Calling them 'survivors' is stupid. Everyone who is alive is a survivor. People survive tornadoes, hurricanes, shipwrecks, cancer; because they didn't die. It just means that they experienced it and are still alive, because if they didn't survive, they would be dead. Sex abuse does not typically result in death. A better term would be ones who experienced it.
JoinedPosts by Rattigan350
Sex Abuse & Jehovah’s Witnesses: Survivors Share Stories in The Witnesses, a New Oxygen Series
by Tahoe in
Why Was WT OK with Blood Transfusions for over 65 Years Before Banning?
by Sea Breeze inblood transfusion history.
1665 the first recorded successful blood transfusion occurs in england: physician richard lower keeps dogs alive by transfusion of blood from other dogs.. 1818 james blundell performs the first successful blood transfusion of human blood to treat postpartum hemorrhage.. 1840 the first whole blood transfusion to treat hemophilia is successfully completed.. 1900 karl landsteiner discovers the first three human blood groups, a, b and o.. 1902 landsteiner’s colleagues, alfred decastello and adriano sturli, add a fourth blood type, ab.. 1907 blood typing and cross matching between donors and patients is attempted to improve the safety of transfusions.
the universality of the o blood group is identified.. 1914 adolf hustin discovers that sodium citrate can anticoagulate blood for transfusion, allowing it to be stored and later transfused safely to patients on the battlefield.. 1932 the first blood bank is established at leningrad hospital.. 1939-1940 the rh blood group is discovered and recognized as the cause behind most transfusion reactions.. 1940 the us government establishes a nationwide blood collection program.. so from the beginning of the watchtower being printed in 1879, they were ok with blood transfusions until 1945. what caused this?
It's because they are pharisees in that they want to find Laws that they can attribute to God and apply to themselves as being better than everyone else because they obey these laws.
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Know it’s not true but stay anyway
by Elena inhow many of the millions of jws know it’s not true but stay anyway?.
my guess is most jws know it’s not true on a subconscious level to an extent but they don’t want to think about it too much and would never ever voice it out loud.. but this is probably true with all religions around the world?.
What is not true?
You are not referring to the doctrines because they are true.
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John 1:1 in Coptic Translation
by slimboyfat inapparently there has been quite a stir in jw apologetic circles recently about the translation of john 1:1 in the early sahidic version of john.
i don't know if this has been discussed here before - if someone could give a link to a previous thread they know about on the subject that would be great.
here is what i gather: .
I asked a person why he believes Jesus is God and he said John 1:1 says Jesus was God.
Oh. That was written 65 years after Jesus died. If the reason people believe that Jesus was God is that, what did they believe during those prior 65 years?
Nowhere in Acts is there any trinity or that Jesus was God taught. The opposite. Stephen said that Jesus was at the right hand of God. Two people with a distinct rank and separation.
Why do people care what John 1:1 says?
John was just a man. He was simply writing a history of Jesus' life and John 1 was a prologue. He starts with the baptism and then the wedding and water to wine. John was showing that this guy was not just someone doing magic tricks, but he had a divine origin. That's all. It is not about a definite article or not. It was all about that he existed in heaven as a spirit before he became human. Apparently John's audience didn't understand that.
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First video from the convention is all about FEAR
by raymond frantz in
this was leaked only few days ago and it's a small segment of the video from the 2024 convention that has already started.
the video shows a jw logo down while worried jws are watching it as a news item on their tv screens, others are seen hiding from the police, others driving is the countryside to escape the authorities.
Why do they keep talking about the government persecution?
We have the 1st amendment to the federal constitution protecting our freedom of religion and each state has that freedom in its own constitution.
And even if those were to fail to protect that freedom, we have the 2nd amendment of the US Federal constitution to bring back those freedoms.
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Romans 10: 9 Simple Salvation - Not So Fast Says WT.
by Sea Breeze in"if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead, you will be saved".
- romans 10: 9. i find it interesting that this simple requirement for salvation has been a specific target of wt since their beginning.. first, jw's call jehovah lord, not jesus.
the fact that scripture calls jesus the king of kings and lord of lords doesn't seem to matter to them.
It is simple. The structure was that Israel was God's people. Then they became unfaithful and in Jer 31 a new covenant was given to where the structure would still be Israel but not of the flesh, but of the spirit.
We can't rely upon what Jesus said and not on what Paul said. Neither of them knew that the structure would be limited to 144,000. That was not revealed until Revelation.
Starting at Pentecost, the Israelites were anointed with holy spirit and adopted into the covenant, then in Acts 8 the Samaritans, then in Acts 10 the Gentiles. Then people in general whom God chose were anointed with holy spirit until the 144,000 were filled. This was filled around the mid 1990s.
Romans 10: 9 Simple Salvation - Not So Fast Says WT.
by Sea Breeze in"if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead, you will be saved".
- romans 10: 9. i find it interesting that this simple requirement for salvation has been a specific target of wt since their beginning.. first, jw's call jehovah lord, not jesus.
the fact that scripture calls jesus the king of kings and lord of lords doesn't seem to matter to them.
Sea Breeze said "Before the cross, Jesus predicted that he would resurrect himself from the dead, while he was dead."
No, he did not predict that. There was no cross. Jesus did not predict that he would resurrect himself, because he would be dead.
"So, if you are good with a man who resurrected himself from the dead being the Lord of your life, that's about all there is to getting saved. Living the Christian life is a 3 step process though.
1. Justification
2. Sanctification
3. Glorification"
None of those 3 are part of Christianity. What ever happened to "I will cause a boy who drives a plow to know more of the scriptures than the pope."
No one needs to know those 3 words listed above.
Romans 10: 9 Simple Salvation - Not So Fast Says WT.
by Sea Breeze in"if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead, you will be saved".
- romans 10: 9. i find it interesting that this simple requirement for salvation has been a specific target of wt since their beginning.. first, jw's call jehovah lord, not jesus.
the fact that scripture calls jesus the king of kings and lord of lords doesn't seem to matter to them.
"if you confess with your mouth".
Sounds like it applies only to his readers as all of the other letters from Paul go.
Paul is not the authority here.
And that 1963 W is correct. Jesus could not have been resurrected in the body that he lived in as he could not ascend beyond the atmosphere.
It had to be a body of spirit as he was at the right hand of God.
Happy 55th Anniversary Jehovah's Witnesses, masters of religious misinformation and lies.
by was a new boy init's already may 22, 2024 in kiritimati.. .
The snake of Genesis 3:1
by Halcon inwe've got some really knowledgeable members on here so i have a question for them and everybody.
what was the earliest adjective used to describe the snake of genesis 3:1?
currently one can read words in english translations like 'cunning' and 'crafty'....but in other languages you see words like 'wise' and astute...which convey a completely different idea.. i'm wondering what may have been the earliest and most accurate adjective known or used.
"Eve breaks the Mosaic Law, the Law against stealing"
There was no Mosaic Law at Eve.