I used to say No.
But considering how much the apostle Paul looked at Israel's past and how that sets a precedent, then the WTS past is the same.
i know, i'd jump into this topic by saying, "heck yeah.
they're the ones saying they've been appointed by god based on what they were doing back around 1914-1919.
" but i'm trying to help someone out who has reached a roadblock with his wife.
I used to say No.
But considering how much the apostle Paul looked at Israel's past and how that sets a precedent, then the WTS past is the same.
"however, it would be appreciated if such donations are made without restrictions as to where and how the funds may be used.
" additionally, at this time, there is no need for donations of food, clothing, or other items.
if such needs arise in the future, you will be notified accordingly.
"there is no need for donations of food, clothing"
That makes sense. Send money, then the people there will purchase what they need. You don't know what they need other than canned goods and batteries and water. Where are you going to send it? Bethel and expect them to forward it? Those coordinating it in the area can better mass order things and distribute it.
cindy: o.k.
cindy, now read the next two verses 25 and 26.. cindy: for he must rule as king until [god] has put all enemies under his feet.
cindy: i never saw that before!.
When did Jesus start ruling as king?
2520 years or 7 times after the kings in the line of David lost their sovereignty.
That occurred when Jehoiakim was dethroned in 607 making Jesus' kingship start in 1914.
my father (who is an elder) hasnt been abusive, but he has reaffirmed that he will be shunning us the moment things become official.
we spent a few days vacation together in picturesque northern croatia before i sat him down and attempted to explain my position.
after i revealed the information on the un/ngo scandal to dad by showing him newspaper articles from 2001, he was initially nauseous and didnt want to hear any more.
"smart one in bible sense not wanting to scritinize his own religion"
Except that there is no scandal here and this is not about religion.
this site really helps.. own up, are you a ubm and how do you cope?.
i am really struggling to put up with all the nonsense.
my wife has some mental health issues which are not solved at all.
I am working today and since my wife took her turn in Words with Friends during the meeting time, that means she did not go.
Yippeee. Save gas and maybe get some cleaning done.
That is one thing that drove me away. Being married to a pioneer, one who is supposed to set an example in hard work and cleanliness, but yet puts the meetings and FS and projects for others above keeping our stuff clean and organized is hypocritical. Plus pioneers are supposed to be simple, not needing the latest gadgets to run up the bills. It is all a social game that I won't participate in.
thus asks my beloved and slow-on-the-uptake jw hubby, who is finding it increasingly difficult to drag himself out the door.
so far, i've tried to avoid sarcastic comebacks (i'ts boring and useless!
Fernando wrote:
"Would you like to study the "good news" according to Paul with me? Would it be OK to start with the book of Romans dear?
I heard that more than half the Bible's references to "good news" are by Paul - do you think it is true dear?"
That is what turned me off because I can't stand Paul and how everyone looks to him and his writings as something great. Paul was not a prophet, he was just a guy who studied Israel history. He is and was not the leader of the Christian congregation.
i think there are many that still want to believe in a god but just aren't sure.. personally, do you believe in a god?.
are you a "spiritual" person?.
I believe in God and the Bible. I don't think that God cares about us and I am tired of the Bible.
the bible says in genesis that god made human beings in his "image".. this means that christians believe human beings were made with certain attributes that they share with god.
attributes such as intelligence, creativity, an appreciation of beauty, and sharing a similar set of cardinal moral and spiritual values around love, justice, mercy, etc.. this linked article explains it from a christian perspective more fully.http://www.relevantmagazine.com/god/deeper-walk/features/23549-qmade-in-the-image-of-godq.
and yet....we find in the old testament that god performs or endorses the most morally repugnant acts, such as ethnic cleansing, killing infants and children, causing famines and plagues, drowning the entire human population except eight persons, etc, etc - all actions that any reasonable and objectively sane person naturally finds morally incomprehensible, disgusting, evil.. this article here outlines some of the actions described in the ot that any normal, sane person would naturally find morally abhorrent:http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/raymond_bradley/moral.html.
I'm just commenting on the definitions of the words used.
Morals are not a fixed concept, it changes from time to time, place to place, people to people. That is why laws based on morality are unconstitutional.
God has no morality.
the bible says in genesis that god made human beings in his "image".. this means that christians believe human beings were made with certain attributes that they share with god.
attributes such as intelligence, creativity, an appreciation of beauty, and sharing a similar set of cardinal moral and spiritual values around love, justice, mercy, etc.. this linked article explains it from a christian perspective more fully.http://www.relevantmagazine.com/god/deeper-walk/features/23549-qmade-in-the-image-of-godq.
and yet....we find in the old testament that god performs or endorses the most morally repugnant acts, such as ethnic cleansing, killing infants and children, causing famines and plagues, drowning the entire human population except eight persons, etc, etc - all actions that any reasonable and objectively sane person naturally finds morally incomprehensible, disgusting, evil.. this article here outlines some of the actions described in the ot that any normal, sane person would naturally find morally abhorrent:http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/raymond_bradley/moral.html.
Do you actually know what moral means?
"of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior"
It comes from the word "morae' " which means a custom.
If killing things and sacrificing them is the custom, then it is moral. If having many wives or husbands is the custom, it is more.
That is why I hate how they use the phrase "Bible morality". That simply means what is customary for those in the Bible, which covers 4000 years.
There have been many customs over that time.
faking of hours in field service or dragging service time out by making coffee stops or driving for hours "between" household contacts are never frowned upon, let alone mentioned, in the publications.
yet, in each congregation of jehovah's witnesses, to one degree or another, faking hours, padding time out with coffee stops and long journeys between opportunities to "witness" are endemic practices..
The whole purpose of counting and reporting time was that back in the day, pioneers would get literature and meal tickets at a discount and also meetings with the CO and other things.
It was a means to keep them, and others, honest toward those things that people got.
But now there is no discounts as everything is free, so why does anyone care about reporting time at all.