OrphanCrow, you said
you are acknowledging the importance of the Jewish faith in the develoment of the Christian religion. Therefore, I don't see how questioning the validity of the Old Testament doesn't come into play in this.
I never questioned the relevance of the Old Testament into the understanding of the Christian wordview. Like I said, the Pauline version of Christianity - or, better, Christianity IS Paul's much altered version of the Jesus movement - can stand on its own without needing theological support from the OT except to provide it context. The OT is relevant, of course, to understand the nature of the Jesus movement, because it's through and through jewish in nature. But in order to do so, one needs to handle the NT with extreme care because nearly all of it, (with the exception of James and Jude) is written under heavy Pauline point of view. And this includes the four biblical gospels.
As for the OT, the mere fact that the apocalyptical movement that Jesus came to be the symbol of FAILED in its intents and aspirations, should be a cautionary tale about taking the jewish OT as "truth". Point is, I had already discarded them even before I started my examination of the NT scripture and apocrypha. It's an interesting set of texts, some wisdom can be retrieved out of it, but I don't let it have any wheight on my worldview anymore. Sadly, I'm coming to the exact same conclusion about the NT as well.
Ps: I can see Cofty with a wicked smile saying: "told you so, Eden, told you so..."