What makes me so tired of this all is the constant - Year text, daily text, and with this the theme text of the convention, the theme text of each day of the convention, each talk has a bible text for a theme.
So sick of this need to quote the Bible or reference it.
If something is right, it is right because it is right, not because the Bible says it is.
If something is wrong, it is wrong because it is wrong, not because the Bible says it is wrong.
I don't feel like looking each scripture up to see how it fits in with the talk.
"ACentury of Kingdom Rule Contrasted With a Century of Satan’s Rule" Satan does not rule. Satan is chaos not rulership.
But at least human rule is trying to do something. Kingdom rule is vaporware.
How Babylon the Great Has “Shut Up the Kingdom”
Huh? All religion has shut up the kingdom.
What Must Be Kept in SEcond Place? Anything not to benefit the Society.
“Sacred Secrets of the Kingdom” Progressively?
Didn't they do that last year?
WhoWill Inherit God’s Kingdom? Those“Who Are Poor”
Is that why they are making people poor?
ThoseWho“Become as Young Children” The molested.
ThoseWhoHelp Christ’s Brothers
Help and fund the GB
The Kingdom“Good News Has to Be Preached First”!
Do our work for us. Use your resources to do that.
Pursue Goals That Can Help You Seek First the Kingdom
What does the meetings have to do with the Kingdom?
Second Place?