JoinedPosts by EdenOne
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions inthis is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
Books about early Christianity
by EdenOne ini've just finished reading two (imo) great books:.
"a history of christianity - the first three thousand years", by diarmaid macculloch.
"misquoting jesus", by bart ehrman.
I've finished reading my books. Both books by James Tabor blew my mind. I strongly recommend them, to get an understanding on how Paul theologically hijacked the Jesus movement and how was the Jesus movement before Paul took over it. I like Bart Ehrman when he goes on textual criticism details, but he repeats a lot of material across his books, which at times is boring already.
I've purchased three more books:
"James, The Brother Of Jesus", by Robert Eisenman
"The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls ( 7th ed)" by Geza Vermes
"The Nag Hamadi Scriptures" by Marvin W. Meyer
Doug, thank you for that list, I'll have a look at some of those.
David Splane Destroys the Very Foundation of 1914- Corp. Meeting New Light
by scotoma inat the corporate meeting david splane discusses the use and misuse of types/antitypes.. the main qualifier of a type is that an account must be represented in the scriptures as a. type of some future event.. he quoted schroeder who said if an account isnt explained in the scriptures as a type than you.
shouldnt use the event as a type.. splane summed up his talk by saying if the bible is silent - we must be silent.. but they go right on celebrating the 100 years from 1914 which was determined by improperly.
going beyond anything written in the bible about nebuchadnezzars tree dream.. the bible specifically refers to the immense tree as representing nebuchadnezzar.. daniel explained it and that should be the end of the matter.. .
This scenario rings familiar.
When Jesus realized that the apocalyptical "chronology" provided by Daniel was about to reach its climax, he undertook his final trip to Jerusalem, to openly confront the leading Saducees, Pharisees and Herodians, knowing that it would likely end up in his arrest and sentencing to death. However, he pushed forth that scenario, thinking that God would ultimately deliver him at the last minute and usher in the sudden manifestation of the Kingdom of God. In a way, upping the confrontation purposedly was a way to force God's hand to start Armageddon.
Perhaps that's the WTS plan all along. Perhaps they're playing a double game: On one hand, they're cleary preparing for the "long haul", consolidating assets, new world HQ, streamlining the hierarchy, big push towards online publishing etc. Also, there are signs that there are some prophetic interpretations that can be used to "delay" the end times almost indefinitly. However, this recent view of Gog opens the door to an interpretation of an agression from ANY type of enemy of God's people. And THAT may well be the media, the courts, etc. By bluntly defying the courts and authorities, maybe the leadership of the WTS is testing a certain "make or break" apocalyptic theology, where, by forcing the hand of the authorities to persecute them, they expect that would somehow force Jehovah's hand to act and bring about Armageddon. In their view, it may well be a win-win situation: If Jehovah interveines and Armageddon takes place, fine! - their apocalyptic wordview has been vindicated. But if nothing happens, they will simply regroup from the finantial and adept losses and carry on for the long haul, having their belief framework already adapted to survive for times to come.
How to Bewilder a Witness!
by The Searcher inask a witness what seems like a simple bible question: "nine verses in the bible tell us that jesus is going to judge the living and the dead.
(john 5:28,29, acts 10:42, acts 17:31, romans 14:9, 2 cor.
5:10, 2 tim.
The context of Romans 6:7 is that Paul is likening Christiam baptism to a symbolic "death" [the baptismal water where the baptized is submerged is symbolic of the grave burial]. So, when someone is baptized, he 'dies' and his sins are therefore acquited. In Paul's theology, it's BAPTISM that erases sins, not someone's own physical death. Of course, that's at odds with what the apostle Peter taught about baptism and sin ... but of course the JW's won't admit there's a contradiction.
I suppose that SOME fundamentalists (especially those in leadership positions) are well aware and thus well able to articulate what the arguments against their belifs are about. But they deliberatedly choose to ignore, obfuscate and conceal those arguments. Those outside the leadership simply follow suit without questioning. But both are fundamentalist, I think.
Books about early Christianity
by EdenOne ini've just finished reading two (imo) great books:.
"a history of christianity - the first three thousand years", by diarmaid macculloch.
"misquoting jesus", by bart ehrman.
I've just finished reading two (imo) great books:
"A History of Christianity - The First Three Thousand Years", by Diarmaid MacCulloch
"Misquoting Jesus", by Bart Ehrman
I've purchased now another four:
"Jesus, Interrupted" and "Lost Christianities", by Bart Ehrman
"The Jesus Dinasty" and "Paul And Jesus", by James D. Tabor
Have you read any of these? What are your thoughts? Can you recommend other works about the historical Jesus, early christianity(ies) and the formation of the Bible canon?
They forget how Jesus gave as an example to follow that widow that persisted in demanding justice from a judge, until justice was finally granted to her. (Luke 18:1-8) She didn't 'wait on Jehovah' in quiet, reverent silence before the "superior authority" appointed by God's agency. She felt the injustice and spoke up and was vocal about defending her rights.
Next time a JW tells you that you shouldn't let your children go to college ...
by EdenOne intell them this:.
Mary, coincidently, I've posted a meme with that quote on another thread today...
Show this to the young ones in the congregation
by EdenOne inhopefully it will make them think.. .
It's in the second and third paragraphs.