People of average or better intelligence usually have no difficulty grasping what I write. They sure may not like it, but they do grasp it.
Fallacy of Ridicule. Typical tactic of an intellectual bully.
Go and get a broad education, preferably in the hard sciences, get a Ph.D. or two, first class degrees throughout, qualify in a couple of exacting professions, spend a lifetime in reading and deep thinking on a wide variety of subjects, and then come back.
In what way acquiring the education you propose will ensure that someone will be less prone into buying into bullshit? Looking at your diatribes, it's hard not to conclude that you love buying into your own streak of bullshit. And, in what way having a lesser degree of education than the one you've suggested, or even a different type of education [say, in social sciences, for example], will cause someone to be unable to see through the WTS bullshit? To assume that someone cannot possibly reach sound conclusions unless they have the same academic input that some [i.e. you] have, is a fallacy known as Bulverism. You sure push the envelope on that particular one.
It matters little how big your contribution to the debunking of the WTS mythology has been in the past. We get it: You're a rabid opponent to the WTS, and I'm sure you have many valid reasons, even personal ones for that. And surely there's a great deal of merit in your well-intended efforts. The man-hours you've put into it - if indeed you can provide evidence that you're the one who produced them in the first place, and I won't challenge that you have - have possibly served many into making an informed decision to leave the cult are surely appreciated. Thank you.
But, having said that, you come across as a rabid lunatic troll. (Mind you, there are intellectualy brilliant lunatics). You want others to bow down to you as the uber-nemesis of the Governing Body. You will fail. And I will tell you why: You're uncapable of generating empathy. You naturally alienate everyone who doesn't lick your intellectual boots. I suspect that it matters little to you; people of your type thrive on confrontation. I've dealt with many in the past, and it's exhausting. They usually can win a debate simply by getting their opponents tired with their unstoppable verborhea. That's why this is the first and last time I will engage you. You have never experienced what it is to be one of the Jehovah's Witnesses. You haven't experienced yourself the emotional trauma, the overcoming of the doubts, the emotional rollercoaster of abandoning what we once considered "the truth"; you have never experienced the subtle cohertion of the peer pressure inside the Witnesses; You have never experienced the dreading fear of sitting before a Judicial Comittee. You have never experienced embracing the hope of an eternal life on earth (delusional as it may be), and then waking up from such sweet hope. You never experienced the love bombing in a time of emotional vulnerability, and later the loss of family and friends due to shunning. All the good and bad things of the experience of being one of the Jehovah's Witnesses - and then leaving - you have never experienced them in the flesh. If much, through others close to you, you may observe and vicariously experience it, but that's not the same, no, not at all.
So please, excuse us if many of us here don't care much for your achievements. The thing is: Unquestionably, you make many good points about the WTS. Kudos to you, you've figured the WTS out. Many here have achieved the exact same results without needing a Phd. Therefore, your self-aggrandizing, self-serving ramblings, do much more harm to the ex-JW cause than any good. And for that, you're NOT welcome.