"We hold that defendants had no duty to warn the Congregation or Conti’s parents that Kendrick had molested a child, but that defendais can be held liable for failing to limit and supervise Kendrick’s “field service,” a church-sponsored activity where members go door-to-door preaching in the community. Kendrick had unsupervised access to Conti during field service that he used as opportunities to molest her. Because breach of the alleged duty to warn was the sole basis for imposition of punitive damages on Watchtower, we reverse that portion of the judgment, with directions to enter judgment for Watchtower on the punitive damage claim. The compensatory damage award is affirmed."
Seems to me that Ms. Conti's legal team made a mistake here, when they based their claim for punitive damages solely on the duty of the Watchtower to warn (the court disagreed it had said duty), and not also on their negligence to supervise Kendrick's field service activity. I presume that, if the claim had been based on the latter, the Watchtower would have lost that as well. No doubt the Watchtower dodged a finantial bullet - for now.
edit: thank you cappytan