To us, what exactly would "Run" mean? More meetings. More field service, more donations?
They give this lame o illustration without a clear meaning when they are afraid to say what is obvious to them.
i'm not sure if this has already been posted and i just haven't seen it, but here's an email i received recently that gave me a chuckle.... ...................... run, idiot, run.
jackson of the governing body concluding a talk @ la district convention had this neat illustration at the very end of the convention.
To us, what exactly would "Run" mean? More meetings. More field service, more donations?
They give this lame o illustration without a clear meaning when they are afraid to say what is obvious to them.
with the launch of, doesn't this mean that the apostates have won the battles, but finally lost the war?
ezekiel 38 states that in the time of the end, god's people would be prospering with "silver & gold.".
"kiss da rings" bitch!!!.
I see it as another one of their cases of stealing other people's ideas, criticizing that person for not following the organization by suggesting ideas or starting things on his/her own, then focusing all praise on themselves for implementing it.
Back in 2005, after the Daniel book study, I sent a letter to the Society/CCoJW telling them that the quantity of 10 toes of the statue do not mean anything
because it is a statue of a man and by default it would have 10 toes; contrary to what the Daniel book said. They sent a letter to the congregation elders and held their position. Then in the 2011 Convention they stated that the number 10 does not mean anything.
Several Witnesses had websites, some with audio. Many closed because of pressure from the Society and others. But because of their
popularity, was started with the Society's canned audio such as the dramas, magazine audio and Bible audio. Then other things were added.
Now tv is added. That is because the fact is that people want more than the canned audio of someone reading a book. But their videos and presentations are still so contrived that they are useless.
As always, see someone's idea, criticize them, then steal it, and take the credit for themselves.
does anyone have a picture of the food tickets we used to use at assemblies?.
"was discovered that contributions remained the same regardless of whether food service was available or not."
DOC, It is the same with the 16 page magazines and the One Awake, and the one day assemblies. Cut back and they still still pay their
bugeted amount.
as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.
(genesis 2:17).
jws interpret this tree as the symbol knowledge of good and bad, right of god to set standards for us; hence eating of it means snatching gods right to rule over usthus self-rule means ruination and death, and conversely gods rule means blessings and eternal life.. this interpretation has some intrinsic problems!.
They were real trees. They could have eaten from the tree of life and still be alive today. What gave it its power was Jehovah's word that it was a tree of life.
As for the tree of knowledge of good and bad. Eating of it didn't mean that they would know good and bad afterwards.
They knew it was bad to eat of it and good to not eat of it.
It just mean that they wanted to choose for themselves the course of good or bad.
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
Kaik said: "designs is correct on that that Messiah in Judaism is not represented by Jesus. Jesus was not Mesiah, because he did not fullfill any prophecies what would be expected from king of peace."
I wouldn't go that far. Jesus has fulfilled those prophesies. He did not become king at that time because he was not to become king until 1914, 2520 years
after the kingdom fell.
i've seen this part of the agm folded in with other topics and poked around, but no really critical discussion of the implications.. .
the hermenuetics of the type/anti-type practice was a big deal to me in realizing the tatt.
i searched high and low for a rational basis for concluding that god was communicating in a type/anti-type format that wasn't special pleading and circular.
Would this mean that they are dropping the Jonadab class, the Elijah/Elisha class, and other things that they thought fulfilled in the modern times?
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
1st John was not inspired. It was a letter.
1 John 2:15-17 should go the way that 1 John 5:7 went.
i've seen this part of the agm folded in with other topics and poked around, but no really critical discussion of the implications.. .
the hermenuetics of the type/anti-type practice was a big deal to me in realizing the tatt.
i searched high and low for a rational basis for concluding that god was communicating in a type/anti-type format that wasn't special pleading and circular.
"We Cannot go beyond what is written"
The problem that I see with that is, why hold what was written in the Bible as absolute truth?
Where did they get their information? They put 2 and 2 together and got 4. They were not inspired.
They had help from the holy spirit on occasions such as Pentecost, but overall, they were just people understanding
what happened.
Why can't that be done today?
The answer: People worship the Bible and don't want to put themselves to that level is up and running.. see bro lett stumble his way through the introduction.
he really does have a good face for radio..
nice sweaty top lip at 15 mins onwards - the pressure is showing!!.
As Splash was referring to, the bullying video. Made no sense.
Rely on Jehovah as David did as he didnot fight the bully Saul.
Rely on Jehovah as David did as he fought the bully Goliath.
Rely on Jehovah is so vague it is meaningless.
I recently saw an episode of Mayberry where Opie Cunningham helped a younger kid with a bully.
You can learn as much about a good life from Andy Griffith Mayberry as you can from the Bible.
so two big changes in the org were announced in the most recent agm.. local needs part is replaced by "how do you know the truth" where all members will tell their experience (oh what fun).
basic pioneer role 10 only hours a month required (see, jehovah lightens our load, therefore he loves only us)!.
it seems like they have really turned up the heat here.
Fading? Why not simply stop going to meetings and going out in service?