I've found an excellent resource in the portuguese language to help those wanting to investigate the true story behind the Jehovah's Witnesses. The book is called "Tudo O Que Queria Saber Acerca Das Testemunhas De Jeová, Mas Tinha Medo De Perguntar" (Everything You Wanted To Know About The Jehovah's Witnesses But Were Afraid To Ask).
The book is written in very acceptable Portuguese (Brazilian variety), but doesn't state who the author name is. The author, clearly an ex-Witness, still professes belief in the validity of the Bible and Christianity, although professes no current religious affiliation. It appears to have been written somewhere around 2011, so it doesn't include the latest developments about the "faithful and discrete slave = Governing Body" and "overlapping generations" teachings.
The book covers the origins of the Jehovah's Witnesses (I have found particularly good the way the author analyses the influences that CT Russell had, from Miller to Henry Grew to George Storrs to Nelson Barbour), the failed prophecies of 1914, 1925 and 1975; the blood issue; the "generation" issue; an easy to understand thorough explanation on how the Witnesses got the date of 607 BCE all wrong and dismantles every argument that the Watchtower Society has put forth to defend it; analyzes how we got the meaning of the "last days" prophecy all wrong; dismantles the teaching regarding the "image of the beast" and the secret relationship the WTS had with the UN as an NGO; the medical stances and pseudo-scientific quackery of the WTS throughout its history (with a precious set of quotes from past publications that will blow your mind); the doctrinal flip-flops over the years; how we got the use of God's name wrong; the fallacies behind the denial of the cross and prohibition of birthdays; and analyzes what attracts people to the Witnesses and how the WTS uses propaganda to make the Witnesses stay in. And more.
Mrs. Eden is having a blast reading it. To me it wasn't exactly new material (except in the way it explains clearly how Russell was influenced by his predecessors), but to see this written in portuguese is great. Whoever wrote this, did a great job. Highly recommended.
Here's the link to the downloadable pdf.