It's only "racism" when it's promoted by the dominant majority. Or didn't you get the memo? Turn it around and it will be called "empowerment" of minorities [previously oppressed or whatnot]. What most people don't get - it's UNFAIR, and it's the seed of a new fashion of racism. Because racism and segregation - promoted by a minority or a majority, it's still RACISM and SEGREGATION. Better call a spade a spade. If the Rwanda (and Burundi) history since the Belgians left the territory serves as a lesson, remember that Tutsis and Hutus took turns in mass-murdering each other since 1959, all based in racial-ethnical discrimination, which shifted as the minority became power or the majority took over power. Racism and segregation are still racism and segregation, even when they are promoted by the less favored minority - because it fuels the future aspiration that, once the minority is able to grab the power, they will have their revenge.