i'm having some bronchitis, so sleeping is hard because of coughing, and I gave it a go to kill off time. Addictive indeed!
one of my kids got me hooked on this.
it's incredibly simple but also kind of fun and addictive.. you start as a small cell and need to eat things to grow.
that's pretty much the game.. of course as you get bigger you can eat smaller cells too ... and bigger ones can eat you.. as you get bigger you get slower but you can "eject mass" to shrink and speed you up (w key).
i'm having some bronchitis, so sleeping is hard because of coughing, and I gave it a go to kill off time. Addictive indeed!
well, it's been brewing for a long time and i was getting ready for it, but i've finally gotten the shun-for-life from my folks.
i was going to visit them in a few months and had arranged to see my non-witness grandparents for a few days too, and invited them along.
here's there responese: (first from dad, then from mum)
so my wife has to make some home-made cookies for a work x-mas cookie exchange (i've told her to grab a handful of the receptionists 'cause hers were nice last year).. anyway.
being a supportive husband i volunteer to help and my definition of "help" is anything to do with chocolate - specifically melting it to dip the cookies in.. "ok", she says, "thanks!".
i can't believe my luck.
Bad boy! Bad boy!!
in the last 5/6 years, i've read many threads, some made me laugh , others sad such is life , but was a very pleasant experience.
so i though it was time to introduce myself a bit.. im portuguese although living in the u.k. atm.
im from a (now) jw family and i have 2 sisters.
Olá Kick50r bem vindo ao fórum.
maybe it would be possible to turn the capcha test off for a user after they have "survived" ten posts without being thrown into gehenna?.
there must be some days it seems like a thankless pain-in-the-ass, but you are rendering a truly life-saving service.. love ya, dude, (and dude-harad and all the little dudettes) in an appropriate and totally manly way!.
- your idiot fellow traveller..
Perhaps like ... can you spell 'Shibboleth' kinda test? (Judges 12:6)
the portuguese channel tvi in portugal, broadcast this documentary in october 2015 about jehovah's witnesses.
child abuse, shunning, blood transfusions and many other topics were mentioned in this report.the documentary makers asked for a response from the leadership of jehovahs witnesses to the damaging statements made by survivors of child abuse and domestic violence.
Obrigado, TJ Curioso.
my room mate just introduced me to the darkmatter2525 channel on youtube.
hilarity ensued.
enjoy .
Darkmatter2525 has some great videos. I ejoyed especially the series about Samson.
some time ago, i wrote an extensive article on shunning and published it on my website.
since that website had views on doctrinal matters that no longer reflect my current stand, i took the website down.
however, my views on this matter are still current, and for the benefit of everyone here, i'm going to post the article here.
the background history of the WTBTS/JWs change on this practice is very important for people to know.
Especially because the audience I'd like to reach extends beyond JW's and may include law-makers, secular authorities, lawyers, mental health professionals, social workers ... it's important to know what has been said, because, truth be told, the Watchtower Society never retracted one word they said in bashing the DA'd a DF'd. As far as we know, those damning words still stand.
some time ago, i wrote an extensive article on shunning and published it on my website.
since that website had views on doctrinal matters that no longer reflect my current stand, i took the website down.
however, my views on this matter are still current, and for the benefit of everyone here, i'm going to post the article here.
More material added to the article, now on Chapter 8.
Again - if someone has a personal story a poignant experience with shunning and its consequences, please contact me.
some time ago, i wrote an extensive article on shunning and published it on my website.
since that website had views on doctrinal matters that no longer reflect my current stand, i took the website down.
however, my views on this matter are still current, and for the benefit of everyone here, i'm going to post the article here.
By the way, I've been adding more and more material to the essay. It's now 97 pages long and I wonder if perhaps it will become a book.
Your insights are welcome.