Don't forget the CONTEXT of the remark: A Zone visit to the US. So, "growth" can be perceived worldwide, but specifically in the US, the number of Bible Studies is diminishing, hence the heads-up.
so the governing body likes to keep claiming incredible growth.
at the same time they claim bible studies are way down.
are the finally admitting what we've known all along, that they can no longer recruit outsiders?
Don't forget the CONTEXT of the remark: A Zone visit to the US. So, "growth" can be perceived worldwide, but specifically in the US, the number of Bible Studies is diminishing, hence the heads-up.
so i asked my wife to take the "spiritual belief system" quiz online.
now, this is not claiming to be a scientifically accurate system to determine your religious affiliation, but i thought it would be an interesting exercise.. for those who haven't seen it, the questionnaire is here:.
Funny how things change. I took this test a little over a year ago and the top result was JW. Now it's down to 12%. Surprisingly, 100% Unitarian Universalist, 82% Liberal Quakers, 77% Secular Humanism make the top 3 now.
i've heard it mentioned a few times.. the rotating earth graphic in the background on jwtv rotates backwards.. i've mentioned it to the active and they are not concerned at all.. my response is, "it's something they are portraying that cannot be more wrong".. .
two gb members have stood in front of it telling us to trust them.
how can you when they think the sun rises in the west.... .
The earth clearly revolves around the Watchtower HQ.
can anyone confirm that gb member anthony morris iii's real birth name is anthony esposito?.
if it is, that would explain why it has been hard to find his military record, or any other biographical information about him.. .
Why, then, would he be called "Morris III" if he was adopted? Wouldn't that imply a "Morris II" and a "Morris" in his ancestry? i know one thing doesn't rule out the other, but normally those dynastic type of conventions are based on bloodlines.
just simple quesiton.
in one video i saw, anthony morris iii makes the comment "i come from a wealthy family, you all know that".
does anyone know who this family is?
His spiritual family is indeed wealthy ... his Father owns the universe and his older brother has a kingdom over heaven and earth, and his other 12 half-brothers all sit on the administration board.
everyone has an opinion on things.
oftentimes, we ask for help or want the view of the board in a matter.
but just remember, the comments are simply personal views.
Coftly, but the OP was about "opinions", especially regarding the business of "advice". No matter how much informed it may be, no interpretation of facts will ever be entirely objective, devoided of tidbits or chunks of speculation and theorization, personal experiences, and even personal/communal/professional conveniences. As Coded Logic noticed, an informed opinion is always preferable, and one is better when there are facts to back it up. But "advice" will always be on the realm of opinion, not on just data. We're not discussing science here.
got to admit that when some of these screechers get wound up, ive felt the same as the young lady..
This video makes me very unconftable on so many levels.
First, the preacher: He IS being a public nuisance. He's way too loud for comfort, and his message doesn't convey love or peace, but fear-mongering and guilt. However, is he breaking the law of the land? I see a police car way on the back of the scene. if someone finds the guy breaking the law, or feels offended, take it to the authorities, and let them resolve. Or, engage the preacher with a reasonably articulate conversation.
But the girl was wayy off the mark, and it was clearly coached and staged. At some point she betrays herself when she looks directly into the camera operator, looking for validation. I don't know who's behind the camera - a parent, a relative ... but certainly that's not the way to educate your child to behave like a civil human being in society. That's disrespectful, disgraceful, tasteless. I feel as sorry for the preacher as I feel sorry for the girl and whomever is responsable for her education.
everyone has an opinion on things.
oftentimes, we ask for help or want the view of the board in a matter.
but just remember, the comments are simply personal views.
Cofty: There is no such thing as opinions when it comes to statements about reality. It is important to be able to tell the difference between an opinion and an objective fact that we can go and check out for ourself.
It's not always black & white, Cofty.
Let's state a fact: It's 13ยบ Celsius out there.
Me, being from Southern Europe and very spoilt with sunshine and warm weather, will say: It's cold out there. But someone from a scandinavian country will look at the same fact and say: It's quite nice out there. We will both be right - or: neither of us will be wrong - albeit we don't agree on our interpretation of the very same fact.
So, even statements about reality are subject to interpretation and subjective opinion, even without contradicting factual reality itself. This diversity of opinions makes the world a warmer and interesting place, not a cold lab-like environment of cold hard data.
to give a little background, my parents are in their late 50s.
around a year ago, my elder dad got laid off from his job.
he worked as a auto mechanic making ok money.
Indeed, full-throttle CULT MODE. Sad.
what saying made it all around the country?.
the ones that were passed around, word of mouth.. for example.
"donations basis proves jehovah is behind the work!".
I'm glad they don't venerate cult leaders! (He said with bitter irony).
Amen to THAT!