Brother David Splane, you should be reminded of a very inconvenient fact.
Not only the Jehovah's Witnesses did nothing to help the Jews, which is something that you point the finger to Roman Catholics, they actively supported the Nazi regime in its anti-semitic vitriol, and, even more incredibly, scolded and disavowed any Witness who denounced Hitler's ill treatment of the Jews!
In May of 1933, the Gestapo raided the house of a former Jehovah's Witness, Ewald Vorsteher, thinking he was still an active member. They found in his house materials denouncing the anti-semitic and inhuman objectives of the Nazi regime. When the HQ of the Witnesses in Germany realized that the Gestapo was mistakingly linking the Jehovah's Witnesses with anti-Nazi activity, they became very uncomfortable and embarrassed. So, they promptly went on to denounce Mr. Vorsteher in the harshest terms and distance themselves from any disharmony with the Nazi authorities. In a letter of January 28, 1935 to the Nazi Home Office by one of the Watchtower Society’s official representatives Hans Dollinger, it reads:
“… I became painfully aware of the outrageousness of what this man named Vorsteher has done. I can really understand that the National Socialist state will not put up with such a thing… Never during all the years that National Socialism fought for Germany has the Bible Student’s Association tried to impair the fight. Never in any talk given, nor in written form, nor in it’s overall policies the association has given any negative statement against National Socialism. This applies to Germany… as well as to foreign countries in general.”
It's only ironic and hypocrite that, in 1996 (Awake! June, p.4), and really to this day, the Witnesses keep actually bragging how they “courageously spoke out and exposed Nazism as the evil that it was.”
What a bunch of opportunistic, revisionist, hypocrites!