you mean Morale support, not moral support. You want people to support your morale, not your morals.
JoinedPosts by Rattigan350
oh cr@p!! its my turn for "an elder called and wants to arrange a shepherding call" thread. Moral support please.
by MissFit inis coming and the elder wanted to set up a visit.
it's not like i wasn't warned.
there was a thread that talked about the push to call on inactive ones.. thanks to the heads up here, i knew the motive for the call.. i don't think i even know that eld.
Big Time Hypocrite
by Iamallcool inmy dad told me this story long time ago.
there was an long time elder that is never married.
he got caught going to brothel one day after a brother followed him there.
"Hubby decides he wants divorce so decides to go to hooker comes home same night tells my friend (his wife):"
Why not simply tell his wife he went to see hoker instead of actually going to one.
And women are so vindictive. They think that they are righteous because they are the "innocent" party but vindictiveness is not righteous.
250,000 Jehovah's Witnesses have died refusing blood
by nicolaou in80+ branch davidian cult members died in waco, texas.
250,000+ #jehovahswitnesses have died refusing blood.
stop this #cult!
Here is another to add to the list
The news stories are inaccurate. Those were not pit bulls. The media won't mention that she was a JW. The elders try to hide that fact.
This woman was baptized Dec 28, 2013 and when she arrived at the hospital she stated that she would not have blood and her mother
affirmed it. She had lost 80% of her blood. They did surgery and induced a coma, but without sufficient blood, one can't heal.
From that Monday when the incident happened to that Saturday, she could not heal without blood. It is sad that people just follow the crowd to their end. People said that she maintained integrity to Jehovah, but that is so selfish and arrogant. As if her integrity was what was important, more than her family and congregation, etc. Arrogance is all you can expect from them. Does anyone think that Jehovah is happy with that outcome?
Then people's believing that they will get resurrected and everything will be OK as long as they obey.
But then you have to add the teachings on meekness and being sheeplike does not help people in this situation to be fighters for their lives.
They are more focussed on the EVENT or ACTIVITY, rather than the substance of the information presented
by stuckinarut2 inhave you noticed how the org, and individuals are more concerned about the actual event such as the international conventions, rather than the content of the program?.
i often shake my figurative head (ok, literal one too!
), as i see the all the hype being generated by the act of attending, and think that most are not actually interested in the stuff that will be presented, but are more concerned about simply being there or getting there..... and, they are more focussed on the activity of a campaign, such as a tract work, or invitation hand out, rather than the actual content of the material.. .
The wife is all excited about the international convention.
People from other countries will be there. She heard ones from Finland will be there.
It's as if she hasn't see people from other countries before.
But no concern as to the content of the convention.
Multicolored pens for underlining the Watchtower, but doesn't know the material.
Anyone recall a time when your congregation came to the aid of a Brother or sister in need??
by jam ini'm not talking about a individual, but a congregation as a whole.. i'm talking about a brother or sister that really hit hard times.. have there ever been an occasion where the brothers (elders).
decided to dip into the kh funds and help one in need????.
example, brother loose his job, get evicted, family of four or.
Recently an announcement was made and a resolution was passed that if someone died, then the congregation would provide flowers for the funeral.
And some natural disasters occurred and one was read about helping them, but I don't remember that one.
Pioneering: How the GB shamelessly capitalizes on members' worldly desire for prominence.
by Island Man inthe bible likens the preaching work to a sacrifice of praise - praise to god.
pioneering is also a sacrifice that involves praise.
it's the sacrifice of a specified number of hours that wins you the praise of men.. when you really analyze the psychology of pioneering it is apparent that the praise of men or prominence before men is at the heart of it.
Now think about it: what's the difference between just giving your best in the ministry and winding up preaching for 72 hours at the end of the month; and signing up to be a pioneer and preaching for 70 hours in the first 3 weeks in the month and taking the last week off because you have "made your hours"?
I asked that of Witnesses back in 1998 or 1999 when the pioneer hours were reduced.
What is the purpose of pioneering? People were glad and excited of the change. If someone had 70 hours prior to the change and then s/he had the same 70 after the change what is the difference? There is no pioneer discount. If someone had gone to pioneer school, one couldn't go again. It is just an accumulation of "full-time service." or meetings with the CO. and the Title.
People called me names and bad association and apostate. They said that they needed the hour requirement for motivation.
Just a bunch of bums who liked the title.
by The Searcher inhow much did your congregation and its bank account get taken for?
share your horror story!.
Let's not forget that the biggest winfall is that the Society now owns all of the Kingdom Halls outright. They ain't just cancelling the mortgages, they are taking the properties too.
And when a new hall is requested by the RBC, The Society will send a check for that amount but they own the Hall.
'Peace and Security' - What do you think?
by startingover13 inwoke up this morning to my cnn app alerting me that popel francis has called for peace in the middle east, and is making arrangements to meet with leaders in that region to promote tolerance and acceptance.
i've been out for almost a year now, inactive for almost two, but in that moment all of the jw teachings about the signs on the end, the cry of peace and security, and what would happen to those that aren't serving jehovah returned to me.
24 years of teachings are hard to forget, and reading the story on didn't help the situation.
That is not a prophesy.
Paul was not a prophet.
He was reflecting on the past of Jerusalem when it was attacked and its future in 66 & 70 CE.
There is no future declaratio of Peace and Security the way the Watchtower says.
It is misinterpreting it.
If your not baptized in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. was your baptism official
by goingthruthemotions inmatt 28:19 "go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit,.
i don't ever remember hearing at my baptism nor any other baptism of a jw.
the person giving the baptism talk or person doing the dunking saying that i/we are baptized in the name of the father, son and holy spirit.. so i have come to the conclusion that my/our baptism's are not official.
The three entities are not something that Jesus taught. It is most likely that the phrase was added by trinity supported. Since ones after him did not baptize in the 3 entities, it would seem that they did not follow him. If they did follow him, then what he said was different from that.
JW's shouldn't avoid watching violent movies...
by JH in
january 7, 2008economists say movie violence might temper the real thing by peter s. goodmannew orleans are movies like hannibal and the remake of halloween, which serve up murder and mutilation as routine fare, actually making the nation safer?
a paper presented by two researchers over the weekend to the annual meeting of the american economic association here challenges the conventional wisdom, concluding that violent films prevent violent crime by attracting would-be assailants and keeping them cloistered in darkened, alcohol-free environs.
I agree that people should not avoid watching violent movies and tv shows because that is a good way to learn how to deal with such situations if they ever come upon them. The organization teaches fear, meekness, peace, trust in God, prayer. None of which will help in a situation. Basic self defense and offense training and attitude is good.