Any large printing effort these days - unless it's a NY Times best-seller - will be a money looser. At best, the costs will be covered, but I don't think money is the real issue, although finantials are a huge part of the M.O that drives the GB these days.
I, too, believe that the REAL motive behind a revised NWT is to pave the way for huge doctrinal changes. What will they be? Your guess is as good as mine. But since everything the JW believe and do must be backed by the Bible [no matter how contrived and controversial the interpretation is, but it must have a biblical backing], I think the GB realized they have put themselves in a corner, doctrinally, that they cannot get out of without losing face, and many members. What to do? Slowly, almost imperceptably 1) Revise the doctrinal basis [the Bible itself]; and then, based on the "new" basis 2) Revise the doctrine.
That way the GB can save face, and reverse, change or come up with new theology, based on an "improved" understanding of the Scriptures, because the NEW translation is more accurate, blah blah.
[Btw, my bet is on the change of the understanding of the significance of 1914, which will lead to a change in the understanding of the "generation", which will lead to a change in the understanding of the significance of the 144.000 and the "other sheep"]