Greenhorn, a small point of clarification. Women have never been "used" during morning worship. They have been allowed to comment, but thats viewed the same as commenting at the WT study. They have never and will never be allowed to teach, which is what "being used" means in dubbie speak.
JoinedPosts by Justnowout
Actually, let me revise and extend my remarks to echo a bit of what Sir82 said. Never, ever ever ever, will they directly address the camera, meaning the audience. Ever. Never.
HOWEVER, i could eventually see them being used in "demonstration" capacity, meaning reinacting situations that call for a woman, like a housekeeper or a maid or on a bible study. Perhaps also being interviewed in 'life story' setting, especially GB wives.
But absolutly never, ever ever ever never would they be seen as "teaching", that is speaking to the camera. As much as i respect you terry, NEVER ever never. Will.not.happen.
It will never happen. Ever. Nobody outside the upper echelon, meaning the GB and their so called helpers, will get a sniff of air time.
What do YOU believe?
by new hope and happiness inactually i believe that truth does not exist, there are only points of view.
what we think is truth today we may not think is truth tomorrow.
for example today i may believe there is no after life.
Let me tell you what I believe. I believe Morpheus means more to me than he does to you. I believe if you're really serious about saving him, you are going to need my help. And since I am the ranking officer on this ship, if you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell. Because you aren't going anywhere else.
That about sums it up for me
Coping whilst stuck in the org.
by crazyhorse ini recently learned ttatt and it really sickens me when i sit through the meetings.
i am so tired of faking things.
i feel like vomiting when annoying things are said from the platform.
Good catch on the prayer Joe! I forgot that one but i too refuse to bow my head or utter an "amen". i used to sing various song lyrics but i find more joy in changing their gods name to mine and praising my (make believe) god with their song of praise to their make believe god ;)
can anyone verify the new "basic pioneer" rumor?
by Chris Tann inso it's rumored started by one member that there is a new pioneer rank called basic pioneer, announced at annual meeting.
can anyone verify this is true?
everything else presented at the meeting has been verified except this.
Likewise, i have two very reliable sources that were there. Neither has hinted or in anyway given any confirmation of this. I desperatly want this to be true but i have very serious reservations about the veracity of this report.
Coping whilst stuck in the org.
by crazyhorse ini recently learned ttatt and it really sickens me when i sit through the meetings.
i am so tired of faking things.
i feel like vomiting when annoying things are said from the platform.
The clapping game is huge (if childish) fun but only works at assemblies. The only oportunity at local meetings is after the public talk which gets claps anyway, but whats important is to find things YOU think are fun and that help keep you sane :) it can be done. Just remember: there is no spoon. Its all crap and a game. You can and will find peace with it eventually.
Coping whilst stuck in the org.
by crazyhorse ini recently learned ttatt and it really sickens me when i sit through the meetings.
i am so tired of faking things.
i feel like vomiting when annoying things are said from the platform.
1) have a plan.
Having a plan helps you stay focused and turns it from a waste of time into another step in YOUR plan. It gives you a sense of control and power tha helps tremendously in dealing with it all.
2) play games
One of my personal favorites is to twist the songs as they sing. For example, any song that uses the name 'je-ho-vah' i substitute 'dear-o-din'. Any song that uses the word "jesus" (not many to be sure) i substitute "thor". Its silly and small but it amuses me greatly to see people near me double take, thinking they heard something slightly off but they cant quiet place it... Games make the time go by. I also txt from the platform, play games on phone/tablet, surf the web etc etc on the kingdom hall wiFi. Small acts of rebellion, emall amusments to pass time make it enjoyable.
3) learn to embrace the suck
another favorite passtime (and a bit of a game in its own right) is to embrace the suck. When someone makes a kiss a** comment, i one up them. When someone slobbers over a pretentious shmo of a speaker, i slobber more. When someone fawns over a new wt article, i drool over it in excess. Its all sarcasium and mockery but its amazing how many people accept it at face value. Its both sad and fun to see how far i can push it and so few even register the slightest hit that they understand im mocking them.
4) use your time to wake others up
its hard and can be scarry at first, but learn to ask open ended questions designed to spark people and make them think. Pepper them in to comments During the meeting. Have something in mind thats being discussed on the meeting and frame an innocent question designed to give a subtle nudge. You maybe supprised at who will give a subtle nod of knowing or who will privatly admit they see where you going and agree with you. Keep it subtle, always leave yourself wiggle room, and have fun with a subservise attitude. it WILL help some, even if you dont see it right away.
A "My Book of Bible Stories" tale that I've always hated
by JimmyPage ini've always hated story #53: "jepthah's promise".
i always felt sorry for the daughter who had to spend the rest of her days at the tabernacle because her father made a numb-nuts promise to god.
who did he think he was, making promises for other people?
I have long susspected that such tales were included in that book as a way to desensitize dubbie kids to kids all and to feed them the dubbie line early on in life. When taught young to accept the dubbie version of a story people dont question when they grow up
AGM 2014 - How are faders gonna hide in plain sight anymore?
by tootired2care inso two big changes in the org were announced in the most recent agm.. local needs part is replaced by "how do you know the truth" where all members will tell their experience (oh what fun).
basic pioneer role 10 only hours a month required (see, jehovah lightens our load, therefore he loves only us)!.
it seems like they have really turned up the heat here.
I agree with the idea that this wont hurt faders or apostates at all. We lie all the time as it is... However i also agree that i will simply use this as impitus to fade, an imaginary stumble type thing. Its so stupid i hope its true but until i see it in print i have my doubts.