I don't think they're finantially broke. They are ethically broke, though - big time. This seems to be part of a previously thought out plan that simply got rushed recently, maybe due to Warwick / Walkill being grossly over budget, and they may be sniffing lawsuits in the air and reading the writing on the wall regarding shortage of donations. Remember that study article on the November 2013 issue of Watchtower regarding the attack of the "Assyrian"?
"When “the Assyrian” attacks, the elders must be absolutely convinced that Jehovah will deliver us. At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not." - Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes, paragraph 17
Well, here it is. These are the type of instructions that don't seem to fit with the Organization's typical mantras: "The growth is evidence of Jehovah's blessing" or "We need more Kingdom Halls to welcome new members" or "We will never beg for money" or "A carreer in Bethel or Special Pioneering is the best, most gratifying and more secure carreer you can ever choose". Many Witnesses will soon be dumbfunded, but soon too they will rationalize that the GB must have some special insight from Jehovah that Armageddon is nigh, so these changes are evidence of an accelerating celestial car.
Their decisions make absolute sense when seen from a corporate for-profit business perspective. ( The difference here is that they're not professional managers, so they sometimes make stupid, costly business decisions ). What they're doing is putting the usual religious, spiritual spin on it, to foster the end-times hype that keeps people on their toes and ready to jump when they're told to jump.
You just can't win with cult mentallity. Sure, some will wake up, but that's just collateral damage for the GB. The ones who will stay will be more hardcore than ever.