I very seldom receive a call from my JW siblings, I mean seldom. I can count them on my hand in past 10 years. While we talk about mom a lot and I am in touch with her, I was very surprised when I received this call. My initial reaction was that something bad happened to my mom. She is scheduled for surgery in this week or so. So my sweat just poured. However, this call was not about mom or my nieces or nephews, but about Armageddon starting this month!
Anyway, I answer the call and my sibling told me that elder and his wife stopped by (I know them both since 1980's and they are just couple years older than me); was told that they must increasing a preaching activity as the END is eminent. The refugees are sign of the end, and Russian involvement in Syria is fulfillment of Biblical prophecies. For next 20 minutes I was subjected of various bible verses reading on fulfillment of big "A" in 101 year since Jesus started rule.
After all these preaching non-sense, I was asked if I am not afraid to be destroyed in next couple days! My answer was if I made it so far that long, I am really not afraid nor care much about it. So, I was interrupted, with question "You are really not interested in returning to Jah, WT, KH? I answered if they will continue worshiping WT after October 31? This pretty much ended the call.
So, I contacted my mom, and she told me that all KH speeches and publications are weaker, and dumber as years go by. And she started joking if big "A" will start during the surgery or afterwards. My niece told me that my JW cousins are vehemently insisting that the END is here. My niece lives 300KM apart from her mom, so she goes to KH, which indicates me that this is a new light. Does anyone encountered recently similar activity around the world?