Any comments on the 04/2022 Question from Readers on Divorce and remarriage.
"If a Christian divorces his wife without Scriptural grounds and then marries another person, how does the congregation view the previous marriage and the new marriage?"
Why does that even matter how the congregation views anything? They should be minding their own business.
If people move to a different area, the congregation wouldn't even know about.
(If a guy remarries a woman with the same first name, she would end up with the same name and no one would know)
"In the past, the congregation viewed the new marriage as adulterous as long as the innocent mate was alive, remained unmarried, and was not guilty of sexual immorality"
That's stupid. The whole concept of adulterous marriage made no sense. The first time they had sex would be considered adultery, but then after that they would be fully married and not adultery after that since the prior marriage would be undone and uninstalled.
They are more pharisaic than the phrarisees. Jesus was not even making rules. He was talking to people under the law, and showing what the law was really about. The law does not apply anymore so what he said does not apply anymore.
Do people even know what adultery is? m-w says "adultery is from adulterāre (“to pollute, defile, commit adultery”), a word formed ultimately from the Latin elements ad- “to, near” and alter “other.”" It is more about polluting and defiling the marriage than sex. If the two have been separated, then getting a divorce and then remarried does not pollute or defile that marriage.