Please explain God's wisdom in Judges19;22-30

by jam 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jam

    The just of the account, Two people enter a city and can not

    find lodging. An old man invite them to stay with him (Levite).

    This is so weird, all the men of the city come to have sex with

    the new guy in town. So what do you think the host did when he

    answered the door? Well he offered the mob his virgin daughter

    and his guest concubine. They took the the concubine and

    raped and abused her all nite. She crawl back to the old man door

    where she collapse the next morning and die.

    Folks this is sick, The old man (the Levite) cuts the concubine into

    twelve piceces and sent the bloody body parts to the twelve tribes.

    WTF....... Believers help me out..

  • confusedandalone

    There will be no sufficent answer.. no matter how many passages like this that are pulled up there will never be a sufficent answer for someone who is not an apologist. They will not say that it is GODS fault... it will always be the human - even if the human does exactly what GOD tells him to do...

    It tires me out trying to reason with bible thumpers... so I dont anymore. I am glad this board is full of people who ar emore determined than myself

  • Bella15

    A recurring theme in Judges is that “In those days Israel had no King and everyone did what was right in his own sight.” so the nation quickly sank into one of the most morally and spiritually corrupt states in its history,yeap believe it or not and all of this after having seen what God had done for them,I think they forgot about everything in one generation. I think the real lesson of Judges and some stories therein is the moral disaster that ensues when people abandon God and everyone decides for himself what’s right. When I read the OT and I see how the israelites behaved I am like "que burros." Perhaps in the future someone will read about us and say the same ... LOL!!!

    Remember the past has no future ... read those stories for what they are, stories that were lived by and affected the Israelites ... I am sure you are not even related to them ... reminds me of my mother who keeps on watching the news and saying how bad things are in the world, I always say to her, mother not that you are not going to care but the earthquake happened in Chile, you are fine. Yes, 6 people got killed overnight in Houston, but 7 millions woke up alive, including you and the rest of the family. Just because 6 people died she is wishing Armageddon on 7 billion people ... LOL

  • Bella15

    Forgot to tell you, always reserach what the Jewish take is on these stories. The Jewish Encycloepedia is a good source to start, from there you can research the bibliography.

  • confusedandalone

    There really is no need to research any of it because there is no way possible to get a truthful answer. No one can explain any of it sufficently or with any accuracy. It may be in your best interest to just accept these fairy tales as just that... fairy tales and spend as little time as possible allowing them to affect your life and those you love.

    Why read archaic propoganda about why one group is superior to another and that they have the stories to prove it? After all Bible God is the sickest motherfugger ever because he is a ruthless racist son of a bitch for most of the bible and the rest of the time he is a still a segregating and hating son of a bitch. It is worse than devoting your entire life to trying to understand Hitler

  • Quarterback

    It is similar to the account of Lot, when the two visitors(Angels) stayed at his house, and the city inhabitants of Sodom pressured him to give up the two visitors. Lot offerred up his two daughters.

    Apparently, the custom in those days was to offer safety and security for your guests. Their life was considered more important than your household. This was covered under being Hospitable. The Bible has some ugly things in it, and this passage is definitely one of them. It may be there to show the mental state of what a person would do under duress. It's not a recommended practice, just history.

  • Bella15

    Once bitten, twice shy ... you may don't like this, but when I was helping my niece who had been sexually abused by a JW, the psychologist treating her asked about her spirituality, of course we both jumped at her, we both were blaming God for it, she explained to us the difference, relion vs spirituality, a Higher Power, and through some sessions and afterward I came to the realization that she was right at least in my case and my niece case that our reactions and feelings toward god, spirituality, etc. was a symptom of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ... now that I understand how the brain works in regards to PTSD I see how some of my symptoms as atheist (yes I was once) was actually PTSD. I used to curse at God like you. In one occassion when I yelled at him demanding him to explain to me what had happened to my niece, blaming him for it (after coming back from the pshychiatric hospital where my niece had tried to cut her wrists with her own nails - so much was her pain) a voice spoke in my heart telling me "SHE WILL BE WHOLE AGAIN". I was on the floor crying for my niece when this happened, I opened my eyes, looked around and I had this great peace inside me, and the words keep resounding, SHE WILL BE WHOLE AGAIN. The word WHOLE had a great significance, because the doctors at the hospital had used the word BROKEN for her that afternoon, they told me she was broken! My Lord said she will be WHOLE again. My niece is now WHOLE and more than WHOLE she is ALIVE and FREE INDEED!

    Yes, there is a god of the bible, and then there is GOD! The personal experience, God within!

  • confusedandalone

    " I yelled at him demanding him to explain to me what had happened to my niece, blaming him for it (after coming back from the pshychiatric hospital where my niece had tried to cut her wrists with her own nails - so much was her pain) a voice spoke in my heart telling me "SHE WILL BE WHOLE AGAIN".

    I think you should definitely spend more time with that psychologist because if your heart is telling you things there is something far worse than PSD you are dealing with.

  • Quarterback

    Wow, Bella, What a terrible painful experience that must have been for you.

    This would take quite some time to heal over this.

    All the best,


  • eyeuse2badub

    Isn't this account in Judges just a rerun of the Genesis account of when the 2 angels visited Lot? In Genesis Lot offered his daughters to the sex crazed crowd. In Genesis the wife became a pillar of salt, in Judges the concubine becomes chopped liver. Same story , different characters, same gory ending.

    just saying!


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