I don't think anyone is the FDS.
It is wrong to build a religion around one scripture.
The Catholics use Matt 16 "Upon this rock"
JWs used Matt 24:45-47.
Who is right?
I prefer to use the John 13 Followers have love among themselves.
"from this it is clearly seen that the editor and publisher of zion's watch tower disavowed any claim to being individually, in his person, that "faithful and wise servant.
" he never did claim to be such," ("god's kingdom of a thousand years has approached," 1973, p. 346).. or this?.
"thousands of the readers of pastor russell's writings believe that he filled the office of 'that faithful and wise servant,' and that his great work was giving to the household of faith meat in due season.
I don't think anyone is the FDS.
It is wrong to build a religion around one scripture.
The Catholics use Matt 16 "Upon this rock"
JWs used Matt 24:45-47.
Who is right?
I prefer to use the John 13 Followers have love among themselves.
i was hoping to get some advice on what to say to a parent who wouldn’t support you to get married to a “worldy person”.
always bringing up “marry only in the lord” even when that hasnt worked out for the parent, twice divorced lol.
is there a way to discredit that scripture or argue back respectfully without giving away that you are pimo?.
Ok, Ok,. Just why do they know that the other person is not a Witness? Just tell them that he or she goes to a different congregation and get married by a judge. Unless of course the person looks weird such as wearing a beard or piercings, in which case you shouldn't be getting married to that one.
what you will not be told at the door bythe jehovah’s witnesses.
the jehovah’s witness (or watchtower bible and tract society) have made the followingpredictions which appear in their own literature:.
1. that jesus would return by 1874. when jesus failed to appear, the witnesses claimedthat it was an unseen, spiritual return.
They have made no false prophesies as they are not prophets and studying the Bible and calculating dates is not prophesying.
And just because one or a few teachers did that in the past does not make it right to label JWs as having made false predictions.
So yes, when JWs come to your door, they have the truth. Because truth is not about having all the understandings about the future.
hi everyone, i got the news that the lawsuit against the watchtower for the child abuse issue has been accepted in quebec(canada).
that means it can proceed further.
it is a first victory.
You are taking away the responsibility of the person and the family for handling the situation, and making it all about the elders and the organization. What people should do is to forget the elders at all. Handle it how they should handle it. What the organization or elders do or don't do is not allowing anyone to be abused.
hi everyone, i got the news that the lawsuit against the watchtower for the child abuse issue has been accepted in quebec(canada).
that means it can proceed further.
it is a first victory.
"possibly they knew of the alleged offenders prior behavior and concealed it."
And what would this have to do with being responsible for abuse? People need to be careful and protect themselves regardless. Blaming them takes that responsibility off of the individuals.
" the governing body of JWs that set up the policies of the religion, including the two witness rule that regularly allows many sex abusers around the world, stay active, because there was only one witness to the abuse."
Why was there only one witness to the abuse?
The religion, like most others, teach against child abuse. Any abuse done is because individuals go against those teachings. This two witness rule is to promote truth in accusations. Seeking that truth does not make them responsible.
if you haven't seen it already, skip to 1:14:30 in lloyds video and watch the craziness unfold.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2y7f7-k5wo.
i'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.. they're digging themselves a great hole here, in about 30 years time they'll be claiming this video was a mere "speculation" and that "some people" got the wrong ideas..
Watch the video and support Lloyd Evans as he has found a business model there of his own.
publisher record cards and reporting hours will be going away.
coming soon.. made this post 4 years ago, it happened - https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/24020002/kingdom-consolidation-sales-coming-reliable-source.
"Publisher record cards and reporting hours will be going away."
If the card goes away, it will be because of privacy laws such as some countries they can't keep territory records.
If reporting hours goes away, it will be because Jesus said to give your gift in private and not to make a showy display for honors.
hi everyone, i got the news that the lawsuit against the watchtower for the child abuse issue has been accepted in quebec(canada).
that means it can proceed further.
it is a first victory.
Why bring a lawsuit against the Watchtower Society? They are not responsible for child abuse.
...this, imo, is just too good to pass up:.
this bit especially made me laugh:.
Why isn't this forum friends with Cedars, aka Lloyd Evans, aka jwsurvey?
Also, why has the apostate community abandoned silent lambs, aka Bill Bowen?