The best overall team won.
4 weeks of football and wimbledon tennis in between!?
life is beautiful.. aaahhhh!
i'm so excited!.
The best overall team won.
the gospels were written after paul's epistles.
this is commonly acknowledged by both apologist and neutural bible scholars.
yet we see that paul says clearly in 2 corinthians 11:4 that persons were preaching different versions of jesus and different gospels before the orthodox canonized gospels were written:.
Since Luke was Paul's travelling companion, should we then conclude that Luke's version of the gospel was the one endorsed by Paul? That is, assuming that it was Luke who wrote it.
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
Brother J. A. Bohnet was also a prophet extraordinaire.
According to the Fayetteville Bulletin of April 1, 1921:
"J. A. Bohnet, International Bible student preacher who is now evangelizing in Central New York, predicts that Christ will return in 1926. He says Heaven will be setup on earth in about 38.079" [?]
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
Here's what I believe is the first news item in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle made about the "Miracle Wheat" story, on its edition of September 22, 1911. Note the relatively mild tone of the article. Definetively NOT an exposé at this time yet. There's a curious reference to a lawyer of the Watchtower Society, described as a "tall man in black" who didn't bother to say his name - I think it may be J.F. Rutherford - and the "no-guarantee results" disclaimer on the wheat. Also, "brother" Bohnet is described by the lawyer as "not a member of the [Watchtower] society". While that might have been technically true at this time (1911), nevertheless, he was in fact, since 1905 a member of a society that was controlled by the Watchtower, namely the Rosemount, Mount Hope and Evergreen United Cemeteries, as per the first post in this thread by Focus.
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
Brother / "friend" / farmer-turned-Director of the Watchtower Society misteriously dodged imprisionment with the other directors of the Watchtower Society in May 7, 1918, for we find him in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, delivering a public talk in the local convention on Setptember 2, 1918:
"At the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, convention from August 30 to September 2, 1918, about 850 attended, and there on the last day ("Kingdom Day") the Federal officers interrupted the 3 p.m. Bible talk by "pilgrim" J. A. Bohnet, barred the doors and then required all young men to show their draft registration cards. After that rude interruption the Bible talk was resumed by the speaker." - "Then is The Finished Mystery of God", p. 274/275
How did he do it?
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
Brother / "friend" / farmer extraordinaire J. A. Bohnet was also the writer of the 64-page booklet "Features of The Plan of God" (1905)
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
Brother "friend" John A. Bohnet, Watchtower "farmer", sales executive and designer extraordinaire:
For his exceptional competence as a farmer extraordinaire and sales director for the "miracle wheat", J. F. Rutherford elected him as a director for the Watchtower Society in 1917.
(Second from the right)
He was so close to Russell that he even went on to design Russell's famous pyramid-shaped grave memorial.
From: Program of the 1921 Annual Meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society : "The Pyramid monument erected at the grave of Brother Russell was sketched by Brother J.A. Bohnet and approved by Brother Russell several years ago. It was his desire that such a monument be erected on this lot and he set about to procure the materials before his death. After Brother Russell's death, Brother Rutherford, learning that Brother Russell had ordered the erection of this monument asked Brother Bohnet to proceed at once to get the material and let the contract for its construction and erection."
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
After the case against the Brooklyn Daily Eagle was lost, Russell wrote on the Watchtower: (February 15, 1913, p. 62)
I am interested in everything progressive and tending to prove that we are entering the great Thousand Years of earth’s blessings under Messiah. In the columns of THE WATCH TOWER I have noted the coming of Divine blessings in fulfilment of the prediction that “The wilderness shall blossom as the rose,” “The earth shall yield her increase,” etc. Five years ago we quoted in THE WATCHTOWER columns reports respecting “Miracle Wheat.” We gave the name and address (Mr. Stoner) of the farmer who discovered this new wheat and his reports of its remarkable qualities. We published also the report of Mr. Miller, the Government expert, who thoroughly investigated it and pronounced upon its superior qualities.
