JoinedPosts by EdenOne
Please Welcome me
by Sofia Lose inhave lurked here for many, many years.
female, latina, middle-aged, born-in, 3rd generation jw, northeast usa.
my fate is to continue to play the game 'till death do us part because the very strong and tangled web of friends, family, business, etc.
Welcome, Sofia! -
Wife is FOR SURE waking up
by cappytan inwell, this is a new development.
she broached the subject of ttatt tonight.
said i was right about the flood.
Interesting article on challenges to Darwinian model of evolution ...
by EdenOne inthis article, published on the huffington post by stuart a. newman, shows that modern science has found that there are other mechanisms at play in nature that disprove certain tenets of the darwinian evolutionism based solely on natural selection.
i've spoken before about the mechanisms of hybridization and their potential to introduce lasting changes, but this article speaks of other mechanisms as well.
interesting read:.
Can't stay for long now, but what has been disproved was Darwin's intransigence regarding the existence of other mechanisms beyond natural selection that would be at play in the development / evolution of life. In his model, it was all about small gradual adaptations and "natural selection" would weed out the weakest strains and ensure the survival of the fittest. That explanation is simplistic and very incomplete, we know that now.
Interesting article on challenges to Darwinian model of evolution ...
by EdenOne inthis article, published on the huffington post by stuart a. newman, shows that modern science has found that there are other mechanisms at play in nature that disprove certain tenets of the darwinian evolutionism based solely on natural selection.
i've spoken before about the mechanisms of hybridization and their potential to introduce lasting changes, but this article speaks of other mechanisms as well.
interesting read:.
Agreed, Cofty. It was an extrapolation of his ideas applied to social sciences.
Interesting article on challenges to Darwinian model of evolution ...
by EdenOne inthis article, published on the huffington post by stuart a. newman, shows that modern science has found that there are other mechanisms at play in nature that disprove certain tenets of the darwinian evolutionism based solely on natural selection.
i've spoken before about the mechanisms of hybridization and their potential to introduce lasting changes, but this article speaks of other mechanisms as well.
interesting read:.
Ruby, social darwinism has caused as much damage to mankind as religion. Although it has fell into disfavor among the scientific community, it still survives and it's deeply engrained in neoliberal economics these days. I personally never felt Darwinism was the end-all theory of life, and these new researches open new alleys of knowledge that appear to be much more in tune with reality - or at least fill the gaps that "natural selection" couldn't explain.
Interesting article on challenges to Darwinian model of evolution ...
by EdenOne inthis article, published on the huffington post by stuart a. newman, shows that modern science has found that there are other mechanisms at play in nature that disprove certain tenets of the darwinian evolutionism based solely on natural selection.
i've spoken before about the mechanisms of hybridization and their potential to introduce lasting changes, but this article speaks of other mechanisms as well.
interesting read:.
This article, published on the Huffington Post by Stuart A. Newman, shows that modern science has found that there are other mechanisms at play in nature that disprove certain tenets of the Darwinian evolutionism based solely on natural selection. I've spoken before about the mechanisms of hybridization and their potential to introduce lasting changes, but this article speaks of other mechanisms as well. Interesting read:
Advice needed on Crisis of Conscience
by cappytan inso, some of you may have seen my thread from yesterday about my wife waking up.. we had further discussion yesterday evening after i sent her the pbs video on the abuse scandals plaguing the watchtower.
she was so furious and pissed off at wt hq.
apparently a close relative of her's was abused by an elder and the only reason he was reproved and removed as an elder was because he confessed.
No need to rush. Let it ferment for a while. If she needs it, she will ask again. My wife didn't need to read CoC in order to make the decision to leave. The paedophilia policy of the GB did it for her and all came tumbling down in a matter of days. Nowadays she hates everything JW with even a greater passion than I do.
Beards are evil, but do you know why?
by free2beme inas a witness, i knew several men who attempted to grow beards.
when they did, and attended meetings, it did not take long to be talked to by elders and told, "as spiritual men, they should not display an outward form of rebellion.
" why was this a form of rebellion?
I have yet another theory that stems from this curious real story that happened in my country, and I've heard it told in a radio show a few years ago while a writer was being interviewed. He told this story from his days in the military:
Because he had university studies, this man progressed quickly in the military ranks until the rank of Captain. He was transferred to a barracks unit in the south. When he got there, he was briefed by his second-lieutenant about the ins and outs of the military facility. While they were touring the facility, the second-lieutenant pointed to a wood bench right in the middle of the central square where the troops assemble. He said: "You should know, It's strictly forbidden for anyone to sit on that bench, Sir". When he was asked why, he shrug and said "I can't say for sure, but those are superior orders - no one sits on that bench". Intrigued, the Captain insisted: "How long has this order been in place?" "I don't know, but I've been here a few years already and those orders were already in place and my previous superiors were very clear that no one was to sit on that bench, and they weren't revoked yet".
The Captain was intrigued, but didn't insist any further. However, as time went by, he noticed that everyone strictly avoided sitting on the said bench. So, one night while he was on duty and bored, he decided to go through the books of the military unit, and find out when and why the "no-seat" order had been issued. He went back nearly 25 years. Then, he found it! Written by a former Coronel, there it was, plainly stated: "FRESHLY PAINTED BENCH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SQUARE - DO NOT SIT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE." ......
I believe something similar happens with the beard issue. The roots go back to Rutherford's anxiety to bury the memory of Russell. Ever since those days, everyone wanted to please the "Judge", so it became something strictly enforced in the congregations, even if nobody knew exactly why. The, 'post-hoc' rationalizations came along, such as trying to tie beards with hippie counterculture and communism, therefore, rebellious spirit. It's a story that is entirely baseless from a Bible perspective, and nobody knows exactly how it came to be, or why, except to say it's "superior orders".
Governing Body Member Stephan Lett Lies On JW.TV
by Finkelstein ini thought it would be important to clearly point in the recent talk by governing body member stephan lett, that he did in fact deliberately lie concerning what he described as lies and false information by apostates, concerning the organization being permissive toward people in the organization who had been involved in pedophilia.
the truth of the matter is thats exactly what the organization has been doing and perhaps for a long time.
the recent candace conti law suit where she was awarded 28 million dollars was levied against the wts for its irresponsible behavior by the elders who gave no notification of the accused jonathan kendrick that he had been charged with pedophilia and spent months in jail for his actions .
A major part of the issue here is that the Branch calls upon itself the task of determining who is a sexual predator. Notice that they differentiate between a 'molester' and a 'predator'. Positive, preemptive action will only be taken regarding a "predator", but since it's up to the Branch to decide when a 'molester' must be also considered a 'predator', the local BOE has its hands tied because the GB directives say so. In the meantime, a molester [or a predator taking advantage of the Branch's lack of expertise on the subject] has a green pass to reoffend because no special vigilance was required in the congregation. And all the GB cares about is to blame the victims and the whistleblowers - because, above all, they care for the Organization's "good name". Sick bastards.
A whole decade?
by Caedes inaccording to the new software i have been here for ten years.
should i be getting parole around now?
doesn't time fly when you are having fun!
Yes, but you're my evil twin ;)