I think there will be a consolidation of Circuits, and a reduction the respective number of CO’s. The visits to congregations would be twice a year, but one of those would be via zoom; end of career CO’s that require a wage and a house - experienced (retired?) elders living within the circuit could step in and, with travel expenses covered by the congregations and a small stipend to help cover for domestic use of internet, computer etc. provided by the Society.
Less kingdom halls, albeit larger and high-tech with less congregations with more people in each. I agree that presencial meetings would be narrowed to once every weekend, with a mid-week meeting conducted by zoom from the local branch. All KHs ultimately owed by one of Watchtower’s satellite corporations exclusively devoted to real estate management.
Door-to-door witnessing dropped altogether, replaced by cart witnessing. Emphasis on informal witnessing and “witnessing by example”. This would require a re-interpretation of Acts 20:20, and it shouldn’t be difficult at all. I don’t think it’s too far-fetched that they will come up with some software online tool to conduct bible studies remotely.
Ramping efforts into multimedia production and online presence, while printed publications become almost residual (NWT, one current study book, tri-monthly 32-page Watchtower magazine public edition, pamphlets. Watchtower study articles moved to digital publishing only). Investment in online advertising.
Larger gatherings reduced to a once-a-year weekend event, with a lot of eye-filling spectacle and multimedia content. They are going down the evangelical avenue, with a streak of their own.
Disfellowshipping will continue, with more offenses getting included, (I suspect that inactivity will become subject to disfellowshipping) but punishment somehow less strict on the surface, to avoid problems with secular authorities regarding human rights.
607 BCE/1914 - based chronology will be quietly faded out, replaced by a “as Jesus said, we don’t know exactly when, but anytime now” Armageddon expectation.
I expect that the blood doctrine to be further softened when it comes to medical use.