I'm watching it now and the first thing I noticed was Ken Cook introduced a musical prelude. At the start of the conventions they would always introduce a musical interlude. I once told a CO about that and he had to look up the word in a dictionary. Maybe that suggest went all the way up.
Back in the 80s when I came in, the Governing Body had the awe about them. They were their positions since the 1920s. They had history. The ones now a days have no history.
Bro Winder is not correct when he says the governing body is not inspired. Yes, they are inspired by God. Inspired means where did the idea come from. The idea for their writings comes from God the same as with Paul. People think that being inspired means to have God directly give the information to do them. It does not.
He said the brothers are looking for a unanimous decision. Not that it is a rule.
Then David Splane - Was not changing doctrine. He was not getting dogmatic with specifics.