Romans 9:22 - shows that God is willing to show his destructive power, but has refrained to so do because he has been showing mercy towards those pursuit the hope he gives. Romans 2:4 shows that God does so in order to allow people to reach repentance. So, yes, I do believe that God is refraining from interfeering. Why he has interfeered in the pre-christian past? I have a few guesses, but - correct me if I'm wrong on this one - I don't see God expressly saving people from natural disasters except when he was the one causing them, therefore, in control of such events.
Btw, this
How did the 250 000 victims of the tsunami choose to be killed on 26th Dec 2004?
is an abominable fallacy and doesn't deserve an answer. It's bellow you, Cofty, and you know it. Stop being obtuse.