You mean no one has done this yet?
JoinedPosts by Rattigan350
What if you simply IGNORED being disfellowshipped and continued as before?
by Terry ini know this is an odd idea.
maybe it is even silly.. but, i do daydream..... .
what if you were informed that you are disfellowshipped and you flashed a huge smile and said, "nah.".
Anyone here been Dfd for 'apostacy'?
by Julia Orwell injust wanna know.
i'm doing the fade but i reckon my big mouth could get me dfd.
i know plenty who've been dfd for fornication/adultery, but never met one dfd for speaking the truth.
I am like what searcher said above. " . The fact of the matter is, that I am probably 'marked' as a potential apostate. © "
But I am fading and in keeping my mouth shut I don't associate with people and don't comment.
I had a meeting with an elder, DO and CO and I didn't say much. Just that I don't do meetings and service because I work too much and am too tired and they don't make the meetings interesting.
I didn't get into doctrine much as there is a recent Watchtower study article that has wrong doctrine and so many Witnesses have been repeating that over the years, I feel like writing the Society about that, but a letter will come back to the elders as usual about such things.
In that meeting the DO prayed how I was being disobedient to the FDS and that I should be aware and correct that.
My belief is along the lines of Karl Marx's words of religion is the opium of the people and I don't follow the drug dealers anymore.
How to tell family why you are no longer attending meetings?
by El_Guapo inso it has been over a month, maybe closer to two that i haven't attended a meeting.
my stress level has gone way down, and my life is pretty good right now.
well as you know, there are tons of nosy witnessess.
Say you have to work or can't afford the gas.
Unbelievable Assertion!!!!!!!
by The Searcher inwe had our special assembly day this weekend.. what the district overseer stated in his talk totally stunned me, and made me feel sick to my stomach.
he said, "christ is directing us through the governing body, and we cannot get holy spirit except through them!".
i do not wish to reveal all my thoughts on his statement, but i pray to god that it acts as a wake-up call to at least some of the audience.. suffice to say that the gb is now the mediator to our mediator, and from now on, i will have to pray for holy spirit through the name of the gb!!.
I'm afraid the DO is really expressing the Governing Body's ideas, he gets it. When he reads the Directives of the Governing Body addressed to him personally he gets it and he's walking the walk and talking the talk that the Governing Body want him to talk, he may even be a Governing Body wannabe.
District Overseer next step up is GB, so they got to be DO's because they are company men, to them the organization is everything.
Of course, they are going to say and do what is in the interest of the GB because the GB is their employer. If they did not do what is in their interests, they would fire him and replace him with one who would. Everyone is expendable. Everyone appointed particularly. That is the purpose of appoinments.
Unbelievable Assertion!!!!!!!
by The Searcher inwe had our special assembly day this weekend.. what the district overseer stated in his talk totally stunned me, and made me feel sick to my stomach.
he said, "christ is directing us through the governing body, and we cannot get holy spirit except through them!".
i do not wish to reveal all my thoughts on his statement, but i pray to god that it acts as a wake-up call to at least some of the audience.. suffice to say that the gb is now the mediator to our mediator, and from now on, i will have to pray for holy spirit through the name of the gb!!.
When they started teaching that Jesus wasn't the mediator for all true believers but only for their little class, they were laying the groundwork for being the conduit for holy spirit.
I don't understand's people objection to the teaching of Jesus being the mediator for the anointed only. Moses was mediator for the Israelites only, so Jesus can be the mediator for the spiritual Israelites only. People don't need Jesus as a mediator to get life, or forgiveness or prayers passed to his Father. Objecting to this teaching is not understanding what the priestly arrangement is. Jesus as high priest gives the atonement for all. The atonement is what forgives sins and cleanses. The priest also offers up prayers for all like incense. Mediator refers to covenants which means both sides have a give and take. Why would you want to be part of that?
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 02-17-2013 WT Study (TEMP RESIDENTS)
by blondie inunited nations
6. in what sense can jehovahs witnesses be.
residents, and of what?.
