Yes, but you're my evil twin ;)
according to the new software i have been here for ten years.
should i be getting parole around now?
doesn't time fly when you are having fun!
Yes, but you're my evil twin ;)
a talk was given by gb member david splane in the february 2015 jw broadcasting video.
he talks about unity and sings the praises of jws.
he points his finger at the catholics and says this about them (39.32)-.
On September 28th, 1933, Martin Herbeck, delegate for Rutherford's Jehovah's Witnesses of Europe, wrote a petition that was delivered to Germany's president Von Hindenburg, the Reich's Chancellor Adolf Hitler, and to the minister-president of Prussia, stating that:
"We have never accepted Communists or Marxists in our religious denomination. And the denomination certainly does not include any Jews. Even so, all IBSA members appreciate the National Socialist government because of the fact that Hitler and his State profess to be Christians".
- From the book "Jehovah's Witnesses - Between Resistance and Martyrdom"
a talk was given by gb member david splane in the february 2015 jw broadcasting video.
he talks about unity and sings the praises of jws.
he points his finger at the catholics and says this about them (39.32)-.
Brother David Splane, you should be reminded of a very inconvenient fact.
Not only the Jehovah's Witnesses did nothing to help the Jews, which is something that you point the finger to Roman Catholics, they actively supported the Nazi regime in its anti-semitic vitriol, and, even more incredibly, scolded and disavowed any Witness who denounced Hitler's ill treatment of the Jews!
In May of 1933, the Gestapo raided the house of a former Jehovah's Witness, Ewald Vorsteher, thinking he was still an active member. They found in his house materials denouncing the anti-semitic and inhuman objectives of the Nazi regime. When the HQ of the Witnesses in Germany realized that the Gestapo was mistakingly linking the Jehovah's Witnesses with anti-Nazi activity, they became very uncomfortable and embarrassed. So, they promptly went on to denounce Mr. Vorsteher in the harshest terms and distance themselves from any disharmony with the Nazi authorities. In a letter of January 28, 1935 to the Nazi Home Office by one of the Watchtower Society’s official representatives Hans Dollinger, it reads:
“… I became painfully aware of the outrageousness of what this man named Vorsteher has done. I can really understand that the National Socialist state will not put up with such a thing… Never during all the years that National Socialism fought for Germany has the Bible Student’s Association tried to impair the fight. Never in any talk given, nor in written form, nor in it’s overall policies the association has given any negative statement against National Socialism. This applies to Germany… as well as to foreign countries in general.”
It's only ironic and hypocrite that, in 1996 (Awake! June, p.4), and really to this day, the Witnesses keep actually bragging how they “courageously spoke out and exposed Nazism as the evil that it was.”
What a bunch of opportunistic, revisionist, hypocrites!
a talk was given by gb member david splane in the february 2015 jw broadcasting video.
he talks about unity and sings the praises of jws.
he points his finger at the catholics and says this about them (39.32)-.
One can ask just the same:
What have the Roman Jehovah's Witnesses did for the Jews in Rome during WW2? Anything worth mentioning or that went on record?
And what is he comparing? Catholics who did nothing to help Jews, whilst Jehovah's Witnesses "risked their lives on behalf of fellow believers..." Apples and oranges. Jehovah's Witnesses did NOTHING to help the Jews either.
Brother Splane, you utter ignorant and hypocrite, consider, for example, Mr. Aristides de Sousa Mendes: "A Portuguese diplomat and devout Catholic, Aristides de Sousa Mendes (1885-1954) was one of the greatest heroes of World War II who disobeyed his superiors' orders to save 30,000 refugees, including over 10,000 Jews, during June 1940 while Consul General of Portugal in Bordeaux, France." So, there - here's an example of a "devout catholic" who saved the lives of 10.000 Jews who weren't even his "fellow believers". Because of his disobedience, the authorities of the Portuguese dictatorship of Oliveira Salazar made sure that he lost his job and diplomatic career, and he died in absolute poverty. Only decades after his death were his humanitarian heroic acts rediscovered and his memory rehabilitated.
well, this is a new development.
she broached the subject of ttatt tonight.
said i was right about the flood.
Congratulations, you both seem to be on the same page and she appears to be really waking up. As others have stated steps. Take it easy and slow, and let her do her own research, don't shove it all down on her throat. Respect her pace. Offer her some clues on subjects that you find hard to deal with regarding the Witnesses and the Organization, but let her do her research on her own, as nothing is more intimately rewarding than to come to your own conclusions without being forced into it. Expect some bursts of "apostate" thinking, followed by some retractions driven by guilt and fear. Relax - it's all part of the process of letting go of something we all once cherished. Just be there for her and reassure her that you have her back, no matter what follows next - and be prepared, because it will require courage and determination to face what's coming to you both.
i'm no expert and do not claim to be in regards to how evolution works but this small test did make think how all things are related and have evolved from one common ancestor.
the horrible example that i grew up hearing about a watch not being able to assemble itself or plane after a tornado, etc... dawkins would say, "well of course not" but mit seems to be on the path to make us think twice.
I think it does nothing to prove evolution; if anything, it would make a case for intelligent design. But in the end, I think any analogy with how life came to be isn't suitable.
ok guys, this is long, so i am sorry, but i think it is important to publish.
this is a glimpse into a 4 page letter (love that song) from my uber elder uncle.
as some of you may know i got tired of being in an email chain and finally lost it and lashed out.
i always took issue with the idea of no one knowing why a person got df.. i know im not alone.. i complained to my mother about this when i was younger, explaining that how do we know what it is that gets a person df if no one knows what they did?
my moms answer was , .
'if people knew a persons personal faults and what they did , others would not be so forgiving when they were reinstated, because we'd always view them with that view, so in other words, if when so n so, committed fornication, and the whole cong would know it, if they announced from the platform then his/her reputation would be permanently stained' .
I think the GB took a lesson from the Olin Moyle case and know better than to go on public and acuse someone of some wrongdoing, real or not. They know such behavior can turn against themselves and be taken to court and won by the DF person. That's why they don't state the reasons publicly. I actually agree that it shouldn't be publicized, so to avoid adding unecessary stigma to an already unpleasant situation.
Of course, the rumour mill is the drawback of this situation. I wasn't DF'd but after my JC I stopped attending meetings. Those close to me know that the reason for the JC was an allegation of apostasy. However, gossip going around has it that I've been attending meetings of another religious group! How insane is that?
according to the new software i have been here for ten years.
should i be getting parole around now?
doesn't time fly when you are having fun!
Hey, no molestation of kitties allowed!
did you see the last episode?
that nicely dressed, freshly-shaven young man that came out from behind the trees at the very end and said:.
i didn't mean to interrupt.
I he was a JW he would have immediately placed a brochure "Is There Hope For The Dead?", because ... ermm... they're all dead!!!
I won't spoil too much, but apparently Aaron in one of the 'good guys'. But he could NEVER be a JW, for reasons you'll find out soon enough.
Love the show, btw!