I see Mega-Halls and Mega-Congregations in the larger cities where at least 5 congregations can share the building; in the countryside, meetings held in private homes with internet-streamed programs. All other KH sold.
I see Circuit Overseers disposed of and replaced by qualified COBE's who will visit neighboring congregations once a year with a reduced 2,5-day program (Friday evening to Sunday). CO's not too old will be re-assigned as COBE's of mega-congregations.
I see two multi-congregational conventions a year, lasting only 2 days (weekend), held in Convention Halls held by the JW's.
I see the disappearance of the Awake! magazine (first the paper edition, then the digital edition).
I see the disappearance of the paper study edition of the Watchtower magazine (only digital downloads).
I see the increase in printing of tracts and decrease in brochures and books. Possibly, only three study books (one for children, one basic, one advanced), plus the NWT Bible will remain being printed on a regular basis (plus specialized books such as the Manual for Elders etc). Everything else will be only available at the online library.
I see the increase in multi-media content production (including "christian music").
I see the scrapping of most Bethels still remaining, with only one or two Bethels for each continent. (Europe: UK and Germany; Africa: South Africa and Nigeria; Asia: Korea and India; Australia; North America: US; Central America: Mexico; South America: Brazil) The rest will be RTO's.
I see the multiplication of special "schools" to be held at week days at Convention Halls to maximize the use of these facilities.