My wife doesn't want to see either of them. She believes that if it wasn't produced by the WTBTS, then it is not accurate. (unless Sparlock guest stars)
JoinedPosts by Rattigan350
The Noah Movie
by Quarterback inwell, i saw it.
you better get ready for everyone's talk about it.. it was 25 % biblical, 75 % fantasy.. noah was mean as a character, his family was great.
methusala, was an old fart..
Jeopardy! 587/586 B.C. Answer
by Jourles inis anyone watching jeopardy right now?
under the topic, nebuchadnezzar, the answer was something like, "in 586 or 587 b.c., this city was captured by nebuchadnezzar....blah blah blah.
" i wonder how many jdubs flipped out about that one!
"where the hell DID they ever get the 607 BCE date in the first place?"
From Nelson Barbour, Russell's mentor.
The prophesy was for them to be in captivity for 70 years which ended in 537, so it must have started in 607 and Barbour concluded that is when Zedikiah was attacked and captured and killed.
He was part right. The 70 years of captivity ended in 537 and began in 607 but not with the destruction of the temple but with the first invasion and capture of Daniel. He knew when the 70 years ended because he was there when it started. As he wrote in the 3rd year of Jehoiakim captives were taken. He was among them taken captive in 607.
to go along with this video if you look closely at any cover of the latest wt or aw magazines you will always find (if you take your time) a pyramid or triangle in some shape or form even if it is not completely symmetrical, check it out on the jw website.
also virtually all kingdom hall exteriors will have a pyramid or triangle shaped roof, take a look at your local hall or google kingdom halls.
There is no such thing as the occult or magic, or fairies or Santa.
Don't miss the health care sign up deadline.
by FlyingHighNow insign up deadline is the 31st, in a couple of days.
if you have problems with the website and youve been there before, try cleaning out your cookies and cache, then restart your computer.
that worked for me.
the real question should be "Why is it so expensive in the first place?"
Boats, vacations, cars, etc.
Doctors fees are so expensive because of student loans and malpractice insurance.
The government should do something about that to lower the fees.
Why JWs don't celebrate Mother's day
by Laika inin the uk, this sunday is mother's day!
ask a jw why they don't celebrate holidays and they'll tell you it's because of some nefarious pagan connection.
but this is really just a cover.
The real question is: Why would any one want to celebrate a day that someone arbitrarily set?
I don't understand any of this celebrating days.
Didnt I tell you that there is something wrong with this organization?
by exWTslave inthats how my grand mother responded when all of our family members came out of jw organization, either by disassociation or by disfellowshipping.. when we all started studying with jws, my grandmother too was there, but she stopped the study when the discussion over the dead happened.
she told the study conductor: i am convinced that there is only life, but no death.
because when my husband died of heart attack, i was not shaken by the incident.
To the OP, your grandmother is wrong. The dead do not communicate with anyone, because they are dead. If they could communicate, then they would not be dead.
Not All Anointed Ones Alive Today Are Part Of 'This generation'
by OwnAccord inwhere do they come up with this stuff?.
this is a topic on 'the other site'.
i actually called our bethel ny branch and talked to a brother on the writing committee, at writing correspondence.
How does anyone know that anyone is anointed?
In the times of Israel, it meant that the person was chosen to be king. But he isn't king yet.
Anointeds dont' have anymore authority or smarts than any other.
Get over this whole anointed thing. It is meaningless.
JW's Never Closed the Door On A Russian King of the North
by scotoma inking of the north.
union, the "king of the south" can be none other than the rival non-communist bloc, under the .
so who is the king of the north now?
The Daniel book in 1993 merely said that with the disbanding of the USSR and the berlin wall going down, it is not the king like it used to be.
Then it asked the question of will a nation that was with the former USSR be the KoN when the future prophesies are fulfilled?
It does not exclude Russia from being the KoN.
But then why should we care about the reasoning of the Watchtower books?
I never liked the word "Grace". It has no meaning. It is a person's name.
Regional Convention Program Posted
by kneehighmiah in
i think i will want to kill myself during the friday afternoon symposium.
it should be called "how to not enjoy life or have fun.".
Notice the transitional title of:
Convention of Jehovah's Witness.
Not District or International or anything.
Anticipate Future KingdomBlessings
One Language
But Jehovah, the not God of confusion is the one that made many languages.
Perfect Health
But He is the one that broke the health
Earth’s NewRuler—WhoReallyQualifies?
As if that has never been a public talk before. Sigh.