I wish they would repeal the first amendment and ban all religion.
like jw are crap is there any religon dat is atally conneced to god?.
I wish they would repeal the first amendment and ban all religion. least that's what the sunday study said:.
"at the same time, we need to understand that our salvation is not jesus' primary concern.
his main purpose from the beginning to the end of his earthly ministry was to work for the sanctification and glory of his father's name".
The unsaved world tarnishes Jehovah's name because it is imperfect and flawed. least that's what the sunday study said:.
"at the same time, we need to understand that our salvation is not jesus' primary concern.
his main purpose from the beginning to the end of his earthly ministry was to work for the sanctification and glory of his father's name".
I agree with that Watchtower and the two scriptures the OP quoted, also support that.
"Savior of the world." sanctifies Jehovah's name, because the unsaved world tarnishes Jehovah's name.
John 3:16 is not relevant to this issue.
And Jesus would use Jehovah's name. Since he quoted the scriptures that had his name in, it would be a sin for him to change it and not quote it.
Don't throw out the 'baby with the bathwater'. Just because you don't like some things that are taught, does not mean that all things that
are taught are wrong.
growing up as a witness makes it nearly impossible to deal with the "world", as a child.
constant pressure is put on witness kids to conform.
most lead a "double life" out of necessity.
This is the religion of regrets.
Regrets from not doing school activites, from not going to college, not marrying the person best suited but instead sticking to the ones in the congregation, not taking the good job because it interferred with meetings and field service, or quitting the good job, regret giving up good friends, shunning, so many others.
i found taking the traveling overseers out for a meal, to be a waste of time.
our literature regulary spoke of the upbuilding talk the local congregations received by entertaining our brothers.
now some of the modern cos look at their telecommunication devices, talk of things not related to our ministry or phone it in.
One time we took a CO and his wife to dinner. I looked at the bill afterwards and I didn't offer to pay for theirs. What happened to living simple and frugal by the people who are to be example?
ok third rant since last night.
a "demonstration" was given on how to give some brochures and in this demo it starts:.
"hi im suchandsuch and im one of jehovahs witnesses".
It is often said that if you find a watch or a house out in the desert, you know it had a builder. It just didn't appear by winds blowing materials together, then the same thing is said for people and animals. They had a creator.
However, if a watch stops working, one can take it to that maker to get it fixed. If a house needs repair, the builder can repair it. But with humans and animals, when they need repair, they are self repairing for the most part, but when the damage is too extensive, the maker does not come in and fix it. Other humans do that.
When humans make a product, they upgrade it. 2.0, 3.0. Has God done any upgrading?
from the 9/15/2012 watchtower this sentence starts off paragraph 12 on page 25. .
just think how discouraging it could have been to expect the end and for it not to occur!.
JWs are discouraged and depressed because when listening to an uptempo song like Chim Chiminy, ones feels guilty because he sings about lucky.
ok third rant since last night.
a "demonstration" was given on how to give some brochures and in this demo it starts:.
"hi im suchandsuch and im one of jehovahs witnesses".
"When David and Bathsheba sinned, instead of punishing them, god STRUCK the baby and after suffering for a week it died. God CAUSED that one in an unfair punishment on an innocent child."
Not true. Bathsheba was bathing because of the purification cleansing. Seven days after her period ends, she is unclean. That is when David saw her and took her and impregnated her. But a woman is infertile during that time. How did she conceive? My theory is that Jehovah made her conceive so that they even would play out and the truth would come out. The child would properly die because it never should have existed.
ok third rant since last night.
a "demonstration" was given on how to give some brochures and in this demo it starts:.
"hi im suchandsuch and im one of jehovahs witnesses".
"in the old testament where Jehovah directly was involved with killing of men, women, children....""
Where do you get that, that is bad? They deserved it. If those millions would have survived, they would have had children, etc, etc, and there would be millions, billions more today. It is really a good thing that they were divinely extinguished.
My problem is that he does not cause bad things to happen, but he does not stop them from happening when he has the power.
saving mr. banks is not about mary poppins exactly, not the one we know.
in this movie we come to see who she was to the author through flashbacks that become so entwined with the adult author, a bitter and negative woman, that mary p.'s purpose becomes clear at last and not the disney factory model.
if you haven't seen it, a speech disney gives to her is phenominal in my opinion.
I saw it and hated it. I thought that Loki in Thor was a brighter and better character than Ms Travers character was. Tom Hanks was good and also Colin Farrel.