I would like to see someone hack the official website. If it's been done with the FBI's computers, why can't it be done with jw.org? Or do they have better security?
That would prove to most JWs that the organisation doesn't have God's backing!
i ask this question for good reason.
let's face it, despite all the books, videos, forums, court cases, hearings, protests etc that have been exposing the society for many years.
jw.org continues to roll on almost 'it seems' unscathed.. for example, just walk into any kingdom hall there is not so much as a whisper about anything that has been exposed outside of jw land.
I would like to see someone hack the official website. If it's been done with the FBI's computers, why can't it be done with jw.org? Or do they have better security?
That would prove to most JWs that the organisation doesn't have God's backing!
some of the videos on youtube really make the beard policy look ridiculous.
i wondered what would happen if the jw beard policy caused someone to stumble?
jesus most likely wore a beard, and charles taze russell had a beard.
Whatever the case, how regrettable it is when such overly sensitive ones allow themselves to be offended by trifles..."
Indeed it is. I love trifles, especially when they are made with real Sherry!
some of the videos on youtube really make the beard policy look ridiculous.
i wondered what would happen if the jw beard policy caused someone to stumble?
jesus most likely wore a beard, and charles taze russell had a beard.
wearing a beard can b be met with a loss of privileges.
The Governing Body are such hypocrites as is evidenced by this fiasco. First of all, a beard is nothing to do with conscience at all: it's a natural part of being a male adult. It would be equally absurd to start arguing about whether going to the loo was for christians or not: it's a point of nature, end of.
Plus, their tactic of saying one thing to the public (and in this case the congregation) but doing another only goes to further highlight their hypocrisy. If, according to them, beards are OK in the country and area where they live, then why don't they allow brothers in Bethel to have them or have parts on the assembly with them? Oh look, double standards...again!
some of the videos on youtube really make the beard policy look ridiculous.
i wondered what would happen if the jw beard policy caused someone to stumble?
jesus most likely wore a beard, and charles taze russell had a beard.
How grateful we are that Jehovah does not give us long lists of what is acceptable dress and grooming and what is not.
No, that's what we have the WTS for: they make rules where God doesn't!
having now been out of the cult for a few years, it really shocks me about some of the nonsense i used to believe in.
like for instance, christ ruling in the midst of his enemies, but doing so invisibly.. let's let that one sink in for a minute.
you've supposedly got a king who is ruling for a kingdom, but it is an invisible rule.
Damn. Kate had telepathically said to me that we were exclusive.
You are. haven't you heard the new light on the word "exclusive"? It doesn't just mean one person but rather overlapping people, so she wasn't lying!
just stopping by to share this... .
after seeing a watchtower representative paste the same thing over and over, about jw.org being available in 850 languages.... we all know how the watchtower loves to boast about the number of languages it translates into.
what are the facts?
I'd like to quote English comedian Vic Reeves who said:
82.5% of all statistics are made up on the spot!
i don't know if any of you have seen the video posted by mike and kim regarding jw.org advertising on a thailand computer game review television show.
its interesting - check it out.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57nigmnim18.
the show is called game show social - i looked at a few of the videos and jw.org is on a lot of them.. at first i thought that it was a review of a jw.org app but when you look at other videos jw.org is on a lot of them as a sponsor as well as dell lg and others.. wgo..
Mike and Kim are the poster ad for their typical apostate (the ones that WTS would like you to think that they are all like): unreasonable, unhinged, insulting and uneducated.
The moment that Mike started hurling insults at other ExJWs, I never watched them again. They're just as bad as the GB. Plus, anyone that starts shouting or ranting, automatically says to me that there's no basis to their argument.
They should take a lesson from JT (Critical Thinker); now THERE'S an apostate that knows how to reason and is all the things Mike and Kim are not: elegant, reasonable, calm, articulate, educated, never insults anybody, and doesn't urge you to see things as he does.
it's tuesday morning 16 may 2017!.....
australia: royal commission has led to more than 100 child abuse prosecutions.
the guardian, 15 may 2017. .
Regarding the letter about reading paragraphs, I'm not sure if that's legit mainly due to the date: 14th May 2017, which is a Sunday and nobody in the committees in Bethel works on a Sunday. I could be wrong of course but we haven't had that letter yet in Spain.
as far as i know, i did a search, and you may not know this but, the last song play during a music video of the regional convention, was not of watchtower.
it's stolen from a group called audiomachine off their album epica.
the song is called eternal flame and it is exactly and i mean, note for note the same as the music video.
Come on guys, get your facts straight. They bought it.
Actually I bought it myself for around €3 (it was in dollars). Pretty good music too. I'm always up for supporting Indie music.
how many in your age group are still jehovahs witnesses?
from where we are at, there aren't many left.
each year it gets smaller and smaller haha .
You used the magic word "generation". Given that this now means overlapping generations of any age then around 8 million who are obviously never going to die! (Said with the sarcasm on the highest setting)