"NWT places comma here , giving a totally different meaning to the verse."
No, it does not. Jesus' words does not define life and death. What happens next is not defined by Jesus' words. Why is this scripture such an issue? It is as ridiculous as The Rich man and Lazarus.
Gasp, Jesus said something and it changes all reality.
No, that is not how it works.
Reality is reality. Jesus being God's son does not change that. Sure, he did miracles, but this is not one of them. A dead man did not go to paradise.
Mark 15:37 KJV "And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost." What? Gave up the ghost. That's where that saying comes from. Even the ASV says that.
The RSV says "And Jesus uttered a loud cry, and breathed his last."
At this point, Jesus died and he was dead. Jesus did not exist anywhere in the universe in any form, as a human or as a spirit. There was No Jesus.
Jesus did not go to paradise that day as he was dead. If he was not dead, what was the purpose of his resurrection?
So since Jesus was dead and not in paradise that guy was dead, when he died and also didn't go to paradise. That was Nisan 14. Jesus was resurrected Nisan 16 Sunday morning, which fulfilled the prophesy.
That guy was not resurrected. He was not in heaven. He was not baptized and he was not anointed with holy spirit. How could he be resurrected to heaven? And the first resurrection would not occur until Jesus became king. Jesus' resurrection was a one off.
Again, what are we talking about? More of Jesus' words that people just don't know what they mean, just as the generation??? The faithful slave???? Baptize in the name of father, son, holy spirit??? etc etc. While Jesus was the great teacher, at that moment, he was not teaching.