That could be made with many texts such as:
Wear a head covering.
Don't play lottery.
Don't use recreational or medicial pot.
That could be made with many texts such as:
Wear a head covering.
Don't play lottery.
Don't use recreational or medicial pot.
hi guys and gals,.
i have written an article that explains how the watchtower society gets from 607 bce to 1914 ( but i need some input so that i can write an article on how they get from 1914 to (via 1918) 1919.. are we talking about ezra, 1:2-4 when the persian king cyrus allows the israelites to go and rebuild the temple 3 and a half years after exiling them?
if so, how has the watchtower used this passage to get to 1919??.
Wow, everyone is quoting texts and texts of publications. Why?
It is simply this:
1919 is all about the Cedar Point Assembly and post board of directors release from prison. That signaled their release from Babylonian captivity and the renewed vigor to preach and advertise the King and the Kingdom.
It is about them and not Bible prophesy fulfilling or chronology.
today's watchtower lesson touched on the history of hezekiah's reign, and then made a surprising modern-day application.
having used my time before the meeting to research the underlying material instead of highlighting my magazine, i personally found this to be an upsetting study, and decided to put this warning here in the hopes that some active witnesses read it.. the most important thing i want to say to you is that the actual flow of events in this bible account were severely misrepresented, and that there are some disturbing implications in the distortions that were made.
1. hezekiah's father ahaz makes himself a vassal to assyria out of fear of their overwhelming might (2 kings 16:7, 8).. 2. upon becoming king, hezekiah rebels against assyria (2 kings 18:7).
It is history. It does not matter. They are so caught up in Bible land.
god's word is beneficial ca:.
full time service:.
there are sound reasons for pioneering.. 1) it's the most satisfying work there is.. 2) you cooperate even more fully with the angels and the anointed [ which equals the gb/fds, not sister old mcsingletilldeath.].
A strange teaching was the demonstration of a bible student telling the teacher that she got rid of all false religious things except a solid gold cross her mother gave her for sentimentality reasons. The scripture in Acts was read about them burning their books regardless of the costs. Then she said she would destroy the cross.
Destroy it? Why not sell it to those gold buying places that melt it down?
They resort to the default of Bible scriptures rather than doing the intelligent thing.
that's what a speaker at the kh said.
he also said that "paradise" in the bible is always earthly.
i have reviewed jwfacts again here:.
Of course Jews did not believe in the heavenly resurrection. It was not taught until Jesus taught the kingdom of the heavens. Where would they get it from?
They had an earthly kingdom, an earthly king, earthly priests, earthly sacrifices. That was sufficient for them. But they had a promise to be a kingdom and priests.
Jesus introduced a new way. A kingdom in heavenly Jerusalem, with him as king and it was later shown that there would be 144,000 Israelites of the spirit would would join him. That had to be new otherwise what would the purpose for Jesus be?
the society teaches that since around 1919 the anointed who have died and do die, are resurrected as spirit creatures.
the only one to be resurrected as a spirit that is documented in the bible is jesus.
when jesus was resurrected, did he appear to his disciples yet his body was still buried?
1914 as the enthronement of Jesus is sound. 2520 years, or 7 times after the kings in the line of David lost their sovereignty, not the destruction of Jerusalem. People may pick apart parts of it, but when they look at it overall, it is sound.
As for the trumpets, and bowls - the stuff in Revelation is speculation and too much focusing on them. As well as the two witnesses applying to the ones that went to prison. But then I don't have a problem with that. Back then it was an 'us vs them(false religon)' issue, which was cool. Looking at the ministry that way was fun. Now it is an 'us vs us' issue which is the problem with the religion.
today my mom called me three times at work to tell me how "worried" she was about my spirituality.. i so wanted to tell her some ttatt but just said, "mom, i am fine spiritually.
if i am ever in trouble spiritually, i will tell you.
meanwhile, i would really appreciate it if you left my relationship with god a private matter.".
Tell her to define spirituality.
" if you left my relationship with God a private matter."
Where does this whole idea of a relationship with God come from? Sure Jesus is supposed to bridge the gap, the division, between Jehovah
and sinful humans, so humans can have a relationship with Jehovah where they could not before. But that is the theological principle of the atonement, not a 'you must do' thing.
"(I haven't hung out with a single JW friend in months, possibly a year or more"
Tell her you don't have time for hanging around people. More important things like career and making money.
But avoid doing what Island Man said and bringing up the False prophet and Pedophile issues. Don't make it an 'attack the Watchtower' issue, make it a 'It's my life and I want to take it back and live it' issue.
i seem to remember chess was frowned upon by some jws.
is this like the oral/anal sex policy?
just ignore it and hope it goes away...
There is no understanding on Chess. Just because the Awake had an article on something, does not make it an understanding. I mean, for real? Do people follow what is written on everything? I've never been one to care what the Awake said.
And because it has war strategies, does it make it bad? The bad part of war is that it destroys properties and civilians. Chess does not have those.
ignoring the fact that all but the super jw's had a random stab at hours done in the ministry, with all the different activities the society said counted as ministry hours, just how accurate is there annual report?.
what activities do you know of that were allowed to be counted as ministry time?
here are some i knew of.... .
Pioneers could count hours spent in Quick builds or Bethel temp work, up to 90 (when I was pioneering) and now 70 for the month. They couldn't stock pile it.
The reason was that pioneers would not assist if they couldn't count they time to get their quota.
my wife expresssd to me as we watched a movie that she really loves how those in christianity dont have to meet requirements to become baptised.
she stated the it seems morenin line with the scriptures.
i agreed with her and brought up the story of cornelius and his family baptised the night he saw paul in the prison cell.
@crazyguy "show your wife that all who believe in christ are sons of god an all anointed".
But that is not true. Only 144,000 are anointed. Because if all who believe are anointed as sons of God, what is the purpose?
Back in Israel only kings and priests were anointed. The rest were people who lived their lives without rulership and priestly duties.
The same with Christianity. Only 144,000 are anointed with holy spirit as sons of God. The rest just live their lives.
Let's review: JW theology is right, their worship of the organization is wrong.