LOL I guess an EX jw man could think about a watchtower instead of baseball at that crucial moment. :)
Yes, women have to take some responsibility for man's preoccupation with sex. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!
for instance: .
car - guys look for a car that will attract women.
so they can have sex.
LOL I guess an EX jw man could think about a watchtower instead of baseball at that crucial moment. :)
Yes, women have to take some responsibility for man's preoccupation with sex. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!
today, i heard about how a very beloved relative of ours that recently passed away from cancer, had a reputation for stealing.
she would often go in stores and switch tags on clothing or other items (among other things).
we were shocked to find this out by a number of other relatives.
When was the last time? ;)
for instance: .
car - guys look for a car that will attract women.
so they can have sex.
Oh they do love you for your brains. Everybody knows that women who are better educated are also more sexually liberated. We think of a college educated women and we assume there had to be at least 1 bi-sexual experience. ;)
i have been dating this woman for two months.
i somehow agreed to being monogamus with her....the details aren't important..but here i am stuck in a relationship that daily grows more unbearable.
i have been trying to get the nerve to end it for the last 6 well it's true.
Thanks. That's exactly what I did. She has taken it badly. Complete with phone calls and nasty messages over and over. She seems to have moved past that stage now and we have spoken on the phone a couple of times.
Thanks to everyone for the advice on this. If nothing else it made me feel like I did all I could.
for instance: .
car - guys look for a car that will attract women.
so they can have sex.
I say YES! Everything relates back to sex with men. For instance:
Car - Guys look for a car that will attract women. Why? So they can have SEX. Even when purchasing a truck for work, we think "Should I put a camper on back, just in case?". How big is the back seat? Why do we care? Because we want to have SEX back there.
Food - We buy food that will make us look good and healthy. Why? So women will want to have SEX with us. And for the rest of us that have given up on looking good there is the food that gives you the feeling of having had SEX.
Home - When buying/renting and furnishing our home we ask ourselves "Would a sexy woman be comfortable in my home. Would she want to have SEX with me here?"
Clothes - Does this make women want to have SEX with me? We never ask does this make my ass look to big? We think does this make the "package" look good? lol but we NEVER ask other men this!!!
Computer - So you can have cyberSEX.
TV - Ever wonder why beer commercials are full of women in skimpy outfits? So we can imagine having SEX with them.
Music - Will this get her in the "mood" so I can have SEX with her? Or you imagine Brittany Spears or Shania Twain or Janet Jackson, need I say more?
Art - Ever notice how long guys linger in front of the pictures of naked women? SEX
Work - More money = More SEX
Friends - They are there so you have someone to brag about your SEX to.
Children - You have to have SEX to get them!
Pets - Babe Magnets! Girls think you are cute and will possibly have SEX with you.
Hobbies - A vain attempt to get your mind off SEX when you aren't getting any.
Alcohol - Buying for yourself to get the guts to ask a woman for SEX. Buying for the woman to get her in the mood to say Yes to SEX when you get the courage to ask.
Typing new posts - Increases dexterity which in turn means better SEX!
hey guys, .
in light of our past shared watchtower delusions, especially relating to understanding women, i thought it would be interesting to see how well everyone scores compared to your real world counterparts in understanding women.. you can take the sexual aptitude test here:,6927,s1-2-0-0-427,00.html.
no cheating now!
Wow...I did ruffle some feathers with that one. LOL You know I did say that all men were liars. Stole that from a song:
Hey girls
bring rusty pliars
to pull this truth
All men are liars
and that's the truth.
Truth is, though, I can generalize as much as I want. I'm just as qualified to do so as any one else. Probably more so. You see, I don't get pissed when some one says something pollitically incorrect and am therefore more likely to hear the truth instead of what you want to hear. Try using YOUR OWN mind. Use your sense of humor a little. Enjoy life and ALL it has to offer.
hey guys, .
in light of our past shared watchtower delusions, especially relating to understanding women, i thought it would be interesting to see how well everyone scores compared to your real world counterparts in understanding women.. you can take the sexual aptitude test here:,6927,s1-2-0-0-427,00.html.
no cheating now!
Any man that claims to understand women is a liar
You can say that again. But then every man who can speak is a liar. Women have trained us to lie to them. How often do they ask how they look? Do they want the truth? I don't think so.
That much I do understand about women. Besides I must be doing something right. Everytime I start dating a women she falls in love with me. I heard that on the second date. Of course, it could be that I've been dating desperate women. :)
Oh! And that test sucks. I only got 3 "correct". Yeah right. I have to agree with Aztec on her answers even if I did guess a couple of them differently. Thanks for the real perspective.
are there any current jehovahs witnesses here?.
what are your reasons for being here?
to find like minded people?
Just let me say to those of you who are currently still JW. Congratulations for making it here. The ability to examine your religion and even your own beliefs makes you a unique person. Very few are able to do that. Even people who are not JW hold tightly to what they were taught as a kid. Most of us here understand the fear and anxiety that you must be going though. It is tough. Exciting, but tough. Hang in there and keep exploring for yourself. Don't just find another way to belief the same thing. Find out what the "truth" really is. You may never be satisfied but it's the search that brings the most pleasure anyway. Keep asking yourself the tough questions. Prove just how strong you really are. Good luck!
it's a proven fact!!
anyway, i thought the dating thing was suppose to get easier when you got older..come on guys..what makes you tick???
bet yall don't know which of the body members rules the body....and why..... cheers!.
frannie b
I'll have to agree with Farkel on this one. I think the big head is in control until it reaches a certain level of arousal and then hands all decision making responsibility over to the ........litt......slightly smaller head. At that point the heart is only there in a support role.