I would only comment if somehow I could insert a commentary or some kind of thinking,
I know what you mean. I managed to get one comment in, which is getting pretty rare these days, on paragraph 11. Question was, "How can we avoid following Saul's bad course?"
My comment was, "In paragraph two the Governing Body lovingly helped us realize that self-sacrifice meant we would have no interests of our own, in favor of only being interested in others, and what they want form us. So unlike Saul who did well for quite awhile and then failed, we would not want to see the areas in our life in which we are doing well, but concentrate on aspects where we are failures, and then work only on those areas."
I kind of threw up in the back of my throat, but seeing sheeples heads bobbing up and down as they sat there with shit-eating grins on their faces was priceless. And they didn't even know that I was being sarcastic about the ever growing need of the typical JW to put themeselves down and destroy each others self-esteem!