Thank you Searcher for stating that. I agree.
As to when the WTBTS started the stake thing. In the 1930s it was done to show that they were different from the rest, implying that they were correct.
just asking for help from the vast number of very knowledgeable people here.
when was the "stake" doctrine adopted by jw's and what publication contains that information.
thank you..
Thank you Searcher for stating that. I agree.
As to when the WTBTS started the stake thing. In the 1930s it was done to show that they were different from the rest, implying that they were correct.
because if you just read it then its plain that all should partake of the emblems and go to heaven etc.
they get around that by saying it only applied to those when written who all anointed and then a small group today.
so they take away the bible for the average witness.
Yes, you are in a coma.
The gospels are the sayings of Jesus and the things he said were to others listening to him in his time. If they listened to him they could get the holy spirit at Pentecost.
The Acts were the actions and sayings of the apostles and the letters of Paul, Peter, James, Jude were to people of their day.
Revelation is for our day.
Really, the 26 books of the Christian Greek Scriptures were applicable for the people back then.
Anointing of holy spirit was more prevalent then. But partaking of the bread and wine did not mean one goes to heaven.
There is no evidence that anyone who has lived has gone to heaven as a spirit since death. Since there is no communication to us or interaction and proof of it, what is the deal with believing it.
my question is, why do so many think the watchtower bible tract society is a cult?
The WTBTS is not a cult, but it is a printing company. But the materials it prints are the basis for controling people to use their materials, but to control people to further the organization as the main goal.
associated presswed nov 6, 2013 3:34 pmspring hill, fla. a florida school district has suspended a teacher after requiring a fourth grade jehovahs witness to participate in the pledge of allegiance.. the tampa tribune ( reports that the hernando county school board recently concluded an investigation.. the student, who is jehovahs witness and prohibited by the religion from worshiping objects, refused on religious grounds, the investigation found.. officials said teacher anne daigle-mcdonald twice placed the students hand over his heart when the class recited the pledge.. the student told mcdonald during the incident that jehovahs witnesses do not worship objects, and that he stood during the pledge of allegiance out of respect for the country, but was not permitted by his religion to place his hand over his heart, according to the investigation.. after the student informed mcdonald of this, mcdonald went to the front of the class and said, if you dont want to say the pledge, you still have to put your hand on your heart and if you dont want to do that, you should move out of the country, according to the report.. the report also shows mcdonald said something about there not being a religion that prohibits doing the pledge, according to the investigation.. the district says that mcdonald violated a host of state education rules, professional conduct principles and the students right to free speech and freedom of religion.
several other students in the class corroborated the allegations, according to the investigation.. mcdonald was removed from student contact, and placed on alternative assignment on sept. 12.. while speaking to administrators at the school on that date, mcdonald said she thought the religion applied only to holidays, but said she did not attempt to contact the students parents for clarification, according to the report.. the investigation showed that she also said she didnt think it was good practice to regularly place hands on students, and that she feels strongly as a citizen of the united states that one should show respect to the flag.. superintendent lori romano ordered mcdonald be suspended five days without pay, reported the incident to florida department of education and ordered mcdonald provide proof of completion of diversity training..
This whole business about children standing and putting the hand on the hearts and saying the pledge reminds me of youth in Hitler's day. They stood and placed their arms up and Heiled Hitler.
NCO said "Much as I disagree with the JW mindset of taking advantage of the freedom we have in this country without being a part of ensuring we retain that freedom"
With you wearing military colors, I am assuming you are referring to the military as that which part that retains the freedoms.
But you are wrong. The military does nothing to protect our freedoms. They eliminate bad people. It is the ACLU, the lawyers, the judges, the legislators and the people that protect the freedoms. They also are the ones taking it away.
i was reading about khs on wikipedia and i noticed a link for the memorial of jesus' death.
why would any christian religion celebrate his death and not his resurrection.
a man dying is fairly common.
"How was his death any kind of sacrifice if he got resurrected?"
A sacrifice is giving up something of value to get something of greater value. Jesus gave up his original life in heaven to
be a human. Then he gave up that perfect human life, which there was no reason for, to benefit all mankind past and present and future
and to sanctify his father's name by keeping integrity.
A sacrifice does not prevent a blessing afterward.
i was reading about khs on wikipedia and i noticed a link for the memorial of jesus' death.
why would any christian religion celebrate his death and not his resurrection.
a man dying is fairly common.
"REJECTING the command Christ gave to eat and drink it."
No, that is not rejecting the command Christ gave.
First, it is not a command. Jesus did not give commands. Even the 'go therefore and make disciples' is not a command.
Second, he did not tell that to us. He told that to those 11 there with him. What makes people think that it applies
to the? Because Paul wrote of them doing that in his letters? What makes Paul right?
i posted elsewhere about dr. james tabor's take on the book of revelation as re-write of an earlier non-christian document.
but in browsing his site i was reminded of an early biblical story in genesis that essentially throws so much jewish and subsequent christian thinking out of the window.. .
can your mind handle the concept of yahweh standing in front of you, with a human body like yours, eating, drinking.
That was not Jehovah. You are assuming that Abraham was being accurate.
why do we have assemblies?
was the topic of the book/brochure study last week.. the answer not presented is that they are the organization's black friday.
stores do black friday as a loss leader to get people into the stores to spend money on more pricey stuff, not discounted.. assemblies are put on to give away books and other literature and have dramas to get people in to donate and contribute more than normally done.. yes, religion is a business.
SFPW said "Don't act like you didn't get all excited in January when the letter was read at the Service Meeting informing the congregation of where they were designated to attend"
That was always the most stressful time; trying to get the hotels before others. Then there were the congregations that rescheduled
Thursday meeting for Monday to get the list early. When I was single, I preferred to drive than stay in a hotel, just to save 2 hours.
"Our circuit assembly is soon"
Ours is next month and I am scheduled to work. I would rather have the OT. It is something real.
why do we have assemblies?
was the topic of the book/brochure study last week.. the answer not presented is that they are the organization's black friday.
stores do black friday as a loss leader to get people into the stores to spend money on more pricey stuff, not discounted.. assemblies are put on to give away books and other literature and have dramas to get people in to donate and contribute more than normally done.. yes, religion is a business.
"Yup, many jw youths can't wait for the next assembly, even go to different ones, so they can do some "eyewash", flirt, or even find a potential mate, something they don't have a lot of opportunities for otherwise."
Which is ironic that they do not tailor the assemblies for that, but discourage that. Shortened intermissions, discouraging coupling up and chatting, etc.
It is easier to go online and search. They are wasting prime time to search, and a good reason to go that keeps youth focus and looking forward to it.
the other day an elder mentioned that not following the gb direction is the same as rebelling against god.
this in harmony with the ominous tone set forth in the respect jehovah's authority video.
in this thread i'll point out several gaping holes in that argument as time allows.. 1. the gb/fds does not speak "mouth to mouth" with god as did moses.. jehovah condemned and punished mariam for speaking against moses.
Is Disagreeing with the apostles and other bible writers rebelling against God?
No, because they are just people who studied the history of Israel and applied it to their time. They weren't inspired beyond that, except for certain visions to Peter and John.