chosen to become the Bride of Christ--right?"
Elder: "Um. . . what, now? Oh! Okay. Okay. I'm with you now. I see what you mean. Yes. Um. . . let me clarify my meaning . . ."
Question: "Please do. Take your time."
Elder: "Jesus' ministry was for Jews. The Apostle Paul's ministry was for people of all nations. There is your diversity."
Question: "What about Jehovah's Witnesses? Do you accept and celebrate human diversity for 'other sheep', Gentiles, homosexuals, transgenders, thieves, prostitutes, etc?"
Elder: "Yes. IF THEY CHANGE and learn the Truth, become baptized and lead a clean life Witnessing about Jehovah's kingdom"
Question: "So, you personally know non-practising homosexuals in your congregation?"
Elder: "What? Well. . . I didn't say I personally did, but--generally speaking we get all kinds of people who repent, reform, live by the rules so-to-speak."
Question: "Pedophiles?"
Elder: "I'm not sure I know what you mean?"
Question: "Do you know personally of any pedophiles in your congregation?"
Elder: "That's. . . I. . . it's not for me to say--I mean to speak publicly about private matters of confession. I'm sure you know, priests can never divulge what comes out in confession."
Question: "Okay. So--Jehovah's Witnesses and Catholic priests are like-minded in their silence on pedophiles, then?"
Elder: "I really don't think it's profitable to continue this line of questioning. I have to go now. If you have any other questions. . . you can go online to our website. It's (says name of website) and it has Frequently Asked Questions." (Gets up and departs.
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