I always got the impression that those not going to heaven had a second best hope to live forever on earth. They would never see God or Jesus or heaven or the angels. They would never fight side by side against Satan and the fallen angels. They would become perfect instantly upon death and not have to wait 1,000 years to be judged worthy to be part of God’s family as sons of God. That they would judge angels and all of us on earth. That they would be immortal and could not be killed.
Who told you that? The Bible writers who had not expereienced that? Since no one experienced, it why would people want it?
How neutral can jws be if they are constantly preaching that all governments will be soon destroyed by God and are satanic in origin and they are Satan worshippers?
What does that have to do with neutrality? Neutrality is about not taking sides in man's affairs. If one is for God's government and against all of man's, that is neutral.
How did the JW come up with the idea that human has no soul or spirit??
by FingersCrossed inreally appreaciate it if someone can tell me :).
Bu2B, no that is not true; but one shouldn't base this on the Bible as if it is a text book explaining the process by ones in the know.
How would Paul know such things?
Immortal soul means it never dies. Of course the soul dies when people die. But if it didnt' no one knows what happens after it.
The Bible gives to possiblities.
The physical body being remade and the emotions and memory etc being put back in.
or the emotions, memory, etc being made alive in a spirit, non-material form. That has been termed Heaven because it is non-material just as outside earth's atmosphere is non-material. But how could such a thing exist and why would one want it if one does not know how it exists?
I don't understand this whole concept of wanting to go to heaven, when one has no experience with it, other than to be with Jesus.
Early church fathers
by Rattigan350 inin a post by leolaia she stated:.
then the trinity brochure came out and i almost immediately became upset at its intellectual dishonesty, as by this time i was very familiar with the early church fathers and recognized that the brochure distorted heavily their views.. .
early church fathers and their views?
In a post by Leolaia she stated:
Then the Trinity brochure came out and I almost immediately became upset at its intellectual dishonesty, as by this time I was very familiar with the early church fathers and recognized that the brochure distorted heavily their views.
This is something I don't get. Early church fathers and their views? Who were they? Ignatius, Polycarp, Clement, Origen, etc.
The theory being that they were closer to the apostles who knew Jesus that they would know more accurately the truth of the matter.
But the apostles themselves didn't teach with distinction truth on these matters. They weren't inspired. It is recorded that Polycarp had been a disciple of John. So what of it? John was not clear in his writings as there is so much conflict over them, how would Polycarp be clearer? Would Polycarp be the Robin to John being Batman. Or Master apprentice, John would be Quigon to Polycarp being Obi Wan?
Using 2000 year old letters to form doctrine, when they should have originally being put in a teaching-doctrine is ridiculous. Look at how much people debate over the founding fathers and their intent with the constitution. Its interpretation has evolved to be more complex in 200 years to suit their needs of the day. In 200 years of Christianity, these people argued about the sayings and meanings of Jesus to where they made it more complex to suit their needs of the day.
I feel that the Bible, as the important word of God, should have been presented with more definiteness as a teaching book, rather than simply history and sayings. So how is it that people judge religion based on quotes or perceived views of these ones? Who or how the heck would one know what they thought anyway?
by The Searcher ini was talking with an elderly sister today, and she brought up the topic of pioneering in march & april.
she then mentioned the elderly brother who has an extremely serious condition who was used to explain to the congregation, how he would adjust to be able to get the pioneer hours in.
it became 100% clear to the sister (and probably others) that this brother could die by pushing himself so hard.. loving shepherds, prove it - don't sanction such ones to enrol for such a life-threatening exercise.
That's why I love to hear when the economy goes bad and gas prices go up. If they won't listen to reason, then they will listen to their wallets.
How did the JW come up with the idea that human has no soul or spirit??
by FingersCrossed inreally appreaciate it if someone can tell me :).
Shouldn't the question be: How did anyone come up with the idea that humans have a soul or spirit?
Since nothing is known beyond death that information is unknown.