They will be known as JayWeeOrgz ...
[Vidiot beat me to it: J-Worgs is better :P ]
They will be known as JayWeeOrgz ...
[Vidiot beat me to it: J-Worgs is better :P ]
after reading from another thread, i felt it was worth asking this question.. if you left the borg on your own, have you attempted to meet others whom you used to be connected with while you were "in", but who have also become ex-jw's before or after you have left the wts?
if that's the case, has it remained a friendship, or the connection grew cold?
just curious as to what keeps friendships "stick" [or not] once you no longer have the borg's doctrinal glue.. your experiences are welcome.. eden.
After reading from another thread, I felt it was worth asking this question.
If you left the Borg on your own, have you attempted to meet others whom you used to be connected with while you were "in", but who have also become ex-JW's before or after you have left the WTS? If that's the case, has it remained a friendship, or the connection grew cold? Just curious as to what keeps friendships "stick" [or not] once you no longer have the Borg's doctrinal glue.
Your experiences are welcome.
in my recent thread on the nephilim and the rephaim (, i indicated that the legend of the titans was broadly related to the canaanite and hebrew myths of the nephilim and rephaim, but here in 2 peter we see more recent hellenistic influence on jewish legend.
according to hesiod and other greek writers, the titans were the wicked offspring of ouranius and gaia ("heaven" and "earth") who initially had sovereignty over the cosmos but whom zeus and the olympian gods defeated and consigned to eternal bondage in the prison called tartarus in the netherworld.
iliad 8:13-16 describes tartarus as a bottomless pit located below hades, a distinction reminiscent of hades and the abyss of revelation.
watchtowers official view:.
you also ask why one can be disfellowshipped for taking a blood transfusion but not for taking blood fractions.
while both may affect the life of an individual, the expression "life-sustaining" in connection with blood transfusions is synonymous with the idea of taking in food for nourishment.
Welcome back, Marvin
here's a challenge to the creative ones.... what if there was a governing body in israel during the time of the exodus or the judges?
what kind of letters would it produce to the rank and file?
bring it on.
Here's a challenge to the creative ones...
What if there was a Governing Body in Israel during the time of the Exodus or the Judges? What kind of letters would it produce to the rank and file? Bring it on. Here's one example:
Paran, 06 Tishri, 1444 BCE.
To All Tribes of Israel
It has been brought to the attention of the Governing Body that some brothers have been hoarding Manna, storing it to use in the following day, in disregard of the instructions lovingly provided by Jehovah through our faithful and discreet servant, Moses, on Exodus 20:4, 19: “Let no man leave it till the morning”.
While an exceptional provision has been made in order that the Sabbath may be fully observed, and thus twice the product can be stored on Fridays, apparently some sisters are undermining their husbands’ headship by collecting and storing an inappropriate portion of Manna with the intention of storing it for usage in the following day.
In light of this situation, the Governing Body, who now sits on the seat of Moses, has made extensive consideration with prayer and has decided that each residual or excessive portion of Manna that will be inappropriately kept overnight shall bred worms and become foul, followed by an abhorrent putrid stench. This way, each Israelite should learn not to ignore Jehovah’s loving instructions, and keep in line with the progressive organization of God.
We believe these loving instructions will be beneficial to all as we honor Jehovah's name by being faithful in all things during these momentous journey towards the promised land.
Please accept our expression of warm Hebrew love.
Hebrew Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
Note to all tribal elders: If any Israelite is found guilty of deliberately disobeying these instructions, and two witnesses can be found to testify of the brazen misconduct, a judicial committee of three elders should meet with the wrongdoer. If no evidence of repentance is found, the impenitent, mentally diseased individual must be disfellowshipped from God’s people by means of loving stoning. The secretary of the tribe should keep this letter in the permanent file.
in my area the general sense is bleak.
many are in survival mode.
even at the convention the appearance of the majority was unhappy and tired.
There's a significant detatchment between the discourse ("oh these wonderful new understandings!", "the organization is really moving forward", "the preaching work is accelerating", "the GB is so loving and really caring about us", "the end is really close now"...blah blah blah and whatnot) and THEN there is the actual deeds and general attitude. And what I see is the brothers tired, demotivated, going through the motions, no real spark anymore ... the KH is mostly a social club where they meet their friends. And I see the Elders feeling the knife on their backs to keep the rank & file marching in pace, and feeling they're losing grip on the situation, but at the same time drumming from the platform that Jehovah is blessing us, etc. In my congregation, over the last 2 years, 4 elders stepped down / were removed, and two relinquished their "special privileges" [such as overseeing the theocratic school], while keeping the Elder status, and 2 MS were removed (myself included).
is eating for christians?
if so, which food is suitable?reprint from the witchtower, 04/2010.
they are like the bread ... all those eating it will defile themselves.
so said the co last night.. apparently a jw was on a flight and just happend to sit next to some big wig from pixar and when the man from pixar heard that he was a jw the pixar man just gushed over what great work that the watchtower has done in producing the caleb video's.
he siad he only wished pixar could do such great work.
the co said we are able to do it because we have free labor and jehovah behind us.. my husband stayed home from the meeting but wanted to tie in by phone and that is what the co said in his talk.. the co also talked about all the changes that have happened in the last ten years and how if some of the friends did not like it they needed and to quote him "they just needed to get over it" these changes are going to happned period.
There was this DO on a flight from Virginia Beach to Belize that sat next to the CEO of a local company that specializes in manufacturing civilian and military-grade bomb shelters; when he witnessed the guy, he told him he was blown away by the JW's because, back in the 1940's his company had learned about the bomb shelter that the society had bult in Beth-Shan, and they were so impressed that they licenced the design from the WTS, signed by Rutherford himself, and that is still the state-of-the-art technology they're using to this day to build nuclear-proof bomb shelters.
...... see how long it will take until this TRUE story makes into a Regional Convention or a CO talk.
should christians drink tea?.
would you like a cup of tea?.
this seemingly innocent question has been asked countless times, and is regarded as a gesture of courtesy and hospitability in many parts of the world, in both eastern and western culture.
Mr Negative
It's called "tasseography" or "tasseomancy".
The fact that Joseph owned a siver "divination cup" such as most egyptian noblemen had, doesn't mean that:
a) Joseph actually used it for divination purposes; He was probably just mongering fear among his brothers.
b) Such divination, if existed, was done with tea leaves.
should christians drink tea?.
would you like a cup of tea?.
this seemingly innocent question has been asked countless times, and is regarded as a gesture of courtesy and hospitability in many parts of the world, in both eastern and western culture.
And, let's not forget that teaocracy is opposed to theocracy, just as teaism is opposed to theism. It's all the devil's work.