Sea Breaze "Jesus talks about hell more than he talks about heaven, and describes it more vividly. There’s no denying that Jesus knew, believed, and warned against the absolute reality of hell."
People need to stop going by what people said.
The problem here is that people don't ask the right questions. They don't ask questions at all. Where is the skepticism.
Why didn't it come into play at Adam? They caused humanity to suffer. But all they got was sent to the dust.
No mention of torment from Adam to Jesus.
It sounds like hellfire started when Jesus spoke of it.
The problem is that Jesus changed nothing. He termed dead people as sleeping.
Rich man and Lazarus had the rich man in torments becuase he received good things in his lifetime.
I thought torments was for not believing in Jesus. But that was not stated.
If people went to torments, Amos 3:7 would apply "For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing
Unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets."
It would needed to be explained and warned clearly.
Jesus didn't talk about hell more than heaven. Then the problem of the KJV uses gehenna for hell when it is only hades.
However, Jesus said he is the resurrection and the life. He gave expressions that may look like torments but they are just expressions. Jesus only fulfilled the atonement. He did not create punishments.