Some of our readers purchased seed from Mr. Stoner at $1.25 per pound and approved it. In 1910 one of the friends of our Society, [note: turns out to be brother J. A. Bohnet] who had raised some of this wheat, sold it for seed at $1.00 per pound, and donated the proceeds to our Society. In 1911 the same friend, having raised more seed, asked that THE WATCH TOWER give the benefit of this to its readers at $1.00 a pound post-paid, and appropriate the net results to the furtherance of its work. (...) For the accommodation of our readers, we allowed this seed-wheat to be put up in pound packages and mailed from THE WATCH TOWER Office, just as the U.S. Government handles such seeds at Washington. We did the business at the request of others and in their interest, and credited them on our books with the results, setting aside to them proportionately voting shares in our Society. (...) It was in vain that my attorney sought to show the Jury The Eagle’s malice — that it really was attacking me along religious grounds; that it had set itself as the champion of certain clerical enemies of mine, and was seeking to destroy my influence and, if possible, to drive me from Brooklyn. (...) He was allowed to ridicule the “Miracle Wheat,” although I had nothing whatever to do with it, nor with the naming of it; and notwithstanding the fact that its superiority was proven. He was allowed to inveigh against the fact as criminal, that I hold the office of President of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, and to claim that I hold the office in some corrupt or unlawful manner, and that I misuse the Society’s income in some unexplained way to my own advantage. (...)"
What Russell failed to say in court - and the court failed to ask, apparently - was in whose land this "Miracle Wheat" was being farmed by brother "friend" J. A. Bohnet: No more, no less the land that was acquired for the Rosemount, Mount Hope end Evergreen United Cemeteries; coincidentally, or not, brother J. A. Bohnet was part of the original people who incorporated the entity that owned this land, back in 1905. So, it appears that, while Russell was waiting for the real estate value to climb, instead of using the land as a cemetery, he used it - via J.A.Bohnet - to cultivate the "Miracle Wheat" to sell to Watchtower readers.
So, the claim that the "friend" [Bohnet] donated the results of the "Miracle Wheat" sale for "furthering the work" is an attempt to cover-up a commercial endeavour by the Watchtower leader, Russell.
Edited to add:
In a letter addressed to Russell and published in Zion's Watchtower, (November 15, 1913, p. 350) brother/friend/Watchtower Farmer J.A. Bohnet wrote:
Last spring a brother in the West sent me a supply of pea-beans, assuring me "they are very good." I planted them in rows similar to pea-planting and find they bloom and bear continuously from early summer until cut by frost in the fall. We are still picking them for table use at this date, October 14. We have more seed than we need. Am sending you a supply for such of THE TOWER readers as have garden space and may desire some to plant next spring. Should they wish to pay the postage on as many as you could apportion, that would,of course, be their privilege; I donate them. I might state, the stalk resembles a bean stalk, but within the long pods are peas, and suitable for cooking in the pods green, or, after ripening, shelled. They are tender and taste unlike beans or peas. We all like them. Until nearly ripe the pods are stringless or nearly so.
In Christian love, your brother and servant in the Lord, J. A. BOHNET."
Funny how this "brother" fails to mention that he is an employee of the Watchtower corporation and the land that he's farming is controlled by the WTS, thus mocking the unwary readers of the Watchtower magazine, in that there's no "donation" whatsoever, as this is a letter of an employee to his boss.
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
This is a side note, but I've found this on the Brooklyn Daily Eagle of March, 3, 1910.
It's unrelated with "Pastor Russell" controversy, but at least shows that the Brooklyn Daily Eagle conducted exposés on other clerigy men just the same way they have done to Russell, and around the same time, which leads me to conclude that they didn't have a 'personal vendetta' against Russell in particular, but clearly it was an editorial line that the newspaper pursuited.
In this particular case, the target was Rev. Victor Patterson.
Edit: To see a larger, readable version, look here.
elder 1. .
elder 2.. .
elder 3.. .
Great story, Dis-Member!
Let each one draw its own conclusions ...